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Quote of the Click
It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.

CSA Archives

Operation Forward Pass - "gouge" for those entering the service

Next Rating Merger: GMs and EMs

January 31st, 2008 by xformed

Today in Naval History: We fired a rail gun at Dahlgren.

Cool! Shove a piece of metal at a target at Mach 5 to 7. Forget about having to handle hazardous explosives, just route some juice to the rails and send some good old, time tested “F=M*A” at the bad guys for effect. Can you say “10.8 megajoules ON THE WAY!”

The Military Times video, with CNO’s remarks is here.

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: A plea from Tom Burnett Sr. to the wonderful people of Somerset

January 31st, 2008 by xformed

There will be a meeting on the Flight 93 Memorial, thanks to lots of people pushing the issue. That’s the good news. The bad news is only five days notice of the public hearing for this Saturday (Feb 2nd, 2008) was given for this meeting. Here is a call for help from the residents of the Somerset, PA area, and for non-residents, to contact your federal representatives:

From Alec Rawls of Error Theory, who has been on top of this issue for a long time now:

The Memorial Project gave only five days public notice for this Saturday’s public meeting in Somerset. Tom Burnett and I are trying to crash their party, calling on the population of Somerset to come out and protest the terrorist memorializing design.

Here is the ad copy for Tom’s call to action, which will be published in color in tomorrow’s Somerset Daily American. Please post this advertisement ASAP. I’m not putting on a blogburst header, since this is Tom’s statement, but feel free to add a commentary linking it to our regular blogbursts if you want.

I am optimistic that we might even get a few PA politicians jumping on the bandwagon this time.

There is a second color ad with my information that Tom asks readers to follow on to. It is linked at the bottom of Tom’s ad, so there is no need for you to post that as well.

HTML at the bottom as usual.

We might have them this time.


Below is the post in support of this effort to get the Islamic format of the memorial to those who died on Flight 93 on 9/11/2001 removed:

A plea from Tom Burnett Sr. to the wonderful people of Somerset

(The ad copy below is running in tomorrow’s Somerset Daily American.)

My son Tom confronted a terrible moment of truth. Faced with a plot against our nation, he and the other heroes of Flight 93 fought back, and at the cost of their lives, foiled that plot to destroy the White House or the Capitol. Now it is time for the rest of us to face our moment of truth. Flight 93 has been re-hijacked, and I am requesting that if you can, you go down to the public meeting of the Memorial Project at Somerset Courthouse Saturday, sign up to comment at the end, and demand that a proper investigation be conducted.

THIS was no accident:


The Memorial Project held an open design competition in time of war, inviting the entire world to enter. Guess who joined in? That group of trees that sits roughly in the position of the star on an Islamic flag is the crash site. Who do YOU think is being memorialized here?

A second Islamic feature that I also protested when I served on the Stage II jury is the minaret-like Tower of Voices, formed in the shape of a crescent, with its top cut at an angle so that its crescent arms reach up into the sky.


Upturned crescents are a standard mosque adornment in many Muslim countries.

Every iota of this original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the so-called “redesign.” That is why Congressman Tancredo asked the Park Service this autumn to scrap the existing design entirely. Instead of getting rid of the giant crescent as Tancredo demanded back in 2005, architect Paul Murdoch only disguised it with a few surrounding trees.

Also remaining are those damned 44 glass blocks on the flight path. (There were forty passengers and crew and four Islamic terrorists on Flight 93.) The Memorial Project acknowledges the 40 blocks inscribed with the names of my son and the other heroes, and they acknowledge the three inscribed with the 9/11 date, but they pretend not to know about this one: the huge glass block that dedicates the entire site.

44th block close up

When this 44th glass block is pointed out, Project Partners say that it can’t be counted with the other blocks because it is not the same size. What? Because the capstone to the terrorist memorializing block count is magnificent, that is supposed to make it okay?

For every Islamic or terrorist memorializing feature of the crescent design, the Park Service has another equally phony excuse. Please read the exposé below of the Park Service’s fraudulent investigation, and please come to the meeting on Saturday to demand state and Congressional investigations into the Flight 93 memorial.

Tom Burnett Sr.
February 2008

PDF of ad copy here.

Non-locals who want to help, please contact your senators and representatives!

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: The crescent-topped tower

January 30th, 2008 by xformed

Not all of the Islamic symbolism in the Flight 93 memorial is hidden. One of the things that Tom Burnett Sr. protested from the beginning was the overtly minaret-like Tower of Voices. The Tower is formed in the shape of an extruded crescent, and even has its top but at an angle so that its crescent arms reach up into the sky, similar to the upturned crescent motif seen atop minarets all over the world:


Up tower view (left) shows the Tower of Voices to be formed in the shape of an Islamic crescent, covering about 2/3rds of a circle of arc, with a circular inner arc. The top of the tower is but at an angle (right) so that the crescent arms reach up into the sky.

