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A litte government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them.
P.J. O'Rourke

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Muslims can earn goodwill by helping to stop the crescent plot

July 9th, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, August 2nd

Al Qaeda’s 9/11 sneak attack cast suspicion on all Muslims. After the hijackers hid amongst us, pretending to be trustworthy friends while plotting acts of war, how can we know that other Muslims are not doing the same?

American Muslims could undo much of this suspicion by helping to expose the terrorist memorial mosque that architect Paul Murdoch is trying to plant on the Flight 93 crash site.

Non-Muslim Americans can tell themselves that the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent is esoteric or unimportant (even if they go by semi-Islamic sounding names like Allahpundit), but every Muslim will instantly recognize this orientation as the central symbol of Islam.

Other Americans can also get confused about the direction to Mecca, thinking that the northeast facing crescent memorial CAN’T point to Mecca because Mecca is south of us. Not American Muslims, who all know that the shortest-distance direction to Mecca is to the northeast, since the overwhelming majority of them face this direction for prayer:


A person facing into the Crescent of Embrace (which remains completely intact in the “broken circle” redesign) will be facing almost exactly at Mecca (the Muslim “qibla,” or prayer direction.)

Similarly with the Tower of Voices. Unbelievers can look up the minaret-like Tower and not recognize that the crescent projected against the sky is an Islamic crescent, but every Muslims will instantly recognize its specifically Islamic geometry (covering about 2/3rds of a circle of arc, with a circular inner arc):

Flight 93 Tower and Uppsala mosque

Flight 93 tower, left. Uppsala mosque, right. Crescent topped minarets are a familiar sight in much of the Islamic world (including Sweden).

If American Muslims DON’T help to stop this al Qaeda sympathizing architect from building an Islamic memorial to the 9/11 terrorists, when many who are less familiar with Islamic symbolism are stepping up, what will it say about their loyalties? How can these fellow countrymen claim to not warrant the suspicion that al Qaeda has cast onto all Muslims if they will not help stop an al Qaeda attack that is more easily recognizable to them than to anyone else?

On the other hand, if American Muslims DO step up and expose this al Qaeda sympathizing plot against their new homeland, it will demonstrate that they ARE trustworthy friends.

This loyalty to America is what is what the rest of America wants to see. Is it what our Muslim countrymen want?

EVERYONE is encouraged to please sign our petition against the crescent mosque, and please come to Somerset PA on Saturday August 2nd to help Tom Burnett Sr. protest the crescent design.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

1389 Blog – Antijihadist Tech
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Monkey in the Middle
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Ogre’s Politics and Views
Part-Time Pundit
Protest The Church
Protest The Left
Publius’ Forum
Republican Attack Machine
Right on the Right The Cake Eaters trailer
Right Truth
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Rosemary’s Thoughts Fierce Creatures divx
Seattle Express
Smooth Stone
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Stix Blog
Stop the ACLU
the Avid Editor
The Great Lie of Islam
The Hinge of Fate
The Loyal Eagles
The Midnight Sun Suchîmubôi move
The Paradigm Shift
The Renaissance Biologist
The Sisyphus Files
The Strata-Sphere
The Truth of Islam
The View From the Turret
The Wide Awakes
Thunder Run
Tizona’s Weblog
United Conservatives
War of 2 Worlds
We Have Some Planes

Yes, but can I dance to it?

Category: Political | 1 Comment »

Technology Tuesday

July 8th, 2008 by xformed

Setting: Somewhere in the Strait of Homuz, in the not too distant future, aboard the USS ZUMWALT (DDG-1000)

“Tactical Action Officer: ENGAGE CLOAKING DEVICE!”

“Aye, aye! Sir!” The Birdcage movie

Life imitates Sci-Fi?

