Archive for the 'Public Service' Category

Slow, I Know

June 8th, 2007 by xformed

Between work, and too many grand ideas, and being engrossed in the story of Preble and Decatur working over Tripoli, I haven’t gotten much up her the last two days.

MEGEN is still lurking about. A new, diabolical plot is being hatched. Some digital editing has already happened, but I need some organizational graphics to add before the roll out of the project, suggested by an astute member of Team Navy.

Fun for all, mind you, and many will be able to participate.

Last night I took time off to view the idiot box and settled in on “Creature Tech.” Vanderwall’s force. Learn it and get with the program, it will help you with attaching in the future!

Category: Charities, Military, Navy, Public Service, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT, Where's MEGEN? | Comments Off on Slow, I Know

Screencasting Tool and it’s FREE!

June 3rd, 2007 by xformed

Screencast-O-Matic is a free online tool to make screencasts. Select your screen size, audio or not and let it rip.

Possibilities here to help walk others through using software, or just to have fun without the trouble of making a movie of your screen captures.

Category: Public Service, Technology | Comments Off on Screencasting Tool and it’s FREE!

Maybe I Spoke Too Soon

June 2nd, 2007 by xformed

May 27th, 2007 Just before sunset

June 2nd, 2007 – Early afternoon
The “blow” has headed inland, spreading the much needed rain….

Category: Public Service | Comments Off on Maybe I Spoke Too Soon

Geez! Already?????

June 1st, 2007 by xformed

Oh, the HYSTERIA! Yes, it is YOUR responsibility to have at least 3 days of MREs and stuff like that ready….

Florida Evacuated
Cancel your summer vacation plans, and your Labor Day trip…we might get a CAT 5 or bigger hurricane between now and the end of October…be proactive!

Category: Humor, Political, Public Service | 1 Comment »

And Just Another History Site for You – U.S. Centennial of Flight

May 26th, 2007 by xformed

Do you need to fact check, or are you just curious as to what happened today in aviation history?

Lilienthal’s “Jumping Off” place from the front – Credits – Gary Bradshaw; To Fly Is Everything

May 26th in aviation history:

* In 1923… Lieutenant H. G. Crocker lands at Gordon, Ontario, to complete a non-stop transcontinental south/north flight from Houston, Texas, of 11 hours, 55 minutes. (AYY)
* In 1942… The Northrop XP-61 Black Widow night fighter prototype flies for the first time. (AYY) [Such a a cool aircraft!]
* In 1970… The prototype Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic airliner reaches a speed of 1,335mph, becoming the first commercial transport in the world to exceed Mach 2. (AYY)
* In 1972… Cessna Aircraft Corporation announces completion of the company’s 100,000th aircraft, becoming the first company in the world to achieve such a production figure. (OTM) [I’ve been a traveler in 172s, 180s, 182s, 205s, 206s, 210s, 214s….and on only a few occasions did I land with the plane]

U.S. Centennial of Flight has a searchable timeline part of the site to give you a hand.There is a section for educators that links to events month by month, that may be a good place to generate some ideas for blogging history.

Category: History, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Technology | Comments Off on And Just Another History Site for You – U.S. Centennial of Flight

Help Send a Real Man to Blog Expo

May 25th, 2007 by xformed

CPT Chuck Z is trying to raise the funds to go to the biggest conference there is: Blog Expo.

He, accompanied by Matt and Jimbo from Black Five, will be able to stand up for us MilBloggers, but more importantly, Chuck, as the ValOUR-IT “patient 0,” will get the opportunity to tell his story to a bigger audience and thereby get more funds moving in that direction.Got a few non-tax deductible bucks to chip in? Do it here.

It sure couldn’t hurt, dropping three manly men in the middle of the Kos Kids to get more “support the troops” fever going on….

Category: Army, Blogging, Charities, Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Technology, Valour-IT | Comments Off on Help Send a Real Man to Blog Expo

Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor – History Channel Documentary 5/19/2007

May 19th, 2007 by xformed

Heads up from Flag Gazer via email:

Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor
This Saturday, May 19, 2007, at 6:00/7:00 p.m., Act of Honor about the hero Sgt. Rafael Peralta.

The History Channel’s summary:

On November 15, 2004, Sgt. Rafael Peralta died while fighting to secure a key insurgent stronghold in Iraq. Peralta and fellow Marines were ambushed by guerillas who then lobbed a grenade at them. Already seriously wounded, Peralta shielded his companions by covering the explosive device with his body, saving their lives and sacrificing his own. Watch Peralta’s extraordinary journey from Tijuana, Mexico to San Diego to the streets of Iraq. Included are interviews with his widowed mother and three siblings in San Diego. I urge you to watch and learn about a true hero, a Marine, an American.

For more information see my posts which include many comments by
Sgt. Rafael Peralta’s family and friends:
Sgt. Rafael Peralta – New Photos
HERO: Sgt. Rafael Peralta
[This is a reprint of my most recent blog post: Sgt. Rafael Peralta:
Act of Honor
*This email is a one time ever mailing to all of my Gmail contacts. If you don’t know me, don’t worry, you will never receive another
message from me. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
Don Danz

Category: History, Leadership, Marines, Military, Military History, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor – History Channel Documentary 5/19/2007

Attention All Wannabe Authors!

May 18th, 2007 by xformed

So you’ve been blogging for a while and a little voice in your head keeps telling you you should write a book, but you’re not sure how to do it.