This sky-reaching crescent is a standard mosque motif, seen from the Abdul Gaffoor mosque in Singapore:


… to Your Black Muslim Bakery in Oakland:


… to the Uppsala mosque in Sweden:

Swedish mosque with crescents 55%

There is no way that the Islamic shaped crescent atop architect Paul Murdoch’s minaret-like tower is an accident, any more than THIS could possibly be an accident:


That’s before you even get to the hidden stuff, like the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent; the 9/11 date placed in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag; or the fact that the Tower of Voices turns out to be a year round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial:


Every particle of the original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the Bowl of Embrace redesign, which only disguised the original crescent with a few irrelevant trees.

That Islamic crescent reaching up into the sky is completely undisguised. How can anyone abide this?

Stop the Memorial Blogburst

1389 Blog – Antijihadist Tech
A Defending Crusader
A Fine Line Between Stupid and Clever
And Rightly So
Big Dog’s Weblog
Big Sibling
Cao2’s Weblog
Cao’s Blog
Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Dr. Bulldog and Ronin
Error Theory
Faultline USA

All About Eve hd

Flanders Fields
Flopping Aces
Four Pointer
Freedom’s Enemies

Ft. Hard Knox
GM’s Corner
Hoosier Army Mom
Ironic Surrealism II
Jack Lewis
Kender’s Musings
My Own Thoughts
Nice Deb
Ogre’s Politics and Views
Part-Time Pundit
Right on the Right
Right Truth
Stix Blog
Stop the ACLU
The Renaissance Biologist
The View From the Turret
The Wide Awakes
Thunder Run

If you want to join the blogroll/blogburst for the Crescent of Betrayal blogburst, email Cao at caoilfhionn1 at gmail dot com, with your blog’s url address. The blogburst will be sent out once a week to the participants, for simultaneous publication on this issue on Wednesdays.

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Technology Tuesday

January 29th, 2008 by xformed

Have you lusted, for a very long time for a fully functional “heads up display” (HUD) that’s no muss, no fuss to wear? No annoying glasses style rigs, no wires dangling around your neck….

Well, in a “life imitates art” moment, someone has done your bidding. Pet Sematary II psp The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! psp

Terminator style contact lens displays
From the Telegraph in the UK:

Contact lenses with Terminator vision

By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 27/01/2008

An electronic contact lens has been developed that will enable maps and videos to be beamed before the wearer’s eyes.

The bionic lens has microscopic circuits fixed to a flexible plastic. The scientists who created the device say the lenses could eventually provide computer-aided vision similar to that of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s robotic character in the Terminator films.

Drivers and pilots would have essential information – their speed and direction, for example – superimposed in front of their eyes, in a massive advance on the kind of “wearable displays” now available, which are spectacles that have images displayed on the lenses.

Now, just because this was in an English paper, doesn’t mean it wasn’t homegrown. Babak Parviz, an electrical engineer at the University of Washington is the man with the plan.

And if just data displays aren’t good enough for you, he is working on advanced versions already:

Mr Parviz plans more sophisticated components to show detailed pictures, and it is possible to include a zoom function. The lenses have been tried on animals but there will be tough safety tests before the technology is developed for people.

Sign me up for the testing! I wonder…do they also correct for astigmatism? Probably for an extra cost…

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Monday Maritime Matters

January 28th, 2008 by xformed

Other maritime reading: Maritime Monday 95 for today (or when you find this).
It’s about connections. Several months back, in October to be exact, one of the people highlighted in this series was RM3/c Otis Dennis, an early hero of the Pacific, who had a DE named for him, that was a player in the Battle off Samar. Then I got a comment from Otis’ nephew, Don Dennis, who pointed me to the family website, which also contains a wealth of information of Otis’ wartime service, but also that of his pilot, who perished with him, LTjg Carleton Fogg, USN, and some detailed historical records from the USS ENTERPRISE (CV-6) and the squadrons who flew from her by CAPT “Dusty” Kleiss, USN (Ret).

And that site is a massive compilation of family history, reaching back into the times of WWII with the story of one of the families who were captured (all of them) by the Japanese in the Philippines.

That being said, today I will cover the story of LTjg Fogg and his floating legacy.

