Archive for the 'Public Service' Category

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Press refuses again to check and report the facts, this time in BART shooting

April 1st, 2009 by xformed

The crescent memorial to Flight 93 would have been stopped long ago if the media was willing to check and report simple facts like the Mecca-orientation of the giant crescent. The same thing happens whenever the facts of a case are not congenial to our left-wing elites.

Another extreme example is now taking place in Oakland California, where inflammatory reports of police criminality in the New Year’s Day shooting of Oscar Grant are held up by the Oakland street mob as justication for last week’s murder of four police officers. Even after this massacre of Oakland police, the press still refuses to publish dramatic exculpatory evidence in the Oscar Grant case.

Video proof that Oscar Grant swung his own arm up onto his own back AFTER he was shot by BART officer Johannes Mehserle

Oscar Grant was lying face down on the ground when he was shot in the back by BART officer Johannes Mehserle, who seems to have thought he was firing his newly issued Taser. (Fellow officer Tony Pirone told investigators buy Exit Wounds that Mehserle said he was going to Tase Grant, then warned him to get clear just before firing.)

If Mehserle did experience Taser confusion then he is not guilty of ANY crime. This is what the DA asserted in an earlier California case of Taser confusion:

Wyatt explained that without the intent of criminal negligence, criminal charges against Noriega could not be sustained.

“The required aggravation … did not occur in this case,” he said.

Criminal negligence is based on foreseeable consequences. If Mehserle thought he was firing his Taser, he can only be liable for the foreseeable consequences of firing his Taser, not his gun. The shooting at that point is just an accident, and the only person who is responsible for creating the dangerous situation in which that accident occurred is Oscar Grant, with his reckless and criminal decision to fight with the police for 30 seconds.

Alameda District Attorney Tom Orloff set aside the Noriega precedent on the grounds that:

… both of Grant’s hands were behind his back, a position hands are commonly placed in by police officers in order to handcuff individuals, when the shot was fired into his body.

Orloff somehow decided that the fact that Grant’s hands seemed to be in a compliance position made the shooting “an intentional act” that calls for a charge of murder.

This makes little sense. We already know that Mehserle intended to pull the trigger. His claim is that he thought he was pulling the trigger on his Taser, a point which is unaffected by the position of Grant’s hands. Nevertheless, this is the weak reed upon which Orloff decided to hang murder charges, and it turns out to be verifiably false. Grant’s hands were NOT both on his back when the shot was fired, as can be seen when the video is slowed down.

Here is an animation of the fatal second:
Fatal second
37;05 – 37;29 of KTVU’s highlighted cell phone video Charlotte’s Web dvdrip Double Indemnity ipod of the shooting, slowed to 1/2 second a frame. Red circle (added) shows the first appearance of officer Mehserle’s muzzle flash.

At the start of the animation (after the black frame), Officer Pirone (kneeling on Grant’s shoulder and neck) has just gotten control of Grant’s right hand, pulling it up behind Grant’s back. As the action starts, Pirone lets go and draws back (presumably in response to Mehserle’s Taser warning). Look at the spot where Pirone’s arm pulls back behind his own body. From about this same spot in the image, Grant’s left arm then appears, as Grant starts to swing his own arm up towards his own back. One frame after Grant’s left arm first appears (1/15th of a second later), Mehserle’s muzzle-flash first appears (red circle). Then Grant finishes swinging his own arm up onto his own back.

Here is a frame grab of the fatal instant (37;17):

When Mehserle’s muzzle flash first appears (red circle) Grant has just started to swing his own left arm (circled in blue) around behind his own back (presumably in a belated attempt to avoid getting Tased).

Grant’s left hand was NEVER under either officer’s control, after they both fought for 30 seconds to get control of it, with Mehserle telling Pirone from the beginning that he thought Grant was “going for his waistband”. Thus Mehserle was certainly justified in trying to Tase Grant, and the clear evidence that he WAS trying to Tase Grant makes this almost certainly an accidental shooting, in which case Mehserle is innocent of ANY crime.

Alec Rawls (the author of these blobgurst posts) has been trying for six weeks to get Bay Area print and television news to let the public know about about this video proof that Orloff’s stated grounds for charging officer Mehserle with murder is FALSE. This isn’t just news. It vitiates the state’s own accusations of criminal behavior, now being used to justify acts of war against the Oakland Police, yet despite repeated outreach to most of the reporters who have been covering this story, the local press still won’t report it.