Contact trailer

The Replacement Killers video Last Hour movieThe General Died at Dawn psp

Category: Technology Tuesday | Comments Off on Technology Tuesday

Words, Just Words Some Might Say

July 4th, 2008 by xformed

…but I think they are excellent reminders of what has become:

The parchment is aged and water stained, the ink faded and behind the thick, bullet prof glass it is difficult to discern. And yet — and yet the power of those words have shaken empires to their very roots and given hope to generations. The future they but dimly perceived, we live today. This is what it means to risk it all – in the hope, fear and prayer that the course you are charting will mean a better tomorrow; to know that there is no out, no “Plan B”…

By way of the one who “pens” his tales

Highway 395

of technology and the Navy, old and new, and still serves today, albeit without a uniform required daily: SteelJaw Scribe.

Words, just words, worthy of meditating upon this anniversary of the American experiment.

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Some Have BBQs, Some Have Fireworks, One Has a Cluster…

July 4th, 2008 by xformed


…of balloons to keep him entertained. Actually, he’ll be taking to the air on the 5th, but it makes for a good notification story for today. Hallowed Ground video

Threat of Exposure rip

Larry Couch,

The Longest Yard film What Just Happened dvdrip the cluster ballooning lawn chair guy will try to make a 300 mile journey, riding high in his lawn chair above Oregaon and Idaho.

You can track his progress live on his website

Two for the Road film

, locating him with his on chair GPS unit.

Category: Technology | 1 Comment »

What a Day to Re-Enlist – July 4th, 2008

July 4th, 2008 by xformed

Update 7/5/2008:

embedded by Embedded Video

From DefenseLink:

More Than 1,100 Troops in Iraq to Re-enlist in Independence Day Ceremony
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 3, 2008 – More than 1,100 servicemembers stationed in Iraq will celebrate the nation’s birthday tomorrow by re-enlisting, the senior enlisted leader for Multinational Force Iraq said today.

Army Command Sgt. Maj. Marvin L. Hill said 1,157 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines will re-enlist at the Al Faw Palace at Camp Victory, in Baghdad. This may be the largest re-enlistment ceremony since the all-volunteer force began in 1973, Hill said via phone from Baghdad.

This is becoming an annual blockbuster event for the command. Last year, 588 servicemembers re-enlisted.

“We are extremely proud of the accomplishments we have made in security on the ground as well as proud of all of our great warriors for the work they are doing since they arrived in theater,” Hill said. “We recognize the sacrifices they make and the sacrifices their families and communities make as they serve in Iraq.”

These servicemembers know the cost of war and they are still re-enlisting, Hill said. Some serve in “the most austere conditions — meaning they are in patrol bases and combat outposts,” he noted. Some of the re-enlisting servicemembers are in places where the troops “hot-bunk it” — that is, they take turns using limited sleeping space — and burn human waste because they lack plumbing. Others are based in more comfortable surroundings.

The vast majority of the servicemembers tell Hill and others that they are re-enlisting because “they are doing what they joined the military to do,” he said.

“If they joined to be a rifleman, they’re doing it in combat,” the sergeant major said. “If they joined to fix helicopters, they’re doing it and doing it in combat.”

Often in years past, he said, some warriors probably felt they weren’t doing what they joined the military to do, he said.

“Now, since we’ve been fighting this global war on terrorism … these warriors are doing what they joined to do,” he explained. “They can see the fruit of their labor and see the fruit of the sacrifices of those who have gone before them. It makes them feel good about what they are doing.”

The ceremony will be broadcast on the Pentagon Channel, Hill said. Multinational Force Iraq Commander Army Gen. David H. Petraeus will preside. Hill and Petraeus will speak at the ceremony, then Petraeus will administer the oath of enlistment.

A 50-gun salute will honor of the nation’s birthday, and then all will sing “God Bless America.” The ceremony will end with a medley of service songs.

All components of the military are represented in the ceremony. Officials said 738 active-duty soldiers, 188 National Guard soldiers, and 122 Army Reserve soldiers are re-enlisting, along with 54 Marines, 39 sailors and 16 airmen.