LTJG Carleton Fogg, USN
From the Dennis Family site, the only place I found significant detail about the life of Carleton Fogg:

Lieutenant (j.g.) Carleton Thayer Fogg, U.S. Navy
Received from the U.S. Navy Archives

Lieutenant (j.g.) Carleton Thayer Fogg was born in Lynn, Massachusetts on August 19, 1917 and died February 1, 1942 in the Pacific area (Roi Island, Kwajalein Atoll) from enemy action (Japanese attack).

On October 6, 1937, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve and from 15th to November 13, 1937 he was on active duty and was discharged on December 21, 1937.

On December 10, 1937, he was appointed Aviation Cadet, U.S. Naval Reserve, from December 3, 1937 and accepted appointment and executed oath on December 21st. He was assigned to active duty for training involving flying at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, on the 10th of December and detached on January 7, 1939, and assigned to the Scouting Squadron Two USS SARATOGA for temporary active duty involving flying, reporting on February 23, 1939. He was detached from this duty on June 14, 1939 and assigned to the Scouting Squadron Seventy-one (USS WASP) for active duty involving flying.

He was appointed Ensign for Aviation duties, US Volunteer Reserve, from January 1, 1939 and accepted the appointment and executed oath of office on August 19th. On September 11, 1939, assigned to Scouting Squadron Six USS ENTERPRISE to active duty involving flying. Commissioned Ensign, U.S. Navy, from June 1, 1939 and on March 28th, accepted the appointment and executed oath of office. On December 13th, appointed Lieutenant (j.g.) for temporary service to rank from November 1, 1941 and accepted on January 7, 1942.

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the AIR MEDAL posthumously to Lieutenant (j.g.) Carleton T. Fogg, U.S.N. for service as set forth in the following:


“For meritorious conduct in aerial flight while in action with the enemy. As a member of a Scouting Squadron he participated in the initial attack on Kwajelein Atoll, Marshall Islands on February 1, 1942, which was executed in the face of enemy fighter opposition and heavy anti-aircraft fire. He pressed home his attack in a determined manner and contributed to the damage to enemy installation on Roi Island. He gallantly gave up his life in the service of his country. His conduct throughout was in accordance with the best traditions of the Naval Service.”

LTjg Fogg and RM3/c Dennis flew a Dauntless dive bomber. This is a drawing of theirs:

SBD of LTjg Fogg and RM3/c Dennis
LTjg Fogg was overhead Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th, 1941, and this is his after action report:

Pearl Harbor Report of ENS C. T. Fogg – 7 December 1941

from USS Enterprise CV-6
At Sea
14 December, 1941
From: Ensign C. T. FOGG, USN, (Pilot of 6-S-11).
To: The Commander, Scouting Squadron SIX.

Subject: Report of Action with Japanese on Oahu on 7 December, 1941.

Reference: (a) Art. 874 U.S. Navy Regs.


I completed my scouting sector with no contacts and proceeded to Oahu, arriving over Barbers Point at about 0840. I flew towards Pearl Harbor and got as far as Ewa Field before I realized fully that Oahu had been bombed. I immediately turned back towards Barbers Point and rendezvoused with five other Scouting Squadron SIX planes who had completed search. This group was lead by Lieutenant W. E. Gallaher, USN. After circling at sea for an indefinite time we sighted two large groups of enemy aircraft rendezvousing about 20 miles south of Barbers Point. After reporting them, we attempted to land at Ford Island but were mistaken for enemy and fired upon by own anti-aircraft. The formation broke and I turned back and landed at Ewa Field. Damage to my plane was slight, only a hole in the main spar of my right wing and another in my tail surfaces. At Ewa Field I found that they had suffered two strafing attacks and that all aircraft but two (2) F4F’s had been destroyed by incendiary bullets. Personnel casualties were light, approximately three dead and eight to twelve seriously wounded.

I remained at Ewa Field by direction of Wheeler Control until about 1000 the next day (Monday) when I took off and proceeded to Ford Island by orders from Patrol Wing TWO Operations Officer.

(Signed) C. T. FOGG

In honor of his sacrifice, the USS FOGG (DE-57), a ship of the BUCKLEY Class destroyer escorts, was named fro Carleton Fogg and was commissioned on July 7th, 1943, with his mother as the ship’s sponsor.Here is what history I could find on FOGG’s operational record at the Dictinary of American Fighting Ships:

Fogg’s first cruise on convoy duty began with her departure from New York 13 October 1943. She escorted unladen tankers to Aruba and Curacao in the Netherlands West Indies, crossed to Algiers guarding loaded tankers, then returned by way of Curacao and Trinidad to New York 4 December 1943. Between 26 December 1943 and 20 August 1944, she made six escort voyages from New York to Londonderry and Lisahally, North Ireland, guarding the flow of men and material which made possible the invasion of Europe and the push across the continent which followed.

