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Quote of the Click
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.
Mark Twain

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Charles Johnson: Violater of Blogger Labor Laws?

September 20th, 2008 by xformed

Come on…go with me there…this is a shameless effort to get lots of Lizard hits, or…could it be BREAKING NEWS?

Over four years ago, in the BR (Before Rathergate) era of Little Green Footballs (hereinafter referred to as “LGF”), I regularly read the Blogging of Charles, and the comments sections. Back then, you could actually read the entire comments section in a single session and not have to take two bathroom breaks and stop to have one meal, and somehow do your work without interrupting your sleep.

Then…CBS and Dan Rather tried to “rather” not have President Bush re-elected. Charles caught them in their own effort to change the will of the people and, as a result, readership (and comments) climbed through the roof of the sitemetering software. Comments ran in to the many hundreds on any particular post, and ones that were part of a dialog between commenters became more difficult to follow, sometime causing readers to exacerbate their repetitive stress injuries with scrolling up and down several screens, just to follow the discussion.

The best part of LGF was reading “news” and not hearing it for 3-4 days in the dinosaur media. It was like a secret window into what was really happening in the world! I often chuckled, even when the conservative talk show hosts discussed such “news” and were “time late.” Charles, I thought, had developed a most excellent pipeline of data to keep us at the forefront of all that was fit to read.  Whatever he was doing, he was running ahead of the pack so far they didn’t konw how far ahead hes was.

Then, readers would post interesting links in their comments. I did to. Charles, would sometimes pick them up and create entire posts of them, and the depositor would gain world wide recognition via the “hat tip” (or “h/t” for short) method.

The beauty of this system was those readers who had professional, academic, or significant hands on experience would add to the posts, either with confirmation, clarity, or calling a “line” for what it was. And, guess what? Charles now had a “Lizard Army” as “subject matter experts” at his beck and call. He addicted us….and we were eager to help out, making the cutting edge, the very finest.

It was exciting time, when the LGF site became a hotbed of citizen journalist who almost always skunked “the PROFESSIONALS!” at the labor for which “they” had the pieces of lambskin saying they could change the world, while we common working people, how dare was be audacious in pointing out they had it wrong?  We did…byt the hundreds, then thousands of posts.  A unique place, this LGF site became, with debunking of steel not melting, photoshopped picutres and the Green Helmet Guy from Pallywood.

But, earlier this year, something changed.  Charles figured out (I may be able to recreate the 1967 memo of it, too) that he could get blogger to scour the web and local news sources and then post hundreds of links a day, and all he had to do was sedate us readers with such trivial thinks like rounded corners on the log in input boxes and Ajaxified comments sections.  He began to spend less time being the guy who found the breaking news, and subtly he left that task to the “lizards.”  We came and multiplier.  We hammer the bandwidth with more and more and more links.

The squirrels…Oh, THE HUMANITY!  We’re fortunate PETA hasn’t mounted a major full frontal assault on the server farm, for the findings of the legless creatures would certainly tear our hearts apart.   Zombie might even have to go and capture the events to post digitally…

It used to be the routine, for an east coast resident like myself, to anxiously await about 11:30AM each day, to begin lunch early and see what the “new” day brought at LGF, from then until the mid-evening, the pages filled with amazing storied of stupid Democrat ideas, malfeasance of the MSM, how some blogger had trumped the people too pure to mingle with people who might actually have life experience to get the facts straight…but, als, it is not to be any longer.

Charles, surrounded by tomes discusing PHP, SQL, AJAX,  can barely managed an “Open Post”post byt 12:30 Eastern now.  Sometimes it’s later.  It is akin to the mom tossing open the back door and hollaring at all the kids to “get out there and play! The sun is shining and you need fresh air!  DON’TYOUDAREKILLEACHOTHEREITHER!” as she settles in to watching the afternoon soaps  With her tray of bon bons, she parks for a few hours of aimless “entertainment.”

Lizards now send in links and they maybe get a post, 1 out of every 40-50 or so, maybe a day later than the link input, and not even a freaking “H/T” to be found anymore.

But what are we to do?  Charles has seduced us into diligently, without pay, benefits, or the most awesome “H/T: XXXXXX” recognition, submitting links from about the globe, to feed his insatiable desire to rule an empire, the one to overtake the every degrading MSM.  He has constructed a tools, unlike any other, that mesmerizes us into a stupified state, but needing more.

I say Charles has stepped over the line!  He needs to be brought forward on charges of willfully, and by conspiratorial methods, of violating Blogger Labor Laws!