The press also refuses to fact-check Pirone’s claim that the video shows Grant kneeing him multiple times in the groin

Oakland is also inflamed by another portion of the Oscar Grant video, about a minute and a half before the shooting, where Officer Pirone knocks Grant to the ground with a forearm to his head. KTVU interviewed two law professors who both interpreted the blow as an unprovoked criminal assault. Professor Peter Keane, of UC Hastings was the most emphatic:

That officer is committing a crime. … There’s no question in my mind that that’s vivid powerful evidence that he committed a vicious physical assault, unprovoked, upon a citizen, for absolutely no reason.

UC Boalt Professor Franklin Zimring added an important qualification, but unless the public learns that the qualification does in fact apply, the effect is the same:

Unless there’s something more that we don’t see, then the degree of force that was use, and the way it was used, are not justified.

Officer Pirone’s lawyer Bill Rapoport told the press that a frame by frame analysis of the video shows that Pirone was responding to multiple knees to the groin by Grant, but again, our biased media is refusing to fact-check and reported on the accuracy of this easy to verify claim. All they have to do is slow down the video and take a look. Immediately before Pirone strikes Grant, Grant can be seen driving his knees up above 90° into Pirone’s groin. Here is a frame grab of one of the knees:

Little Big League film

Grant knees Pirone in the groin
9;05 from KTVU’s raw cell phone video. Surrounding frames show the denim “7” shape in this frame to be Oscar Grant’s right knee, coming up above 90° as Grant tries to knee Pirone in the groin. Full segment here:

The accusations of criminal assault by Pirone are FALSE. He was defending himself against a criminal assault, as anyone can verify just by looking.

KTVU actually slowed the video down for professors Keane and Zimring, but obviously not enough. All KTVU has to do to verify the accuracy of Pirone’s claims is open up their laptop again and slow the video down a bit more, but they have yet to report this video proof that Pirone was defending himself against a vicious assault by Oscar Grant.

If prosecutors claimed that frame by frame analysis showed some previously undetected evidence of police criminality, the frame by frame video would be prime time news for a week. Since it proves Pirone’s innocence, the press is not interested. Even with the murder of four policemen being justified as retaliation for the alleged criminal behavior of Mehserle and Pirone, the entire bay area media remains silent.

So let’s us break the story. The innocence of Pirone and the almost certain innocence of Mehserle are major unreported news. Shout it at the top of your blogs!

If we can break this story, not only might we save some lives in blue, but we can direct the resulting attention to other explosive facts that the media refuses to examine and report, like the terrorist memorial mosque The Falcon and the Snowman movie now being built on the Flight 93 crash site.

The Mecca-orientation of the giant crescent makes it a mihrab

Dnevnoy dozor movie , the central feature around which every mosque is built. They call it a broken circle now, but the unbroken part of the circle, what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11, remains exactly as it was in the original Crescent of Embrace design. It is still a giant Islamic shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

Matilda dvdrip

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Maj David Howell needs our help to help

March 23rd, 2009 by xformed

Ambassadors in muddy boots. This is what they do. There are many stories like this, where Americans have reached out to serve a need for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Please consider helping out in this case.

Soldier David Howell seeks medical care for burned Iraqi child
by Beata Mostafavi | Flint Journal

Monday March 23, 2009, 8:16 AM

Iraqi 12-year-old Mohammed and Maj. David Howell, a physician’s assistant from a Flint-based National Guard battalion.

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FLINT, Michigan —

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In a two-room, dirt-floor dwelling shared by a family of seven in Iraq, 12-year-old Mohammed awaits word that he can come to America.

In Michigan, Maj. David Howell, a physician’s assistant from a Flint-based National Guard battalion, works to bring the badly burned Iraqi boy here for surgeries that could give him a new future in his home country.

“He asked me, in his own words, if I could help save him,” said Howell, 55, of Grand Ledge, who met Mohammed in November on his second tour of Iraq.

Mohammed received his visa a week ago but is still getting funneled through government channels for his planned visit, which could be weeks away.

Meanwhile, a team of surgeons is studying Mohammed’s photographs, going over each burn, each blister and scar, planning for a series of plastic and reconstructive surgeries.