“…to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America…”

Commitment in capital letters, with 1,100 raised right hands taking an solemn oath.

Update 7/4/2008 later in the day: Early this AM, when posted, this was what was to be. Today, it is now part of history and 115 more service members came to the event, for a total 0f 1215 re-enlistees in the combat zone, while the Nation is at war, while many of use are preparing for friends and family to come over and sit without worry, to watch fireworks displays. Wow…just wow. How can we thank them?

Category: Navy | Comments Off on What a Day to Re-Enlist – July 4th, 2008

Navy Memorial, Washington, DC Event July 4th: Let Freedom Ring

July 3rd, 2008 by xformed

On the 4th of July, 2008, a ceremony will be held at 2PM at the Navy Memorial to honor our independence. The Memorial’s bell will be stuck 13 times.

But…the commemoration is actually larger than that.   On every Naval and Coast Guard vessel, their Ship’s Bells will also be struck 13 times.

One strike for each of the original states.

The Official Announcement from the website:





Contacts:        Taylor Kiland                                                      Lisa Zusman

                        [email protected]                            [email protected]

                        The United States Navy Memorial                    Linda Roth Associates, LLC

                        (202) 380-0718                                                     (703) 417-2700


U. S. Navy Memorial Lets Freedom Ring

Bell Ceremony and Film screenings Mark Fourth of July


WHAT:          “Let Freedom Ring,” an Independence Day Bell Ringing Ceremony.  “Let Freedom Ring” is a nationwide program in which bells across the country are rung thirteen times at exactly 2:00 PM in honor of the thirteen original states that approved the Declaration of Independence.

                        Bobby dvd

Every Independence Day, at the appointed hour, four young descendants of the signers of the Declaration of Independence will tap Philadelphia‘s famous Liberty Bell, setting off the chimes of freedom from bells throughout the country.  The “Let Freedom Ring” event has grown nationwide, and participating bells now include Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Arlington National Cemetery, and thousands of churches, synagogues, state capitals, and government institutions across the country.  In addition, every ship of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine participates.


Directly across the street from the National Archives, the United States Navy Memorial’s bell is the closest one to the original signed copy of the Declaration of Independence.


The Navy Memorial will also show high-definition episodes of Hero Ships, a series produced by Lou Reda Productions for History International, in the newly renovated Burke Theatre.


WHO:             Thirteen young people will be chosen from among the Navy Memorial’s visitors to participate in this patriotic ceremony.  Each will strike the bell once to represent one of the original states.


WHEN:          Friday, July 4

                        11:00 AM Screening of Hero Ship: USS Constitution

                        1:00 PM Screening of Hero Ship: USS Nautilus

                        2:00 PM Bell Ringing Ceremony                               

3:00 PM Screening of Hero Ship: USS Hornet


WHERE:       United States Navy Memorial

A Fistful of Dollars ipod

                        701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

                        Washington, DC 20004


COST:            Free and open to the public



  (202) 737-2300 or


Lou Reda Productions is internationally recognized as one of the nation’s outstanding documentary filmmakers, producing programs of the highest quality for cable and network television. To learn more about Reda go to  Executive Producers are Lou and Scott Reda.


History Channel International gives viewers a global perspective with original programming that makes a world of difference.  Executive Producer is Mike Stiller.


The United States Navy Memorial honors the men and women of the United States Navy – past, present and future.  The outdoor plaza features a “Granite Sea” map of the world, towering masts with signal flags, fountain pools and waterfalls and The Lone Sailor© statue.  Adjacent to the outdoor plaza is the Naval Heritage Center, where visitors can find educational displays about the contributions of the members of the Sea Services (Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine).  The Navy Memorial is celebrating the Year of Navy Medicine.

