Archive for the 'Army' Category

When the Comments are Better then the Post

June 16th, 2007 by xformed

If you’re a regular reader of Black Five you may have already destroyed your keyboard. Tough. Tell the chaplain later and get your card punched.

If not, get over to this post and the beginning digital warfare between the world changing United States Marine Corps and the guys who always wanted to be the Nation’s “door kickers” that land after the Marines have done the hard work.


You have been warned. If you can’t follow directions, either buy cheap keyboards, or just quit using a computer.

Oh: The Origin? Writer “Grim” posted a way to send emails to deployed Marines, and Matt decided to send one of his own. You can get the gouge on supporting our troops forward, the ones proud to call themselves Marines by going here.

Category: Army, Humor, Marines, Military, Public Service, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on When the Comments are Better then the Post

“If you find a bad guy….”

June 15th, 2007 by xformed

“I’ll get you ice cream for dinner!”

Category: Army, Military | Comments Off on “If you find a bad guy….”

Flag Day and Happy Birthday Army!

June 14th, 2007 by xformed

Click pic to enlarge

And…to the U.S. Army, 232 years old today, Happy Birthday! Who says you don’t get better with age?

Bonus picture from Military Motivator:

Category: Army, Military, Public Service | 1 Comment »

BOB at the FOB on A Soldier’s Mind

June 12th, 2007 by xformed

Chasing links via VA Joe, I found A Soldier’s Mind, and…on the sidebar of that blog, a series of cartoons named “BOB on the FOB” by SGT Albert J. Merrifield.

Click the pic for the big, readable version

There’s more….I’m sure I don’t even get all the humor, but they sure seem funny enough to me.Update 6/13/2007: More of SGT Merrifield’s cartoons.
Update 6/14/2007: I foundstumbled upon the source. It’s the old blind squirrel routine…

Category: Army, Humor, Military, Scout Sniping | 2 Comments »

D-Day Order – June 6, 1944

June 6th, 2007 by xformed

D-Day Order – June 6, 1944
by Dwight D. Eisenhower

You will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped, and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely.

But this is the year 1944. Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41.

The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeat in open battle man to man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground.

Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men.

The tide has turned.

The free men of the world are marching together to victory. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle.

We will accept nothing less than full victory.

Good luck, and let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

Category: Air Force, Army, History, Jointness, Leadership, Military, Military History, Navy, Quotes, Speeches | 1 Comment »

D-Day Remeberences of Jim, Sr

June 6th, 2007 by xformed

Jim, Sr. and I sat down at dinner last night and I asked him what he was doing on 6/5/1944. He pondered the question a moment, then said “We had been on alert for almost 30 hours.” I didn’t go into chasing that rabbit trail, but he then talked about how, on the eve of his (their) first combat, they were “relieved.” Why, you ask? Well, he explained, they had had all this training and now they were finally getting the order to “GO!” He said the apprehension of the timing of the invasion had been “horrible.”

They spent their time, packing up stuff, labeling their foot lockers and writing home, with “hints of goodbye” for they certainly couldn’t divulge any more than they were heading into combat. He talked about living in quonset huts, heated by a pot bellied stove at each end of the building. How breakfast was a big bowl of corn flakes, that you scooped into your bowl, then you scooped your powdered milk on it and you also got a boiled potato. The bacon was thick and not well cooked, when you did get it. He remarked the rations got much better when they based in France, usually having a local French woman cook up their K rations.

The gliders didn’t fly at night, but the C-47s had been flying to deliver the 82nd All American and 101st Screaming Eagles Airborne Divisions. The CG-4A gliders flew after the landings had begun.

He discussed the visions of the shores of Normandy he will never forget, and then they went further inland.

They had only practiced with maybe 24-36 gliders approaching one landing zone before, and they had practiced with a set, planned landing pattern. Not this day. More gliders, no set pattern, toss in ground fire, land mines and hedge rows.

“I watched men sacrifice themselves so others could have a clear place to land.”

They would land and jam the control column forward to bury the nose of the gliders as a landing skid, and a way to plow up dust and dirt clods as camouflage from enemy gunners in the area. They would try to bounce down hard on the tires and hopefully leap back into the air to an altitude about 10 ft or so, to maybe clear the hedge rows while getting stopped.