To add some more background to this saga, read this part of the story:

Howell also learned that Mohammed’s father had worked as an interpreter for the U.S. Marines — and it cost him his life.

Insurgents tracked the family down, murdering Mohammed’s father and uncle, leaving him, his mother and five siblings without a father or income.

“You have this Iraqi boy injured as an infant and a family that has really suffered because the husband came to the assistance of the U.S. military,” said Howell, a father of three who has established the nonprofit Martyr Medical Fund for Children

to raise money for the cause. “His father was doing the right thing and lost his life because of it.

You can donate online here.

Category: Public Service | 1 Comment »

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: “We have an Islamist design here that can't go forward, please.”

November 15th, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition Dune release The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John move
Powerful video of Tom Burnett Senior and Alec Rawls at the August 2nd Memorial project meeting. The clip below is Part 1 of Alec’s new video exposé, starting with Mr. Burnett ‘s appeal to the American people to please help him stop the Park Service from planting a giant Islamic shaped crescent atop his son’s grave.

embedded by Embedded Video

Part one: it points to Mecca. Clip covers the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent, the phony redesign, and the crescent-topped minaret. Lots of unaired news video and animated graphics, bookended with the coolest spaghetti western music ever.A terror war battle that we can still win, despite a president-elect who does not want to fightRational people still want to defeat the Islamofascist enemy, but half of the electorate will now get its way in pretending that there is no Reach for the Sky move enemy. Exposing and stopping the terrorist Memorial to flight 93 is a chance for the rest of us to still achieve victory, and on multiple fronts at once. Not only can we foil an enemy plot, but we can at the same time expose the willful blindness of those peace-at-any-cost countrymen who are engaged in blatant cover-up

of the most damning facts about the crescent design.

These are the two battles we need to win. We have to expose and stop the deceptive agents of Islamic conquest, and we have to expose and stop the peacenik cover-up of every enemy threat.

We also need to stop the re-hijacking of Flight 93 for its own sake. Just listen to Mr. Burnett’s insistence on a proper memorial for his son Tom and the other heroes. Yes, the battle over the memorial is only symbolic, but as our Democrat-controlled media just proved by delivering Obama to the presidency, it is the information war that ultimately determines everything.

To those conservatives who have been staying away from the memorial controversy, please reconsider. All of our claims about the Memorial are easy to verify. This is a real attack on our country, and in the age of Obama, it is a rare battle that we are still in a position to win. The father of one of America’s greatest heroes is pleading for your help, but he is also offering tremendous help, if you will only hear him out.

(To join our blogbursts, just send Trailer Park Boys: The Movie psp Noelle movies your blog’s url.)

A Veterans Day Week appeal from Flopping Aces His Musical Career movie

One of our blogburst participants, Curt at Flopping Aces, e-mails a reminder about the great work done by the VALOUR-IT program at Soldiers’ Angels, delivering computer-based help to wounded soldiers.

Category: Public Service | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: “We have an Islamist design here that can't go forward, please.”

Ok, Doggies…Your Turn!

August 5th, 2008 by xformed

It began thusly with the folks who brought you a loud and proud “OORAH!”,

then the the surface bound “bus drivers” How About You film for the aforementioned.
Next: the Zoomies

And…finally, now the ground component has it’s place in the structure.

My testimonial? I can only speak for the Navy site, but I have been contacted by and contacted shipmates from many decades gone by. I have been blessed with other “shipmates” in a larger sense, who willingly shared their stories of history with me when I went searching for others involved in operations I blogged about.

The TWS staff has put a great tool together, designed for military type social networking. Bring a few buddies to the table and they make it worth your while, but if you’re not in to the “refer a freind” life style, then $20/yr isn’t pretty reasonable in my book.

Hey, Army types…give it a shot…you never know who you might find after all there years.

Note regarding the flap when all of a sudden the USAF got their site and some boneheaded Major declared it an OPSEC nightmare: THe US Military didn’t come to have the wonderful public confidence ratings because the members are a bunch of dunces…For those who can’t figure it out: Use your head and remember the documents you signed when you got your security clearances…’nuff said.