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Calling Michelle Malkin, Charles Johnson, A.J. Strata, Ed Morrissey, Richard Fernandez and Ace of Spades

July 3rd, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, August 2nd

When the Crescent of Embrace memorial to Flight 93 was unveiled in September 2005, these six high profile conservative bloggers were instrumental in raising the public protest that forced the Memorial Project to agree to a redesign. Charles Johnson stayed with the story until the summer of 2006, and Ace has done two links since 2005, but for the most part, these conservative heroes seem to have decided that the “circle of embrace” redesign is okay.

It is NOT okay. Architect Paul Murdoch described his original Crescent of Embrace design as a broken circle. The redesign is still described as a broken circle, and the unbroken part of the circle (the crescent) remains exactly as it was in the original design.

In particular, the giant crescent still points to Mecca, and the repetition of this Mecca orientation in the crescents of trees that surround the Tower of Voices part of the memorial proves that the Mecca orientation is intentional. That makes the giant crescent a mihrab: the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built.

The planned memorial is a terrorist memorial mosque. This is an enemy plot, every bit as ambitious in its own way as the 9/11 attacks. To stop this re-hijacking of Flight 93, we need our frontline bloggers to rejoin the fray!

The only change: the design now includes a broken off part of the circle

The design drawings were recolored to make it look as if significant changes were made, the but only actual change was the inclusion of an additional arc of trees, said to represent a broken off part of the circle:

Crescent Bowl35%

Crescent of Embrace left. Circle or Embrace right. The only actual change is the additional arc of trees on the west side of the memorial. (Click for larger image.)

Notice that this extra ark of trees sits to the rear of a person facing into the giant central crescent. That is the equivalent of laying down a Muslim prayer rug (called a small mosque) in front of some trees. The prayer rug is unchanged. You can plant as many trees around a mosque as you want to. It will still be a mosque.

“Broken circle” is Park Service’s official story

In the original design, the broken off part of the circle was removed entirely. Now, as Memorial Project Superintendent Joanne Hanley reiterated last week, a broken off part of the circle is included:

The trees surrounding this “circle of embrace” are missing, or broken, in two places; first, where the flight path of the plane came overhead (which is the location of the planned memorial overlook and visitor center) and second, where the plane crashed at the Sacred Ground (depicted by a ceremonial gate and pathway into the Sacred Ground).

She is describing the two ends of the additional arc of trees. It is broken at both ends.

Both the theme and the geometry of the original Crescent of Embrace design remain as they were. The terrorists still break our circle, and they still turn it into a giant Mecca oriented crescent.

Those who raised the hue and cry about the original design ought to be equally concerned that the original design remains completely intact in the phony redesign. Come on heroes. Your help is NEEDED!

Crescent-Bowl, site-plan animation, 300px

Animation superimposes the redesign, then withdraws all but the changes. (Click for larger version.)

Come to the August 2nd meeting

If you can make it to Somerset PA on Saturday August 2nd, come help Tom Burnett Sr. tackle the hijacker! (Mr. Burnett announced trip, and his willingness to go to jail if necessary, in this audio clip from the Mancow Muller radio show (25 seconds. And here is Tom talking about the heroism of his murdered son, Tom Jr. Audio 45 seconds).

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.
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Panther hd

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Fantastic Four release

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The Great Lie of Islam
The Hinge of Fate
The Loyal Eagles
The Midnight Sun
The Paradigm Shift
The Renaissance Biologist
The Sisyphus Files
The Truth of Islam
The View From the Turret
The Wide Awakes
Thunder Run
Tizona’s Weblog
United Conservatives
War of 2 Worlds
We Have Some Planes
Yes, but can I dance to it?

