Archive for the 'Political' Category


October 27th, 2006 by xformed

Found in an article regarding a Muslim cabbie in England who stole a serviceman’s identity so he could keep driving. He was found guilty of:

“…perverting the course of justice.”

I think there are many judges and legislators, from the federal to local levels to whom this would apply. Too bad we don’t have this crime on the books…

Category: Humor, Political | Comments Off on I LIKE IT!

“Pieces of meat” Cleric: “I Won’t Quit!”

October 27th, 2006 by xformed

Days later, I’m still waiting (not so anxioulsy, becuase I got tired of turning blue in the face, like my mom said I would) for an angry response from the feminists of the US, or anywhere in the world…

I guess that begs the question:

If an Islamic Cleric makes a horribly sexist and clearly misogynic speech and no feminists respond, is it then acceptable to agree with him?

Side note: He also dissed all men, who, as someone on one of the blogs commented, could be looked at as no more than leg humping morons, who cannot resist their animal desires.

But…this story has “legs,” and adds an interesting twist:

Sheik al Hilaly says he won’t quit.

Another side note: Note the caption on the picture for the article. I’d say the media’b’Allah are in their glory, once again, misrepresenting reality.

So, the man who thinks so little of women as to call them uncovered meat, tools of Satan, and wouild be run out of Washingotn, DC, tarred, feathered and torched (if, and only if, he was a Republican) for comments far less extreme, thinks he’s on the right track.

Now, take a look throught the window of an Islamic leaders mind, and, realize he is in Australia, not in the US, or a Middle Easertn country:

After midday prayers today, the sheik was besieged by a group of reporters who asked him whether he would bow to demands and quit.

The Islamic clergyman smiled and shook his head, saying in English: “After we clean the world of the White House first.”

Note the captilization. Note there isn’t a “White House” thingy in Australia, but, yep, you guessed it, in the US. So, it’s really all about the US.

Clue for the liberals/Democrats/anti-war crowd: Go ahead, get your “Man” (which may include HIllary) in the “White House” and see if the Sheik changes his rhetoric. He didn’t say: “After we clean the world of the George Bush first,” which would have rendered an entirely different meaning to the conflict.

But then, they just hate George Bush, too, and it’s not just for Muslim Clerics anymore!

Trackbacked at: Point Five, Church and State, Woman, Honor Thyself, Right Wing Nation, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns

Category: Geo-Political, History, Leadership, Political, Speeches | 1 Comment »

Revisiting Tet: A Chance to Do It Right – Follow Up

October 27th, 2006 by xformed

A few days ago, as the media’b’Allah was full of printed ‘shouts’ of “Tet! TET! TEEETTTT!!!!!,” I posted some of my thoughts on the similarities and differences of the analogy of the Tet Offensive in Vietnam and the War on Terror now. David of Third World County added to the analysis on his blog.

This morning, while scanning Town Hall, I came across this editorial from someone who comprehends the issue far better than I ever will, LtCol. Oliver North, USMC (Ret).

He was on the ground in that war, as an Marine Officer in an infantry company. I was still in High School, but we see the issue form a common view point:

The war in Vietnam wasn’t lost during “Tet ’68” no matter what Cronkite said. Rather, it was lost in the pages of America’s newspapers, on our televisions, our college campuses — and eventually in the corridors of power in Washington. We need to pray that this war isn’t lost the same way.

Amen, brother, amen!

Category: Geo-Political, History, Marines, Military, Military History, Political | Comments Off on Revisiting Tet: A Chance to Do It Right – Follow Up

“The Truth is Out There”

October 24th, 2006 by xformed

Until this last weekend, I was pretty much stumped as to how, in this age of access to incredible amounts of information, without even laving your home or office, a significant number of people in this country could continually claim the US Government was behind the 9/11 attacks.

I have long held that the images coming out of Hollywood have had an undercurrent of an effect on many parts of society, particularly with the tend to show all adults as either stupid, ignorant, or corrupt (or any combination of those) and only children were capable of seeing the real danger, finding the real criminals, or knowing the truth. That has sent a subliminal message that anoyone of authority can’t be trusted, and, we see the results in the legal system.

Cigarette Man

This past Saturday, I was channel surfing and the last 30 minutes of “The X-Files” movie was on. I settled back on the couch and then a “BFO” (Blinding flash of the obvious) hit me. I didn’t know for how long, but I knew that series had been aroound a long time. I just looked it up: Begun in 1993, and ran through 2002. The movie was out in 1998.

