Looking for Digital Mentors – Any Takers?

April 20th, 2007 by xformed

Last year, about this time, I put up Operation Forward Pass as a blog with the intent to pass along lessons learned to those about to enter the service. It’s that time of year when the high school and college/university grads are ready to raise their hands and commit to service to the Nation. How valuable would some hard earned wisdom be to them?

I grew up around the military, then did my 20. Just about everywhere I lived since 1962, the “local” community had access to those who wore uniforms. Much of the understanding of what was going to happen when they get off of the bus and put their feet on the yellow footprints isn’t a mystery.

My perception of the current knowledge of our population is they don’t have many service members around to help the be pre-acclimated to the boot camp/officer training experience. It was exacerbated by the massive downsizing of the military through base closings during the mid-90s. Those heading into the military know what the MSM says, with the overworked recruiters being the first line of defense to help dispel rumors and make sure their charges are mentally prepared, and thereby increase the probability of a “satisfied customer” out on the front line a year from now. Add to that that the MSM isn’t kind in their presentation of the recruiters, trying to cast them as a bunch of people looking to cheat the system and take anyone they can. As we know all to well, that’s no where close to the truth.
Here is my request: Whether you would like to become an author on the blog, or would just like to send in some useful posts, I think we’d help the ones who are coming behind us get off to an accelerated start.

Contact me either via the comments section (here or there).

Thanks in advance. Let’s get the future warriors prepped for the next part of their lives.

While I’m on the subject, don’t forget that Jack Army sez we can help by getting names of sharp young men and women to our local recruiters

Tracked back @: Yankee Sailor, Third World County

This entry was posted on Friday, April 20th, 2007 at 4:41 pm and is filed under Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Military, Navy, Public Service, Supporting the Troops. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 response about “Looking for Digital Mentors – Any Takers?”

  1. Station Commando said:

    I’m sure I could come up with something to offer, especially since I hear the main concerns people have about basic on a daily basis as well as the fact that I get to see these kids when they get back too.

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