Technology Break
June 1st, 2006 by xformed
How about a computer that fits into a standard electical wall socket form factor?

With a monitor and a keyboard mouse, you’re all set….More news here about this new “toy” on ZDNet.

Toss one of these in your compter bag (also available from and then it’s the choice of monitor that will ultimately determine how mobile you can get…oh, yeah, you’ll need your humongous USB drive with your own data, coupled with web based applications,/a>….Think about it….
H/T: Gulf Coast Pundit
Maybe you have a hard time keeping your laptop plugged into a wall socket due to cord length:

Not too shabby for $34.99 to get 300′ feet of extra reach without the liabillity of someone tripping over your cord at Borders…..Details on here.
H/T: CPU Magazine.
Thanks to Mudville Gazette for the Open Post!
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