Senator Rick Santorum Discusses the War

July 23rd, 2006 by xformed

H/T to Chapomatic again. He links to Tigerhawks’ blog, where the entire speech made by Senator Santorum (R-PA) lays out what this war is all about.

Like most Americans we are more concerned about the future of our country. Now most of you would expect me to now launch into my often written about rants about the culture, the family, and children. Not today. No today the biggest issue facing our children’s future is a war. Not, as so many describe it, the War on Terror. Not the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. But the world war, which at its heart is just like the previous three global struggles.

In those wars we fought against European tyrants and their allies, from the Kaiser to Hitler to Lenin, Stalin, and their heirs. We fought them because we knew that our survival was at stake. The tyrants would never stop attacking us until they had defeated us, or we had defeated them. Our only choices – choices imposed on us, not chosen by us – were either winning or losing, because there was no way out.

We are in the same kind of conflict today. We are not fighting a War on Terror anymore than we fought a war on blitzkrieg in World War II. Terror like blitzkrieg is a tactic used by our enemy, not the enemy itself. We are fighting against Islamic fascists. They attacked us on September 11th because we are the greatest obstacle to their openly declared mission of subjecting the entire world to their fanatical rule. I believe that the threat of Islamic fascism is just as menacing as the threat from German Nazism and Soviet Communism. Now, as then, we face fanatics who will stop at nothing to dominate us. Now, as then, there is no way out; we will either win or lose.

It’s a long read, but it brings clarity to the situation, and in fact, the last week, I have been mulling over the fact that the war being waged against the western world is garbed in a religious wrapping, yet, if a nation and it’s allies would say “We’re going to conquer you!” there would be little ambuiguity in our thoughts as to what that meant to our national survival. In fact, we didn’t have any problem seeing the Communist threat for what it was. Some of my beginnings on this thought process are here.

I’m sure Mohammed didn’t forsee the freedom of religious expression right being written into our Constitution a millenium beyond his life, but, it now causes many to stop and wonder just how can we judge this “religion.” I submit it is not a religion, but more a poitical power, with religious leadership, and unlike anything we have encountered.

Yes, we have seen guerilla warfare and began our own history with it, but the allegiance to the nation came quickly. It isn’t uncommon for Muslim-Americans calling radio talk shows, when questioned as to what they would do in the event of a fatwa declared to bring down the US, for them to either respond with a question back to the host (such as one did Friday afternoon to Michael Meved) as to where their loyalties would be…The Muslims seem to either refuse to answer the question, or they hesitate and never repond in a manner that you would understand a definite postition on their part. I take from their response, they would not take the approach to defend the US.

As Senator Santorum points out, it is many nations, all claiming a state religion of Islam, who all have publically stated they are out for our defeat. This is just like the Axis powers, but the added factor is not just small bands of guerillas conducting sabotage, as did Nazis landed from submarines, but western nations with massive populations of Muslims, who regularly demonstrate against the country of their citizenship. France has about 3M Muslims, as one example. England has many. Each nation, as with ours, have Imams who openly speak about destruction of the very nations they inhabit. During the riots when hundreds of cars were burned, imagine the internal strife if those same people had been supplied with arms and told to rise up against their adopted homelands?

We’re in for a long haul, and education will be a weapon that will serve the world well….

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