The escort put to sea once more from New York 12 September 1944, to escort a convoy through the English Channel to Cherbourg, France, then called at Portsmouth, England, before returning to New York 9 October for a brief overhaul. After special training at Charleston, she sailed 6 November to escort a slow towing convoy to England and back. Homeward bound, on 20 December, one of the LSTs in the convoy was torpedoed, and as Fogg began to search for the submarine, she, too, was torpedoed. Four of her men were killed and two wounded, and the ship badly damaged [losing the rear third of the ship, breaking off just aft of the Engine Room #2 bulkhead]. For two days the crew fought to save their ship, but when on 22 December the stern sheared off, all but a skeleton crew were taken off. These men restored buoyancy, and Fogg reached the Azores in tow the next day. A first attempt to tow her back to the United States failed when bad weather tore away the temporary bulkheads replacing the stern but she at last arrived at Boston for repairs 9 March 1945.

After refresher training, Fogg sailed out of Norfolk between 2 and 30 June 1945, acting as target ship in battle problems with a cruiser, serving as plane guard for a carrier, and training men in combat information center duty. On l July, she entered Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for conversion to a radar picket, which was completed 2 October. Duty along the east coast and in the Caribbean, primarily in antisubmarine warfare development and as combat information center school ship, continued until 26 July 1947, when she arrived at Charleston, S.C. There, Fogg was decommissioned and placed in reserve 27 October 1947.

There is a note on the Dennis site indicating a 2 volume book titled “History of USS FOGG DE-57” by Salvatore J. DiMilla was written. It appears the book can be found at the East Carolina University Special Collections. I suspect it has plenty of information on DE ops in WWII.

I close with an excerpt from the memorial service for LTjg Carleton Fogg, held at his alma mater the North Yarmouth Acaemy:

What man, whatever his need, can grouse and grumble at the rationing of rubber when his friend has made the supreme contribution; what civilian club-room admiral or barbershop general can revise and rearrange with his pitiful HALF-information battle lines, worldwide in their extent, entered by his neighbor who, like a brigade famous in history, knew and acted upon the military axiom “Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to DO, – and die!”?

Good advise for all time? I think so.

The credit for this posts detail goes to the families of Otis Dennis and Carleton Fogg for taking the time and effort to collect and organize a tremendous amount of history.

Category: Navy | 4 Comments »

Truth: It’s in the Details

January 27th, 2008 by xformed

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Being Your Brother's Keeper

January 25th, 2008 by xformed

Funny, and not all at once:

Update: commenter Theodore pints us at the truth and it’s false…but it almost sounds plausible these days.

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on.

-Winston Churchilldownload Ready to Rumble

Category: Public Service | 2 Comments »

It’s Sexy, in a Technological Way

January 24th, 2008 by xformed

Virgin Atlantic Spaceship by Burt Rutan
Check this out…Burt Rutan’s new design for Virgin Atlantic’s commercial space travel….

WhiteKnight, a three-fuselage, four-engine plane in its new incarnation, will ferry the smaller spacecraft high into the sky and release it. The spacecraft pilot then fires the craft’s rocket engine, which burns a combination of nitrous oxide and a rubber-based solid fuel, and shoots the vehicle upward to an altitude of more than 62 miles, the realm of black sky.

Once there, the pilot is to activate the craft’s innovative feathered wing, which rotates into a position that greatly increases aerodynamic drag and slows the craft for a glider landing back on earth.

It’s a short flight, but it’s expensive…

I’m sure there will be plenty of takers anyhow.

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Ropeyarn Sunday "Sea Stories" and Open Trackbacks

January 23rd, 2008 by xformed

“Blogging Block” (at least with “Sea Stories”) still in place.

Found this, tho

from January (13th to be exact), 1917….the reason not to use a heavy cruiser to pull a grounded sub off the beaches of California…USS MILAWAUKEE goes hard aground trying to get H-3 out of trouble. End result: lost the ship. Salvaged from the place beached by bad judgment.

More info on the event is here. It seems the private bids (from experts in salvage, mind you, seemed too expensive, so…tell the “Can Do” guys to turn to, it’s just pulling a sub back to deep water, after all. Sound too familiar?