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Misterio Galíndez, El rip

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Words, Just Words Some Might Say

July 4th, 2008 by xformed

…but I think they are excellent reminders of what has become:

The parchment is aged and water stained, the ink faded and behind the thick, bullet prof glass it is difficult to discern. And yet — and yet the power of those words have shaken empires to their very roots and given hope to generations. The future they but dimly perceived, we live today. This is what it means to risk it all – in the hope, fear and prayer that the course you are charting will mean a better tomorrow; to know that there is no out, no “Plan B”…

By way of the one who “pens” his tales

Highway 395

of technology and the Navy, old and new, and still serves today, albeit without a uniform required daily: SteelJaw Scribe.

Words, just words, worthy of meditating upon this anniversary of the American experiment.

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Navy Memorial, Washington, DC Event July 4th: Let Freedom Ring

July 3rd, 2008 by xformed

On the 4th of July, 2008, a ceremony will be held at 2PM at the Navy Memorial to honor our independence. The Memorial’s bell will be stuck 13 times.

But…the commemoration is actually larger than that.   On every Naval and Coast Guard vessel, their Ship’s Bells will also be struck 13 times.

One strike for each of the original states.

The Official Announcement from the website:





Contacts:        Taylor Kiland                                                      Lisa Zusman

                        [email protected]                            [email protected]

                        The United States Navy Memorial                    Linda Roth Associates, LLC

                        (202) 380-0718                                                     (703) 417-2700


U. S. Navy Memorial Lets Freedom Ring

Bell Ceremony and Film screenings Mark Fourth of July


WHAT:          “Let Freedom Ring,” an Independence Day Bell Ringing Ceremony.  “Let Freedom Ring” is a nationwide program in which bells across the country are rung thirteen times at exactly 2:00 PM in honor of the thirteen original states that approved the Declaration of Independence.

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Every Independence Day, at the appointed hour, four young descendants of the signers of the Declaration of Independence will tap Philadelphia‘s famous Liberty Bell, setting off the chimes of freedom from bells throughout the country.  The “Let Freedom Ring” event has grown nationwide, and participating bells now include Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Arlington National Cemetery, and thousands of churches, synagogues, state capitals, and government institutions across the country.  In addition, every ship of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine participates.


Directly across the street from the National Archives, the United States Navy Memorial’s bell is the closest one to the original signed copy of the Declaration of Independence.


The Navy Memorial will also show high-definition episodes of Hero Ships, a series produced by Lou Reda Productions for History International, in the newly renovated Burke Theatre.


WHO:             Thirteen young people will be chosen from among the Navy Memorial’s visitors to participate in this patriotic ceremony.  Each will strike the bell once to represent one of the original states.


WHEN:          Friday, July 4

                        11:00 AM Screening of Hero Ship: USS Constitution

                        1:00 PM Screening of Hero Ship: USS Nautilus

                        2:00 PM Bell Ringing Ceremony                               

3:00 PM Screening of Hero Ship: USS Hornet


WHERE:       United States Navy Memorial

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                        701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

                        Washington, DC 20004


COST:            Free and open to the public



  (202) 737-2300 or


Lou Reda Productions is internationally recognized as one of the nation’s outstanding documentary filmmakers, producing programs of the highest quality for cable and network television. To learn more about Reda go to  Executive Producers are Lou and Scott Reda.


History Channel International gives viewers a global perspective with original programming that makes a world of difference.  Executive Producer is Mike Stiller.


The United States Navy Memorial honors the men and women of the United States Navy – past, present and future.  The outdoor plaza features a “Granite Sea” map of the world, towering masts with signal flags, fountain pools and waterfalls and The Lone Sailor© statue.  Adjacent to the outdoor plaza is the Naval Heritage Center, where visitors can find educational displays about the contributions of the members of the Sea Services (Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine).  The Navy Memorial is celebrating the Year of Navy Medicine.

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Congressman Ramstad comes out in opposition to the Flight 93 memorial

April 30th, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, no accident

Congressman Jim Ramstad (R-MN) gave a House speech this month, supporting Mr. Burnett’s opposition to the crescent design. The speech is entered in the Congressional Record here, along with supporting statements from Tom Burnett Sr. (father of murdered Flight 93 hero Tom Burnett Jr.).

That makes two Congressmen now who have come out publicly against the crescent memorial. (Tom Tancredo took the lead last November, asking the Park Service to choose a completely new design.)