Jim was one who was designated a flight leader, and also had been trained to determine the airworthiness of the gliders in the landing zone. He was responsible to select one, then get it set up for a snatch recovery by a C-47 with a tailhook. The passengers on his first return leg were not wounded, but other glider pilots, so they may get airborne again for more flights into the combat area. He said he prayed as he held tight to the steering column, awaiting the catapulting force when the snatch line went taught, that the glider he had picked was sound and that they would not have the wings fall off as they began to get airborne.

After all these years, he still wonders why he survived without injury, in combat or otherwise, from 4.5 years of service, and admits he still feels some guilt for having come home, when so many other great men did not.

He will have his American flags flying this day.

Category: Air Force, Army, Humor, Military, Military History | Comments Off on D-Day Remeberences of Jim, Sr

Help Send a Real Man to Blog Expo

May 25th, 2007 by xformed

CPT Chuck Z is trying to raise the funds to go to the biggest conference there is: Blog Expo.

He, accompanied by Matt and Jimbo from Black Five, will be able to stand up for us MilBloggers, but more importantly, Chuck, as the ValOUR-IT “patient 0,” will get the opportunity to tell his story to a bigger audience and thereby get more funds moving in that direction.Got a few non-tax deductible bucks to chip in? Do it here.

It sure couldn’t hurt, dropping three manly men in the middle of the Kos Kids to get more “support the troops” fever going on….

Category: Army, Blogging, Charities, Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Technology, Valour-IT | Comments Off on Help Send a Real Man to Blog Expo

ValOUR-IT Monthly Reminder

May 11th, 2007 by xformed

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ValOUR-IT. We just love those acronyms, and this one is a standout for me.

V(oice) A(ctivated) L(aptops) for OUR – I(njured) T(roops). Born of a disaster, raised up as a success. As of 5/5/2007, in 20 months, 1000 laptops have been handed to our wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

The “quality” of the product has gone from a used, purchased on eBay unit, with money from Soldier’s Angels, with a blog reader chipping in the funds for a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking, to brand new Dell laptops, complete with wireless capability and a copy of Naturally Speaking funded by DoD funds from a program to aid disbaled service members. Along the way, it’s been the leanest and meanest charity I have know. 100% of the donations are “put to work.” Alongside that path of progress are some incredible people, with big hearts and small and large checking accounts.

While the main fund drives for this program happen in the two weeks leading up to November 11th, there is a need to keep the fund flowing year round. If you have a few spare $$$, there is someone who could use it to change the outlook and real opportunities of their future. Donations easily accepted here.

Category: Air Force, Army, Charities, Coast Guard, Marines, Military, Navy, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | Comments Off on ValOUR-IT Monthly Reminder

A Must See Slide Show – When A Soldier Comes Home

May 10th, 2007 by xformed

Found the link to a post at Strategy Page @ Captain B’s One Marine’s View blog.

I suspect it was done by CPT Allison Crane, RN, MS, a mental health nurse observer-trainer from the 7302nd Medical Training Support Battalion, and is titled “When a Soldier Comes Home From War”.

Fine work, expresses much, and the best 2-3 minutes (but you can spend many more) looking at the 21 slides that comprise this excellent reminder of a combat soldier’s return to “the World,” but about life in general, too.

Here’s a few of the slides:

They all are worth looking at. Do yourself a favor, go and check it out and see small pictorial of how our service members live in the current combat zone.

Category: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, History, Jointness, Marines, Military, Military History, Navy, Supporting the Troops | 2 Comments »

US Soldiers Killed By Afghan Troops?

May 7th, 2007 by xformed

Not good news, and a reminder why GTMO should stay open….

Two US Service Members Killed Outside Kabul Prison.

I picked this up on Caos’ Blog and pulled the above link from CENTCOM’s site.

It sounds as though a COL and SGT were killed by Afghan National Army troops, during a prisoner transfer, where Taliban detainees from GTMO were being brought to the prison at Pulacharke.

The shooters apparently ran off after the killings, so I suspect they were moles, as the report says there were other Afghan soldiers ran to the aid of the killed and wounded (2) US soldiers.

A Google search didn’t find this news. It is clearly listed by CENTCOM.

Tracked back @: Cao’s Blog

Category: Army, Geo-Political, History, Military | Comments Off on US Soldiers Killed By Afghan Troops?

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