A detailed report, “The Valor of Inexperience” by CAPT Harvey Haislip, USN (Retired) was published in Proceedings in Feb 1967.The Driver

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: More Nasser Rabbat deception

January 23rd, 2008 by xformed

Nasser Rabbat, a Syrian professor of Islamic architecture at MIT, told the Park Service not to worry about the giant Mecca oriented crescent at the center of the Flight 93 Memorial. He said that since it does not point quite exactly to Mecca (it is off by 1.8°) it can’t be considered a proper mihrab (the central feature around which every mosque is built).

Liar. Many of the most famous mihrabs face as much as 20 or 30 degrees off of Mecca.

Here is another Rabbat deception:

Mosques are never in the shape of a crescent or a circle. This defeats the purpose of lining up the worshipers parallel to the Qibla wall (Mecca orientation), which usually translates into a rectangular shape, or sometimes a square. [From the White Paper released by the Memorial Project in August 2007.]

It is true that most mosques are rectangular, the more clearly to mark the direction to Mecca, but this is certainly not a requirement, given that the two most religiously significant sites in Islam are round mosques. Significant site #1 is the Sacred Mosque in Mecca:

Second most significant is the Mosque of Omar, also called the Dome of the Rock, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, from which point Muhammad supposedly ascended into heaven:

Perhaps because of the prominence of these precedents, a small but significant number of mosques around the world follow the round model.

There is the Tun Abdul Aziz mosque built in Malaysia in 1975, referred to colloquially as the “Masjid Bulat,” or “round mosque.”

There is the new 5,000 person Arafat Mosque in Nigeria, which the architect claims is “the only round mosque in Africa,” but he is wrong. Another round mosque, Al Nileen, sits at the confluence of Blue and White Nile rivers in Khartoum:

[From Google Earth. Look up “alnileen mosque”.]Africa is also home to some older round mosques. Here is a round mosque from the Ivory coast. Similar mosques have also been found in Sierra Leone.

Here is a modern Russian mosque, laid out in shape of an eight point star.

There is even a famous round mosque right in the heart of the EU, at the northwest corner of the Parc du Cinquantenaire in Brussels.

There is a round mosque in Kuwait, a round mosque in Kadavu India, and probably many more.

At the Islamic architecture website Archnet, a Muslim architect (not a native English writer) explains the problem with round mosques:

… a circular mosque can not function well because a mousqe should have an oriantation to kibla and as we all know that a circle does not have an orientation, How can we know the kibla wall if it is a circle ?

This problem does not afflict Paul Murdoch’s mosque design for the Flight 93 memorial because Murdoch’s giant crescent does create an orientation. Face into the crescent to face Mecca, just as with a smaller size mihrab.

Geometrically, Murdoch’s Crescent of Embrace is just a gigantic Islamic prayer rug:

A Muslim prayer rug is a two dimensional mihrab, laid out to face Mecca, just as the Crescent of Embrace is.

Notice that to a person looking into the Flight 93 crescent, the irregularity of the outer arc of the crescent is not visible. The radial arbors are all behind the double row of red maples that line the walkway. The ends of the crescent are also well defined by the end of the walkway of red maples at the bottom and the end of the thousand foot long, fifty foot tall Entry Portal Wall on top. This is a perfectly comprehensible and recognizable Mecca direction indicator.

Rabbat’s comments to the Park Service do not even pretend to be objective. He lists “talking points” in defense of the crescent design without ever even pretending to weigh the merits of the case against the design.

Most obviously, Rabbat never considers the almost exact Mecca orientation of the giant crescent as a grounds for concern, but limits his remarks to possible excuses for not worrying about this obviously worrisome fact. The same for all of his other talking points. He only even considers ways to absolve the crescent design.

In short, Rabbat is as overtly biased as he could possibly be, yet the Park Service has no qualms about this overt bias. Rabbat gives them the excuses for unconcern that they want and they eagerly embrace him. The Park Service investigation into warnings of an enemy plot was a total fraud.

1389 Blog – Antijihadist Tech
A Defending Crusader
A Fine Line Between Stupid and Clever
And Rightly So
Big Dog’s Weblog
Big Sibling
Cao2’s Weblog
Cao’s Blog
Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Dr. Bulldog and Ronin
Error Theory
Faultline USA
Flanders Fields
Flopping Aces
Four Pointer
Freedom’s Enemies
Ft. Hard Knox
GM’s Corner
Hoosier Army Mom
Ironic Surrealism II
Jack Lewis
Kender’s Musings
My Own Thoughts
Nice Deb
Ogre’s Politics and Views
Part-Time Pundit
Right on the Right
Right Truth
Stix Blog
Stop the ACLU
The Renaissance Biologist
The View From the Turret
The Wide Awakes
Thunder Run

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