News coverage revs up confrontation at this Saturday’s public meeting

Ramstad’s speech, and our ongoing petition drive, netted a full width banner headline on the front page of the Somerset Daily American, with the story continuing full width on an inside page as well. This high profile local news coverage should make for an interesting Memorial Project meeting at the Somerset County Courthouse this Saturday. Several critics will be speaking during the public comment period, and the first batch of petitions will be delivered in bulk (over 5000 signatures to date, 4700 online and 500 on paper).

The Daily American article includes lots of powerful language from Mr. Burnett and other critics of the crescent design, along with some remarkably disingenuous evasions from the usual defenders. Most egregious is Patrick White, vice president of Families of Flight 93, who tries to pretend that the criticisms of the design are all about Mr. Burnett trying to get an undemocratic “do over” after failing to stop the Crescent of Embrace design when he served on the design competition jury.

While on the jury, Mr. Burnett only complained about the giant Islamic shaped crescent and the minaret-like Tower of Voices. No one on the jury, including Mr. Burnett, knew anything about the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent; or about the placementof the 9/11 date in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag; or about the 44 glass blocks on the flight path; or about the fact that the Tower of Voices turns out to be a year-round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial.

Not that the jury is beyond reproach. It was bizarre for these family members and design professionals to plant a bare naked crescent and star flag on the graves of our murdered heroes, but given everything that the jurors did NOT know, this configuration at least COULD have been an accident. What came out after the design was selected is absolute proof of terrorist memorializing intent, with every Islamic and terrorist memorializing feature being repeated in the Tower of Voices portion of the memorial.

One example is the 38 Memorial Groves. (There were supposed to be 40.) By itself, it is merely suspicious that the arc of 38 groves can be seen as a set of 19 nested crescents: one for each 9/11 hijacker. But architect Paul Murdoch proves this terrorist memorializing intent by surrounding the Tower of Voices with a second set of 19 nested crescents. And on it goes. EVERYTHING gets repeated in the Tower of Voices, and the 93 foot tall Islamic sundial is itself a very precise structure that could NEVER occur by accident.

Patrick White wants to dodge all this by pretending that the controversy is about the initial jury decision, instead of the ensuing blindness to voluminous evidence of terrorist memorializing intent. No one exemplifies this willful blindness better than Patrick White himself.

Patrick White denies the Mecca orientation in public while admitting it in private

At the July 2007 Memorial Project meeting, a critic of the crescent design engaged Mr. White in private conversation, asking how he could be unconcerned about the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent. White’s reply was to suggest that this orientation cannot be seen as a tribute to Islam because the inexactness of it would be “disrespectful to Islam.” (The crescent points 1.8° north of Mecca, ±.1°.)

But this isn’t what White was telling the public. That same week, Patrick White told the press that all of the claims about Islamic symbolism had been thoroughly investigated and been found to be untrue and “preposterous.” In private, White was acknowledging the almost exact Mecca orientation of the crescent and making excuses for it, while issuing sweeping denials in public.

He is still doing the same thing. He KNOWS that the giant crescent points almost exactly to Mecca, yet claims that such “assumptions,” have been “repeatedly shown-to-be-false.” In fact, not a single factual claim about what is in the design has ever been rebutted. If the crescent did not point to Mecca, it would be trivially easy to demonstrate. This is a simple geometric claim. But all the Memorial Project has ever offered is unsupported denials, denials that they acknowledge in private to be FALSE.

Patrick White’s dishonest attack on Tom Burnett

The jury process is irrelevant. No one is criticizing it. The jurors bear no responsibility for hidden Islamic and terrorist-memorializing features that they knew nothing about when they chose the crescent design. If it were not for two ugly bits of misinformation, put forward by Patrick White in his effort to make the jury process the issue, there would be no reason to mention the jury process at all. Both of White’s falsehoods are aimed at discrediting Tom Burnett Sr.

1. In the Daily American article (half way down) White claims that Mr. Burnett: “gave his consent to support what the majority picked.”

Mr. Burnett was incensed in 2005 when the Memorial Project announced that the jurors had united behind the majority choice. Without ever consulting with Mr. Burnett, the Memorial Project wrote in their jury report that: “By consensus the Stage Two jury forwards this section of the Flight 93 memorial to the partner [Paul Murdoch] with the full and unqualified support of each juror.” Tom has been trying to correct the record ever since, and Patrick White OUGHT to know it.