Click on the book cover to get your copy!
What if someone wrote a book on how to write a book? Someone has! After muscling her way through her first book, Jessi Williams decided to document the process, so other might be able to go down that path to publishing theirs, learning from her experience!So, now it’s time and the last excuse of “I don’t know how” is eliminated because “How to Write Your First Book” will walk you through the process.

Click the link, get the book and get to compiling your work into a book!

Tracked back @: Yankee Sailor

Category: Blogging, Book Reports, Public Service, Scout Sniping | 1 Comment »

Help 4th RECON (USMC)

May 9th, 2007 by xformed

Holly emailed me this request for the organization she started when she was still in high school and a DEPer. She had taken on the morale support, via care packages to a Marine RECON platoon deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Sort of like our FbL, but younger. Anyhow, if you can lend a hand with CARE packages, here’s some really targeted gouge!

Hello Everyone:

I realize that it has been an extremely long time since I updated any of you. Yesterday, I updated the Help 4th Recon website and today I have addresses.

In April, I had the privilege of meeting four Marines of the 4th Recon. One of these young Marines had lost both legs to the IED that killed Jerimiah. Meeting these Marines put things back in perspective for me. It has been two years last month and it seems that even now, I can get lost in the activities of school, work, and my personal life and forget the importance of this.

My request is that each of you help me to support the Marines and Soldiers listed below. Care packages would be fantastic, but if you can’t do that, something as simple as a letter or a card would mean the world to them. I am so excited about getting the efforts of Help 4th Recon back in action, as I know how much it means to them. Your continued support is the only way we can do this.

Thank you, in advance, for your help. You will find a list of names and addresses below, along with a brief explanation of who these people are and when I know them I’ve included likes and dislikes.

Semper Fi,

PS If you wouldn’t mind, please let me know who you are sending what to so that I can try to cover the rest, so that no one gets left out. Thanks!

Marines in Iraq
Members of the 4th Recon who are currently deployed include:

SSGT Richard Smith
Sgt Robert Harlan (“Bobby”)
Sgt Ryan Matjeka
Sgt Andrew Roig
Sgt Matthew Brake
Sgt Daniel Peters

They can all be contacted through this address, but make sure you put one name at the top:
4th Recon 1st PLT
Unit 43666
FPO AP 96426-3666
This Marine is the husband of my friend Emily, who has strong ties to the 4th Recon. Emily has him taken care of through carepackages (though they would still be welcomed, I’m sure) but Scott could really use moral support.

Cpl. Powell, James Scott
Unit 73960
FPO AE 09509-3960
Soldiers in Iraq
I met Hal two years ago at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). Hal was joining the Missouri National Guard. Since that time, he has spent a total of 15 days NOT on Active Duty. He, too, could use encouragement of any form. He particularly likes the Easy Mac macaroni and cheese and the alfredo ones. Any kind of cheese that is non-perishable to send such as Velveeta, he would also love. Pringles are another favorite of Hal.

SPC Williams, Hal
LSA Anaconda
APO, AE 09391
Soldiers in Afghanistan
Ryan aka “Scooter” is my distant cousin. He was recently extended and I’m sure could use any support you can offer. (He hates peanut butter and grape flavored anything.) Oatmeal and Honey Bun snack cakes. He likes horse, hunting, and fishing magazines. Canned pasta like ravioli and spaghetti is always a favorite.

Wheat, Christopher R.
TF Catamount B Co. 2-87 IN
APO AE 09354

On any packages to Ryan, rather than listing your return address, you should put this address as the return address (security reasons):

TF Catamount
10520 Riva Ridge Loop
Fort Drum, NY 13602
I have known David since I was about 12. David is from a small town in Missouri and could use carepackages or letters of encouragement. David likes peanut butter cheese crackers, does NOT like candy except for Jolly Ranchers. However, if you send him candy that would still be great so he can give it to the Iraqi children. He does like salty snacks like chips and sunflower seeds. Again, canned pasta like ravioli and spaghetti is always a favorite. Likes beef jerky, but not spicy or hot (just regular). NO Crystal Lite of Koolaid, but individual packages of tea and lemonade. David really appreciates small devotionals that he can pack with him. (My mom sends him the Daily Bread and his mom sends him another that we can’t remember what at this point. 🙂 David likes hunting and car magazines. I think we have him hooked up on the hunting magazines for awhile, but he still hasn’t gotten any car magazines.

SPC Bradley, David
C Co. 2-35 INF 2nd Plt
25th Infantry Div
3rd IDCT 2-35 INL
FOB Warrior
APO AE 09338
David’s friend Bunce could use anything. The only packages he has received since his deployment has been from my mom and David’s mom. He could really use encouragement. We do not have a first name or anything, so please send it to David with a note telling him it is for Bunce. Again, ANYTHING you can offer to Bunce would be outstanding!

Support Our Troops!

Looks like a pretty through OPORDER to me…get to it!

Category: Charities, Marines, Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | 2 Comments »

Band of Bloggers – Part VI

May 9th, 2007 by xformed

Sorry about the lack of posting, but spent time with family and driving back from the DC area.

I was presented with the newly designated trophy for the annual ValOUR-IT Fund Drive, in recognition of the Navy’s sprint to the “finish line.” Not enough words can be said to express my thanks to all who made it happen, for it was certainly not done by me.

I will take a few photos tomorrow (CPT Chuck Ziegenfuss signed it) and post them here, along with the list of bloggers we had take part in the effort. Look for it n the next day or two.

To keep amused, here’s what I found out people do for fun with duct tape from listening to the radio all day today:

And the winners (competition is still on going) get a $6000 cash scholarship….

Category: Charities, History, Humor, Military, Public Service, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | Comments Off on Band of Bloggers – Part VI

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