The popularity of this series, which showed not just the US, but a world shadow organization, was cooperating with the aliens, and doing what ever they needed to do to keep this alliance a secret.

From Wikipedia:

The X-Files was one of the network’s first major hits, and its main characters and slogans (“The Truth Is Out There,” “Trust No One,” “Deny Everything,” “I Want to Believe”) became pop culture touchstones, simultaneously tapping into and inspiring a plethora of conspiracy theories, paranoia about the U.S. government, and belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The “Generation C” types have grown up with a well done fictional series, and have failed to discern between truth and fiction.

I think this may help explain the vast numbers of our citizens who believe the Government is behind all of the GWoT, because, we all know….The truth is out there.

Category: History, Political | 1 Comment »

Kim Jong Il is “Sorry”

October 20th, 2006 by xformed

From MS NBC, it seems Kim Jong Il is “sorry” he upset so many, in the “region” (read: China) and around the world.

I’d like to have been a fly on the wall when the represenative from the Chinese government walked in and said: “This conversation never happened…” and went on to tell the little man just what he was going to do next. I’m sure saying “I’m sorry” was but one of the steps to redemption that was issued, followed by a list of things that would no longer find their way across the borders, such as food and fuel….

It will be many, many years before what happened in the last few days in an office in North Korea, but…that’s the way “history” works.

Update 10/24/2006: OOPS! Just kidding! great…well, you know, the left thinks all things are settled if someone says “I’m sorry!” What are they to think now?

Category: Geo-Political, History, Political | 1 Comment »

Adrift in a Sea of Muddled Assumptions – Part IV

October 20th, 2006 by xformed

Most likely it will be light blogging this weekend….but not sure yet.

Anyhow: Thought of the moment that confounds me:

The left wing/liberal mentality really hates this war. They mostly show it by claiming they hate President Bush, but they also drag out the “No War for Oil!” signs, too (BTW, I like that war right now). These are the same people who have culturally “evolved” to ensure that human rights have been stretched to the nth degree, using an “umbrella” argument about a right to privacy being stated (not so) clearly in the Constitution.

The next few statements are presented for the purpose of illustrating my upcoming points:

As a result, women have attained positions of very high economic and social levels and pretty much do what they want.

Homosexuals are pushing hard, and have succeeded in some school districts, of taking a message about sexual experimentation into the middle and elementary level of schools.

Children are lobbied to become sexually active, and given the freedom to make major medical decisions about their lives, to the exclusion of parents being told of such conditions. Adults, other than parents, and sometimes not even known to the girls, have become accustomed to transporting them to where they can get abortions.

Christian or Catholic references are being removed/banned from being seen or talked about in public at an alarming rate. Islamic advocacy groups have successfully lobbied to teach Islam, for up to three weeks, including requirements to memorize verses from the Koran and pray to Allah in schools around the country.

These are factual conditions that exist today and efforts to reverse them are fought with lots of money and very high powered lawyers and judges.

Ok, that being said, the same political mindset that supports all of this are the ones against the war against terror and get particularly upset when it is couched as the “war against radical Islam.”

Yes, the confounding part: The Islam that would sequester (or quarantine, if you prefer) women to their homes, would not allow them to vote, to drive, to wear swim suits skimpier than their underwear, and would allow them to the beaten, but not so bad as to leave marks; The Islam that would allow stoning to death the woman if they were caught exercising their “sexual freedom;” The Islam that would hang a teenage girl for having sex; The Islam that would allow male members of the family to kill their sisters/daughters is they talked back to to them and demanded to be able to marry who they chose.

The very people who have gained so much in freedoms in our society are the ones who would wish us to welcome, with open arms, the religion that would first line them up and inform them they would not only not have those freedoms anymore, but would tell them the consequences. They welcome the one state religion, yet scoff at the one that has been the dominant one in this culture for over 200 years, and has been a part of ensuring and supporting the freedoms the society now “enjoys” as a result.

Oh, well, it’s not looking good for the “good guys.”

Category: Geo-Political, History, Political | Comments Off on Adrift in a Sea of Muddled Assumptions – Part IV

Revisiting Tet: A Chance to Do It Right

October 19th, 2006 by xformed

Lots of discussion on President Bush acknowledging that the situation today in Iraq could have a resemblance to a battle fought almost 29 years in the past. Almost a year ago, I blogged about echos of the 1968 Tet Offensive in the current conflict.

Executive Summary of Tet:

The Tet Offensive was conducted during an agreed upon truce between the beligerants in the conflict.

