Another Milestone Attained
March 31st, 2007 by xformed
But we still need an ERA…

We have females who have quite successfully attained roles of traditional male leadership, and in this case, in some of the “macho-est” hallways. But there is still the “GLASS CEILING!”â„¢ There are those women who just get it done, like the one flying with the Thunderbirds, and many others, yet there is a faction of women who desire to sit on the sidelines and carp about how they can’t get what they want. I knew men like this during my career. More often than not, the real reason they didn’t get the so desired promotion/duty/assignment was simple: They weren’t qualified.
Sometimes they we’re qualified because of things like physical limitations, other times education requirements they could not attain, and in too many other situations, they didn’t get off their cans and do the ground work to be eligible (meaning “it” had been within their reach, but they were the ones limiting their own upward mobility).
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