Archive for the 'Public Service' Category

“Fight for Me” by Citizen Reign

April 30th, 2007 by xformed

embedded by Embedded Video

H/T: Capt B

Tracked back @: Yankee Sailor

Category: Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on “Fight for Me” by Citizen Reign

Fold your Shirt in 2 Seconds…

April 28th, 2007 by xformed

I’m not kidding. Go watch the video.

Good for those desiring a profession in the National Speed Packing League.

Category: Humor, Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on Fold your Shirt in 2 Seconds…

Saddam’s Millions: Kelly’s Heros Part II

April 27th, 2007 by xformed

I can’t imagine that I have a shot at being rewarded as a randomly picked person (via my email addy) to help bring Saddam’s treasury holding home to the Good ‘Ol USA…

FROM: Sgt. Smith David Fitte,
Important Message

Good day,

My name is David Smith Fitte, I am an American soldier, I am serving in the military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq , as you know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs. We managed to move funds belonging to Saddam Hussein?s family in 2003. The total amount is US$25 Million dollars in cash, mostly 100 dollar bills, this money has been kept somewhere outside Baghdad for sometime but with the proposed troop in increase by president Bush, we are afraid that the money will be discovered hence we want to move this money to you for safekeeping pending the completion of our assignment here. You can go to this web link to read about events that took place there:

We are ready to compensate you with good percentage of the funds, No strings attached, just for you to help us move it out of Iraq. Iraq is a war zone, so we plan on using diplomatic means to shipping the money out as military cargo, using diplomatic immunity. If you are interested I will send you the full details, my job is to find a good partner that we can trust and that will assist us. Can I trust you? When you receive this letter, kindly send me an e-mail signifying your interest including your most confidential telephone numbers for quick communication also your contact details.

This is risk free.
With regards from,
Sgt. David Smith Fitte
This is risk free.


Sgt.Smith David Fitte

I’m doing well right now, but if you feel so inclined to help Sgt. Fitte with his “problem” be my guest!

Category: "Sea Stories", Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on Saddam’s Millions: Kelly’s Heros Part II

Quite Possibly the Bumper Sticker to End All Bumper Stickers

April 26th, 2007 by xformed

From the fertile mind of a guy who has caused plenty of gravity to compress his body parts in ways we don’t want to know….

But…if you’re a person who lives life serially via “single issues:” This one is not for you, but there are thousands you can purchase alternatively.

If you can’t bother to spend some time to mediate on the World and all that is in it, preferring to have life spoon (or iPod) fed to you: This one is not for you.

If, on the other hand, you believe life is a complex thing and the universe even more so, and haven’t even tossed people into that discussion: This one’s for you!

Click on the pic to get to CafePress to order yours NOW!
I’d also look for the T, tank top, scratch that, no thongs, coming to a kiosk in a mall near you soon.

Tracked back @: Yankee Sailor

Category: Bumper Stickerisms, Humor, Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on Quite Possibly the Bumper Sticker to End All Bumper Stickers

Washington Post Checking Our List?

April 24th, 2007 by xformed

I found a sitemeter hit this afternoon with the referring link was the 2007 Milblogs Conference page.

Anyone else seen the same (if your blog is linked?)

Category: Blogging, Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on Washington Post Checking Our List?

How About an Electric Ride?

April 22nd, 2007 by xformed

From this month’s issue of Popular Science:

Javelin SpeedSled

Javelin SpeedSled

No longer must drivers confine themselves to the limitations of conventional sports cars, with cramped interiors, aerodynamically compromised styling and body-battering ground clearances. The new all-electric sport cruiser’s performance-tuned suspension cuts aggressively through turns, while its four powerful hub motors—individual electric motors built into the wheels that generate a combined 450 horsepower—send it blasting down straights, reaching 60 mph in less than four seconds on its way to a top speed of 200 mph. But the real innovation is its aerodynamics: Instead of fighting high-speed airflow, the car takes advantage of it, channeling the air around the central, low-slung pod to generate huge downforce. Furthermore, the hub motors eliminate the need for a large engine, freeing space for three passengers to ride in a unique 1+2+1 seating configuration.