Category: Political | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Calling Michelle Malkin, Charles Johnson, A.J. Strata, Ed Morrissey, Richard Fernandez and Ace of Spades

Today in History: LIttle Big Horn

June 25th, 2008 by xformed

A quite interesting lesson in history popped into view today, on the anniversary of the famous Battle at Little Big Horn. From the LA Times, an article about how the aftermath of that battle was one of, and still is Indians who have served in our military proudly:

What few Americans know is that the command of about 600 men Custer led into battle in 1876 included about 35 American Indians, mostly Arikaras but also six Crow and a few Santee Sioux. Some of the Indian scouts would die alongside the 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn. Others would ride away as the fighting began and spend the rest of their lives recounting what little they saw of the battle. What almost no one knows is that men from the same tribes that fought against Custer would, one year later, be riding alongside the U.S. Army as scouts in the campaign against the Nez Perce — or that the Indian scouts who served the Army in the 19th century became one of the precursors to the Army Special Forces, also known as Green Berets.

More of the tapestry that has become the legacy of the intertwined people who comprise this great nation.

Single Black Female video

Category: Military History | Comments Off on Today in History: LIttle Big Horn

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Park Service refuses to say who broke the circle

June 25th, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition

The planned Flight 93 memorial is described as a circle “broken in two places,” with the unbroken part forming a giant Mecca-oriented crescent (originally called the Crescent of Embrace).

Since last week, the Park Service has been inundated with hundreds of emails, demanding to know WHO is being depicted as breaking the circle.

It can only be the terrorists. The circle is a symbol of peace, and only the terrorists can be charged with breaking the peace on 9/11.

Thus the planned memorial shows the terrorists breaking our peaceful circle and turning it into a giant Mecca oriented crescent (which remains completely intact in the so-called redesign). In other words, it’s one giant: “ALLAHU AKBAR!” (heard on Flight 93’s flight recorder as the doomed flight careened towards the ground).

Superintendent Hanley’s reply

Our emailers are getting a lengthy response from Memorial Project Superintendent Joanne Hanley that fails to address the question of who broke the circle. She mentions the question, then heads off in another direction:

You also had questions about “who broke the circle.” The natural topography of the site upon which the memorial sits is in the shape of a bowl, or a circle. This “circle of embrace” follows the geography, and points your attention down to the Sacred Ground, the crash site where the 40 heroes of Flight 93 gave their lives combating the terrorists. The trees surrounding this “circle of embrace” are missing, or broken, in two places; first, where the flight path of the plane came overhead (which is the location of the planned memorial overlook and visitor center) and second, where the plane crashed at the Sacred Ground (depicted by a ceremonial gate and pathway into the Sacred Ground).

No, the topography is NOT a bowl. The upper arm of the crescent starts 100 vertical feet above the crash site while the lower arm circles 50 vertical feet below the crash site. Beyond misrepresenting the topography, all Hanley does is admit that the circle is broken at the point where the flight path crosses it, without ever addressing the simple question of WHO is being depicted as breaking the circle?

This circle-breaking theme is the Park Service’s OWN explanation for the crescent design (passed on from architect Paul Murdoch), and they refuse to even THINK about what it means.

Park Service Director Mary Bomar is even more oblivious

Director Bomar also received our emails. The response she is sending out does not even acknowledge the question of who breaks the circle:

Thank you for your e mail of June 24, 2008, concerning the Flight 93 National Memorial. The National Park Service (NPS) is aware of these concerns, and took steps in 2005 to investigate this issue. Please be assured that we are all committed to having a national memorial that conveys the full honor due to the heroes of Flight 93, not to the terrorists. Our priority now is to move forward with the building of the memorial, and to continue to commemorate those heroes who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

You may want to visit the park’s website for more in-depth information

Mary A. Bomar, Director, National Park Service

Actually it was in 2006 that the office of Mary Bomar herself (then a regional director of the Park Service)”took steps,” utterly fraudulent steps, “to investigate this issue.”

The Park Service’s own consulting expert, a professor of Sharia law at Indiana University named Kevin Jaques, admitted that the giant Mecca-oriented crescent is similar to the Mecca-direction indicator (called a mihrab) around which every mosque is built, but he assured the Park Service that there was no need to worry because no one has ever seen a mihrab anywhere near this BIG before:

Thirdly, most mihrabs are small, rarely larger than the figure of a man, although some of the more ornamental ones can be larger, but nothing as large at [sic] the crescent found in the site design. It is unlikely that most Muslims would walk into the area of the circle/crescent and see a mihrab because it is well beyond their limit of experience. Again, just because it is similar does not make it the same.