2. White also claims that: “No one agreed then with Mr. Burnett’s preferred choice for a final design.”

“To the contrary” says Mr. Burnett, “the vote not unanimous; it was 9 to 6.” Five people were with Mr. Burnett in rejecting the crescent design. This on a jury made up of 8 design professionals and 7 family members. It could even be that a majority of family members opposed the Crescent of Embrace. Tom requested the vote tally in a formal letter to the Memorial Project which was never answered. Now Patrick White throws the vote tally in Tom’s face, and completely misrepresents it.

3. Bonus badness. White claims that: “Jurors gave all of Mr. Burnett’s concerns a complete airing.”

In fact, the design professionals on the jury tried to shut Mr. Burnett up. Tom Sokolowski, director of Pittsburgh’s Andy Warhol Museum called Mr. Burnett “asinine” just for noticing that the crescent is a traditional symbol of Islam. This overt hostility to Mr. Burnett’s concerns is not what most of us would call “a complete airing.”

So no, the jury process is not the issue here, but if it were, it couldn’t stand up to scrutiny either.

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1389 Blog – Antijihadist Tech
A Defending Crusader
A Fine Line Between Stupid and Clever
Al Salibiyyah
And Rightly So
Anne Arundel Maryland Politics
Big Dog’s Weblog
Big Sibling
Cao2’s Weblog
Cao’s Blog
Dr. Bulldog and Ronin
Error Theory
Faultline USA
Flanders Fields
Flopping Aces
Four Pointer
Freedom’s Enemies
Ft. Hard Knox
GM’s Corner
Hoosier Army Mom
Ironic Surrealism II
Jack Lewis
Jihad Press
Kender’s Musings

Over the Hedge movies

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Nice Deb
Ogre’s Politics and Views
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Part-Time Pundit
Publius’ Forum
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Right Truth
Ron’s Musings
Stix Blog
Stop the ACLU
The Renaissance Biologist
The View From the Turret
The Wide Awakes
Thunder Run
Tizona’s Weblog
We Have Some Planes

Category: Public Service | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Congressman Ramstad comes out in opposition to the Flight 93 memorial

SSGT Matt Maupin is Welcomed Home

April 27th, 2008 by xformed

SSGT Matt Maupin, USA arrived home April 25th, 2008, to a wonderful tribute from his community:

Photo Credit: The Associated Press/David Kohl

Procession in Mt. Carmel Rt 32. Photo Credit: The Enquirer/Ernest Coleman

The Patriot Guard stand watch. Photo Credit: The Enquirer/Jeff Swinger
The local paper, The Enquirer (Cincinnati, OH) has more pictures, text and a video of the visitation and other events for Matt and his family here.

Running Scared release Against the Dark move

Taxi divx

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Pass the Word: USS FRANKLIN (CV-13) Reunion June 5-8, 2008

April 23rd, 2008 by xformed

Get the word out. For the military, naval and just regular history buffs, her’e a rae opportunity to meet some living history, if you are in the Kansas City, Mo area in early June:

From the USS FRANKLIN (CV-13) site:

June 5 – 8, 2008
2008 Reunion
“City of Fountains”

Hyatt Regency
Crown Center
Kansas City, MO

Kansas City International Airport (MCI)
Hosted by Leonard Hall and Family
Contact Annette Bownds
14690 Travis Street #27205
1-913-231-1179or click below for e-mail
Information/questions? Numb ipod

In case you may have missed it, this is the ship that SteelJaw Scribe recently highlighted in this How to Fish Astérix le Gaulois trailer

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Ropeyarn Sunday "Sea Stories" and Open Trackbacks

April 16th, 2008 by xformed

Open trackbacks…if you’d like

“Sea Stories?” Well, I’m deluged with two research issues, one for “us” later this month (which, is shaping up to have some real substance to it, thanks to the networking capability of the Web), and one for work , to get to know my product throughly.

However, there is a daily set of posts, giving real life to life at sea right now, where the XO of the USS RUSSELL (DDG-59) has a few crew members who are blogging the “stuff” of life at sea, as they head west across the vast reaches of the Pacific Ocean for a forward deployment. Jump over there and then make sure to “favorite” or bookmark the blog for Destroyermen. Back to the Future Part III movies Presumed Innocent release Become a “charter reader,” so you will be able to say one day that you have been reading “Destroyermen” since Noah was a deck seaman. Well, no, better yet, so you will see what our men and women at sea do on a daily basis in the defense of the Nation.

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