The NVA used the Viet Cong as an “ablative shield.” This worked to clear out the “tainted” South Vietnamese fighters by sacrificing them “for the cause.”

Despite a few VC getting into the US Embassy compound, they were all killed in the yard, and did not get into the building.

The US and international press presented the Tet Offensive as a success for the forces opposing the Government of South Vietnam.

The press was wrong in a military sense, but were correct in the historical context, yet they had no clue at the time how correct they were.

The NVA understood the power of the press had “crossed over” and had become more of an effective weapon that raw military might, which led to the strategic move.

Commentary for today:

Yes, it is similar to today in the sense that the enemy understands:

  • 1) How we have abandoned, as a culture, any significant effort to keep ourselves informed beyond the headline of any article, or cover statement of current news magazines;
  • 2) Anything the tradtional media states must be true and;
  • 3) The public contains significant numbers of skeptical people who believe the US Government is behind all the conflict for the purpose of lining their pockets, or those of their friends in industry;
  • 4) Regardless of how devastating such an effort is in the short run in terms of physical resources or manpower it is to them, it has the potential to cause us to turn our gaze away and vote for the appeasers, just as was done in Spain.


  • 1) We have historical perspective, as a result of the long term effect of the 1968 events to view this period in history;
  • 2) The war then was defined by soverign nations and international boundries, fueled by an idealology, this time it’s a war defined by one side with national boundries, and an opponent that knows no territorial constraints, yet it still filled by an idealology;
  • 3) If the insurgents do make a “final sprint” in the hopes of biasing the outcome of the November 7th elections, they will be in poor logistical shape to follow up on any attacks, therefore we need to be ready to step up and squash them when they are at a low point militarily and;
  • 4) Our political leaders can use this analogy to their advantage, while the press will try to use it to the nation’s disadvantage.

In the aftermath of the Tet Offensive, and even the Vietnam War, both sides of the equation, the Coalition and the insurgent forces, can take lessons learned away from the Tet Offensive. It is not a perfectly modeled analogy, but it has similarities. It would serve the press well to do some more detailed study of the actual battles across South Vietnam. It would serve the military, and our political leadership well to study the battles across South Vietnam.

If the military has read the tea leaves correctly, they will have stockpiled supplies, pre-postioned troops and tactical/strategic reserves, and have shored up the defenses. In addition, focused analysis of intelligence, to help tactically prepare for the next 3 1/2 weeks. Once the battle has joined, then it will be time to crush the exposed enemy forces, then be prepared to follow them, physically or via collected intel, back to their safe houses to continue the fight, with one intention to eliminate every possible combatant, then, they will have correctly interpreted the lessons of February 1968.

The press should spend some time studying history, beyond what some old timer in the press room tells them. I’m sure George Stephanopoulos doesn’t comprehend the bigger implications this all has within the story from a war long ago, which I discussed above. If he somehow thinks the current levels of violence, like Tet will cause us to “cut and run,” he has to understand the US military didn not “cut and run” from that battle, in fact, they stood tall and obliterated the VC in massive numbers. We are doing the same thing today. If anyone cut and ran, it was the Democratically controlled Congress, that withdrew funds from the Vietnamization effort and the US military for non-Army support for the ARVN forces.

Our leadership needs to prepare us for a potential “October Surprise” from the enemy in the form of massive, coordinated, widespread and well documented attacks, and also the knowledge that our military is prepared to take it to the enemy and put the dampers on civial war, insurrection and other violence behind us and the people or Iraq. If anything, President Bush should highlight that it was the Democrats who lost their nerve in the face of the enemy, but only after a Republican took office. They certainly supported the war (and the dreaded “military-industrial complex”) while Kennedy and Johnson were in office. If any lessons should be taken away from Tet, it is that one in the last sentance.

As a final statement, even General Giap acknowledged to a US officer, many years later, that the NVA/VC never won on the battlefield of Vietnam, but he also stated, wisely and accurately, that fact was also completely irrelevant.

Trackbacked at: Mudville Gazette, Samantha Burns, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck on Stupid, TMH Bacon Bits, Linkfest Haven, third world country, Castle ARGGHHH!

Category: Geo-Political, History, Military, Political | 7 Comments »

Google: Can you Trust Your Blog to Them?

October 13th, 2006 by xformed

I’ve been thinking lately about the empire building of Google. Taking the capitalistic way is sure proving “fruitful” for them.

So the acquisition of YouTube had me crank up the way (not way, WAY) back machine and consider a trend I have noticed.

