A Shipmate Reports from the Gathering of Eagles

March 21st, 2007 by xformed

A shipmate from USS FIRST SHIP was one of the many veterans standing tall on Saturday, 3/17/2007 in Washington, DC.

He sent this memento. The picture was taken early Saturday morning at the Lincoln Memorial:

(click on the picture for the larger, original photo)
Lifted from “SITREP 01:”

The traitors couldn’t have numbered greater than a thousand or so while the vets surely had mustered three or four times that. In addition to the usual suspects, Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda, Cynthia McKinney, Maxine Waters, etc, there was a decidedly younger crowd, appearing in dress and demeanor as I recall the “flower-children” of the late 60’s. A few “brave” traitors ventured among us with their messages of peace and were met generally with disdain as indicated by the below clip from WJLA TVs (Wash DC) website.

and…from “SITREP 02:”

The “Eagles” arrived at 0600 and began milling about smartly. I snapped this photo with my cell phone as they unfurled one of the banners prior to any “traitor” arrivals. This was on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Fox news was the only network that accurately depicted our force strength at 3 to 4 times that of the moonbats.

Another bit of history from a Vet…

Tracked back @: Stop the ACLU, Stuck on Stupid, Big Dog’s Weblog, Is It Just Me?, stikNstein, Right Wing Nation, Third World County

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 21st, 2007 at 3:24 pm and is filed under History, Leadership, Military, Military History, Supporting the Troops. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 response about “A Shipmate Reports from the Gathering of Eagles”

  1. Chaotic Synaptic Activity » LOCK AND LOAD! Democrat Sytle said:

    […] Welcome, Lizards! If you aren’t too busy, and didn’t see it Friday, check out the Gathering of Eagles photo my friend took. […]

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