Modify your aerodynamics to tweak either speed, handling, or economy; change the paint scheme on the fly…I like!

Category: Public Service, Scout Sniping, Technology | 2 Comments »

Looking for Digital Mentors – Any Takers?

April 20th, 2007 by xformed

Last year, about this time, I put up Operation Forward Pass as a blog with the intent to pass along lessons learned to those about to enter the service. It’s that time of year when the high school and college/university grads are ready to raise their hands and commit to service to the Nation. How valuable would some hard earned wisdom be to them?

I grew up around the military, then did my 20. Just about everywhere I lived since 1962, the “local” community had access to those who wore uniforms. Much of the understanding of what was going to happen when they get off of the bus and put their feet on the yellow footprints isn’t a mystery.

My perception of the current knowledge of our population is they don’t have many service members around to help the be pre-acclimated to the boot camp/officer training experience. It was exacerbated by the massive downsizing of the military through base closings during the mid-90s. Those heading into the military know what the MSM says, with the overworked recruiters being the first line of defense to help dispel rumors and make sure their charges are mentally prepared, and thereby increase the probability of a “satisfied customer” out on the front line a year from now. Add to that that the MSM isn’t kind in their presentation of the recruiters, trying to cast them as a bunch of people looking to cheat the system and take anyone they can. As we know all to well, that’s no where close to the truth.
Here is my request: Whether you would like to become an author on the blog, or would just like to send in some useful posts, I think we’d help the ones who are coming behind us get off to an accelerated start.

Contact me either via the comments section (here or there).

Thanks in advance. Let’s get the future warriors prepped for the next part of their lives.

While I’m on the subject, don’t forget that Jack Army sez we can help by getting names of sharp young men and women to our local recruiters

Tracked back @: Yankee Sailor, Third World County

Category: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Military, Navy, Public Service, Supporting the Troops | 1 Comment »

The Phone Call Could Have Been Different

April 20th, 2007 by xformed

Orange and Maroon Effect Day

But it wasn’t. In a microcosm, it is a lesson about history. In a bigger sense, a scenario to consider thoughtfully.

“Dad, he’s alright. Have you seen the news?”
“No, but that’s good to know.”

Later, same day:
“We’re [the four roommates] all fine. XXXX got stuck in the lock down for two hours, but he’s here now. Everyone we know is OK.”

“How was the service?”
“It was wonderful and so full we ended up in the football stadium and the entire place was on their feet and chanting at the end.”
“How’s he doing?”
“He’s doing OK. He skipped his class that morning, but his friend went. The class was in the building next to where the shootings were and they are sure they saw him [Cho] walking around in there before it happened.”

The history? Well, you aren’t able to analyze it instantly. With time comes more information, in this case, a chill up the spine moment is revealed, for my son’s sake and those of the students in the business classes one building from the horrible event.

Category: History, Public Service | Comments Off on The Phone Call Could Have Been Different

Orange and Maroon Effect Day – 4/20/2007

April 19th, 2007 by xformed

Another email regarding the VT tragedy:

From the President of the Loudoun County, VA chapter of the VT Alumni Association, who received it from headquarters of the Alumni Association.

“Virginia Tech family members across the country have united to declare this Friday, April 20th, an ‘Orange and Maroon Effect’ day to honor those killed in the tragic events on campus Monday, and to show support for Virginia Tech students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, and friends. ‘Orange and Maroon Effect’ was born several years ago as an invitation to Tech fans to wear orange and maroon to Virginia Tech athletic events. We invite everyone from all over the country to be a part of the Virginia Tech family this Friday, to wear orange and maroon to support the families of those who were lost, and to support the school and community we all love so much.”

Category: History, Public Service, Scout Sniping | 1 Comment »

Looking for Some Deals?

April 18th, 2007 by xformed

Keep Cash is a daily compilation of deals around the net. Not just for computer stuff, but there’s plenty of that there, too!

Category: Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on Looking for Some Deals?

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