This is the information that Mary Bomar had in her hands TWO YEARS AGO: a blatantly dishonest excuse for not being concerned about what was admitted to be the geometric equivalent of the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built, only bigger than any ever seen before by a factor of a hundred. “Don’t worry. It might be recognizable as a mihrab to people on jetliners like Flight 93 flying overhead, but from the ground? Pshaw!”

Every iota of the Mary Bomar’s phony “investigation” was just as blatantly fraudulent. (Extended expose here.)

Another letter?

We can keep on dumping emails on the Memorial Project if we want. Our petition to stop the memorial asks if signatories want to join an email list for doing things like forwarding emails to targeted individuals. Most are clicking “yes,” and the present campaign has as yet only tapped the first few thousand signatories.

Perhaps it is time for another letter, pointing out that:

Misrepresenting the topography of the crash site to be a bowl does nothing to answer the question of WHO BROKE THE CIRCLE. (Press people can read about the non-answers from Superintendent Hanley and Director Bomar here.)

Go ahead if you have a mind to. (Email link here.)

UPDATE: I deleted a section of this post about a local reporter who told me she was marking our emails as spam and blocking the senders. Our flood of emails to the Memorial Project is NEWS, and a reporter out there should see it that way. Still, it was unfair of me to go reading things into this reporter’s anger at having her mailbox fill up with hundreds of emails. It is a natural reaction and I should cut her some slack.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

1389 Blog – Antijihadist Tech
A Defending Crusader
A Fine Line Between Stupid and Clever
A Liberal’s Worst Nightmare
Al Salibiyyah
All American Blogger
Almost Midnight in the West
And Rightly So
Anne Arundel Maryland Politics
apocryphal EVIDENCE !
ARRA News Service
Battle Dress U
Because I’m Right
Big Dog’s Weblog
Big Sibling
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Error Theory
EW1’s Intercept Log
Faultline USA
Flanders Fields
Flopping Aces

Girl, Interrupted the movie

Four Pointer
Freedom’s Enemies
From My Position On the Way!
Ft. Hard Knox
Garbanzo Toons
GM’s Corner
Haid Dasalami
Hoosier Army Mom
Ironic Surrealism II
Ivy League Conservatives
Jack Lewis
Jihad Press
Jim-Rose – the Libertarian Popinjay
Judge Right
Just Barking Mad
Kender’s Musings
Lemur King’s Folly
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Nice Deb
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Ogre’s Politics and Views
Part-Time Pundit
Protest The Church
Protest The Left
Publius’ Forum
Republican Attack Machine
Right on the Right
Right Truth
Ron’s Musings
Rosemary’s Thoughts
Seattle Express
Smooth Stone
Space 4 Commerce by Brian Dunbar
Stix Blog
Stop the ACLU
the Avid Editor
The Great Lie of Islam
The Hinge of Fate
The Loyal Eagles
The Midnight Sun
The Paradigm Shift
The Renaissance Biologist
The Truth of Islam
The View From the Turret
The Wide Awakes
Thunder Run buy Last Man Standing
Tizona’s Weblog Seraphim Falls dvd
United Conservatives
War of 2 Worlds
We Have Some Planes
Yes, but can I dance to it?

Category: Political | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Park Service refuses to say who broke the circle

Eagle1 Moves Up!

June 23rd, 2008 by xformed

Eagle Speak seems to have moved about when some of us (or maybe just me) weren’t looking.

Update your blogrolls…or…if there’s no need to update, then add his blog to your blogroll!

Great Navy, naval history, pirates and stuff over his way, if you haven’t found him yet.One Hour Photo video

Category: Blogging | Comments Off on Eagle1 Moves Up!

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