About a year ago, I recall discussions over on Little Green Footballs on Google not accepting the ads a conservative organization wanted to place. Other comments around that time mentioned some conservative ads not being accepted, either. The people who had tried to advertise there did not ads for gay and lesbian and leftist groups showing up.

Later, it seemed some people noticed the results of searches left out topics specifically discussed or posted on some of the larger conservative blogs. Interesting…

Then, Google responded to the Chinese Government’s request to block content headed for China by doing what China wanted: Censoring.

Michele Malkin, most noticably, recently noted some of her YouTube postings, all very right wing in nature, were dropped from that site. Other video clips, such as the recent lampooning of the Clinton Administration’s policy carried out with North Korea over the development of nuclear weapons, has been blocked as “offensive.”
Update: A rather embarassing YouTube post of Harry Reid hanging up in an investigative reporter has been pulled. “Copyright infringement.” Yeah, right. Take a look around YouTube and thousands of clips from movies or TV are there.
This “educational video” regarding the aftermath of the physics of missile attacks on Red Cross Ambulances in Lebanon has also been removed, and the poster threatened with having his account shutdown on YouTube.

Why does this matter?

Google owns Blooger Some of you may have heard of this site, and a few of you may even use it…:)

What if one morning, you get settled with your cup of coffee, and click on the link to your blog’s control panel and get a message like: “404 Site Not Found?” Then when you check email, you find out your entire blog has been deemed offensive and therefore deleted….

I hope I’m wrong, but, for those using a free service, with a demonstrated propensity of denying access to conservative content, you have been warned….

I don’t really have any objection to a business setting standards, after all, they aren’t the US Government, obligated to let you have your free speech. I just am not sure the path they seem to be headed down is one I think will tolerate conservative and Christian content much longer.

(Hint: if you’re serious, get your own domain and hosting…it’s not that much)

Category: Blogging, Political | Comments Off on Google: Can you Trust Your Blog to Them?

“Generation C” – Add This to the Lexicon

October 12th, 2006 by xformed

A caller to Bill Bennett’s talk show this morning put forth a new moniker for the current crop of people who think there is nothing to put their trust in. They are coming behind the Gen Xers:

“Generation C” for “Cynic”

Fits pretty well, considering the Democratic Underground people decided within a short time yesterday that the small plane crashing into a Manhatten apartment building is part of an inside job of the Bush Administration.

Go figure…

Category: Political | Comments Off on “Generation C” – Add This to the Lexicon

In Search of the Grand Unified Theory – Part III

October 11th, 2006 by xformed

Part II is here and covers the finger pointing the first day the “issue” with Rep. Mark Foley bubbled to up from beneath the swamp water to see the light of day.

Today, a short post on the topic. I believe I know the end game of the physicists looking for the Grand Unification Theory formula. Once they have discerned it, everything else will be understood exactly how it relates to everything else in the physical science world.

With those seeking the single thing/person/animal/mineral/vegtable that is the cause of all “badness” in the universe, what next? If “it” says “sorry!” will we then all move along and go back to living? Will we drop the “hunt” and be satisfied? Will we secretly break out our notes, hiding under the bedcovers, using a flashlight to illuminate our scribbling and tell ourselves “There must be something ELSE!”?

How long will it take for “goodness” to break out on the plant, where all men and women love and respect each other, when no one goes hyngry, when there is nary a molecule of “Greenhouse” gas left to cause the inordinate heating of the precious plant? How long, I ask those of you who seek this answer.

I thought of this because of the many, many press conferences when some unbiased, non-glory seeking, bright and intelligent journalists ask President Bush “Sir, what mistakes have you made in ______?” Add to that the many angry editorials where the writers DEMAND the President say he made mistakes.

Ok, so if one day, before his term is over, President Bush says he has committed a specific mistake. Sometimes he does allow for “yes, I’ve made a few mistakes” type of response, but then ignores the clamoring press corps that yells in unison “WHAT MISTAKE DID YOU MAKE?” as he turns and walks from the podium, waving and smiling. So, pretend President Bush says: “I made a mistake counting on the reliability of the intelligence that was provided to me by the CIA.”

Will you (you know who you are) then take a deep breath, breathe a sigh of relief and then say to yourself “FINALLY!” and get on about your life, no longer obsessed with IT?

This, while the topic is not fully explored for the purposes of this series, is the most pressing issue at hand. If we can find who definitively who it is to blame, will we let it go and then do something uplifting and productive for the rest of our days?

Category: Humor, Political | Comments Off on In Search of the Grand Unified Theory – Part III

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