Oh, heck, if you’re read this far, I just had fun with this.  In four some years, LGF has become something special.  The best part is, it’s unique and he owes the development to no one, so they can’t come along and reclaim their product.

A Mysterylaska ipod

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film

Maradona by Kusturica film

Category: Humor | Comments Off on Charles Johnson: Violater of Blogger Labor Laws?

19 Years Ago – Life at Sea – Part II

September 20th, 2008 by xformed

Tuesday morning began in with the standard shipboard routine. Reveille, breakfast for the crew, muster for instruction and inspection, Officer’s Call and turn to, commence Ship’s work.

On the other hand, it was not routine, as we couldn’t fulfill our assigned duty of providing deck services for HSL-44. Later in the morning, the CO got us working to enter port at Naval Station Mayport. With permission, we moored that afternoon on the quay wall at the north east side of the basin, starboard side to. The Chief Staff Officer of Destroyer Squadron 8, offering us a hand since this wasn’t our homeport.

The reason for the circumstances? Hurricane Hugo, which was about 700 miles SE of Mayport, with 110 mph of wind, generally headed somewhere towards the East Coast.

A meeting on the base in the afternoon yielded a decision by the Naval Station Commander, a helo pilot by trade, that there would be no sortie for storm avoidance. His determination was made on the capability of the basin to take up to 60 mph of winds.

That decision didn’t sit well with my CO.

The Lucky Ones the movie Senseless movie

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Love Actually full

Category: Navy | 1 Comment »

19 Years Ago – Life at Sea – Part I

September 19th, 2008 by xformed

It was a typical Monday morning at Charleston Naval Station for USS CARR (FFG-52). Once more, the crew had come aboard before sunrise and added their efforts to that of the duty section to get the ship underway. The Getting Underway checklist was completed and the CO gave me permission to get the ship underway.

Off we sailed, without exceptional circumstances, to head outboard in the tight channel, “riding the ranges” as was the convention for navigation in the lowlands of Charleston Harbor. Reaching the sea buoy, we left two engines on the line, turned due south and enjoyed the bright day. Preps were in place by the Operations and Engineering Departments to perform that late afternoon as scheduled: Ready deck for Helicopter Anti-Submarine (Light) Squadron 44 (HSL-44) landings to keep their new and old pilots and aircrews proficient.

On such assignments, we knew the drill: We could sprint from Charleston early in the morning and be on station in the Jacksonville Operations Area (JAXOA) bu late in the afternoon, the transit being considered “local,” which allowed us to circumvent the normal transit speed limitation of 16 kts overall speed for the MOVREP (moving reporting) system. This trip south of homeport was no exception.

Comms were established with the helos and we commenced deck qualifications while the sun was still shining brightly. As the day drew on, with the deck crews, the fueling crews and the operations personnel keeping the helos coming and going, dusk was settling in. I don’t recall exactly when it occurred, but it was sometime after nautical twilight, when the helo on approach requested to be chocked and chained on deck, so our assigned detachment Officer-in-Charge, LCDR Marty Keanny could come aboard and speak with the CO. PREGRA and Marty disembarked and headed through the hanger and forward to the Captain’s Cabin.

After Marty left, Captain Wade Johnson called me to come up to his cabin. He told me Marty let him know HSL-44 would be heading to Warner-Robbins AFB first thing in the morning. That of course, left us on the OPSKED to bore holes in the JAXOA until Friday with no helos to land on us.

And so the day Dances with WolvesRing of Fear dvd

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Category: Navy | Comments Off on 19 Years Ago – Life at Sea – Part I

Where's My Kingfisher, Dude?

September 1st, 2008 by xformed


Mines in the Gulf, again Broken Trail movie download Same bad actors, same possible bad outcomes.

Mining in your own territorial waters? Completely legit under International Law.

Note to the President of Iran, and his photo-shopping Revolutionary Guard commanders: FA-18s aren’t stopped by seaborne mines….I know, details, details…

H/T: Commenter Pastorius @ LGF.

Category: Navy | Comments Off on Where's My Kingfisher, Dude?

How Passionate Are You About History?

August 30th, 2008 by xformed

Because someone has to do it, that’s why.

G-Force trailer Babe: Pig in the City dvdrip Quarantine psp

Nuts full movie

Category: Military | 2 Comments »

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Memorial Project Superintendent lies about receiving threats

August 14th, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition

Joanne Hanley, superintendent of the Flight 93 Memorial Project, cannot answer the damning facts about the crescent design (now called a broken circle), so she has decided to slander the people who are pointing them out. In a speech at the Memorial Project’s August 2nd meeting, she cited a list of “threats” she had received from critics, saying for instance that her “career would be destroyed.”

In defense of Superintendent Hanley, Flight 93 family member Calvin Wilson expressed his disgust at the violent threats and charged that critics were acting like the terrorists themselves. Three Pennsylvania newspapers covered Hanley’s claims to have been threatened, one editorialized against the uncivilized critics, and a Memorial Project press release highlighted Wilson’s outraged response to the supposed threats.

It is all a lie. Here is the Letter to the Editor that Alec Rawls just sent to the duped Pennsylvania newspapers, exposing Superintendent Hanley’s deception:

A warning is not a threat. A warning is to protect against a threat.

As the lead organizer of the movement to stop the crescent design, I can tell you who made the statements that Superintendent Hanley was complaining about. I recognized every one of the phrases she cited as coming from myself. It is ME who Joanne Hanley is accusing of making threats, an accusation that is not just false, but grotesquely dishonest.

What Joanne Hanley is casting as threats were WARNINGS, trying to alert her to the threat posed by architect Paul Murdoch and his scheme to plant a giant Mecca-oriented crescent on the Flight 93 crash site. This is one of Superintendent Hanley’s excuses for refusing to heed warnings about the crescent design. She pretends that warnings are threats and hence SHOULD NOT be listened to.

When I couldn’t get Hanley to look to the facts for the country’s sake, I tried to appeal to her instinct for self-preservation, warning her of the personal consequences of Murdoch’s attempt to stab a terrorist memorial mosque into the heartland of America. (That is the meaning of a crescent that Muslims face into to face Mecca: it is the central feature of a mosque.)

As I put it in a March 2006 email to both Superintendent Hanley and Project Manager Jeff Reinbold:

I have been trying to save your lives and your careers for six months. It is not too late for you. You can still do your jobs and investigate the basic facts I have warned you about, like the Mecca-orientation of Murdoch’s original Crescent of embrace, and the continued presence of Murdoch’s original crescent in the redesign.

Shortly after this email, Joanne Hanley told me why she was not concerned about the almost-exact Mecca orientation of the giant crescent. In a conference call with Jeff Reinbold, she told me that: “It isn’t exact. That’s one we talked about. It has to be exact.” (The giant crescent points 1.8° north of Mecca, ± .1°.)

If she had admitted to the public what she was admitting in private—that the giant crescent does indeed point almost exactly to Mecca—it would have been okay. The people of Pennsylvania would be able to decide for themselves whether a giant Mecca-oriented crescent makes an acceptable memorial to the victims of Islamic terrorism, so long as it does not point EXACTLY at Mecca. Instead, the Memorial Project decided instead to deceive the public, sending an academic fraud from the University of Texas to assure the press that there is no such thing as the direction to Mecca:

Daniel Griffith, a geospatial information sciences professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, said anything can point toward Mecca, because the earth is round. [Post Gazette, “Flight 93 memorial draws a new round of criticism,” August 18, 2007.]

Just as I warned Superintendent Hanley that her career was in jeopardy, I also warned Dr. Griffith that his career would be destroyed if he did not correct this blatant disinformation. Like Hanley, Griffith too interpreted my warning as a threat, as if it would be ME who was responsible for the harm to his reputation, when he was covering up evidence of an enemy plot by lying about basic geometry, pretending that there is no direction between two points on planet earth.

In spite of the Memorial Project’s active cover-up of Murdoch’s plot, I continued to treat Superintendent Hanley as what she is: a fellow countryman aboard a hijacked airplane who is in need of rescue. As I put it in another email to Superintendent Hanley last November:

I don’t want you to be hurt here. There is only one bad guy in this story: Paul Murdoch. I want to help everyone else get off of this hijacked airplane. … I am not your enemy. I am your friend. I am the one who has been trying to save you, for two damned years, and I still am, despite your persistent public slanders against me.

Is it even POSSIBLE to be clearer? A warning is not a threat. A warning is to protect someone from a threat, as my communications spelled out over and over. For Joanne Hanley to pretend that these warnings about the threat she is facing were threats in themselves is deliberate dishonesty. For her to tell Calvin Wilson that these attempts to protect her from Murdoch’s plot were violent threats against her, prompting Wilson to use his status as a family member to attack critics on this dishonest basis, is even worse.

Joanne Hanley is not the only person I am warning. Every Pennsylvanian is aboard this hijacked airplane. How can the newspapers of Pennsylvania let stand a fraudulent claim that there is no such thing as the direction to Mecca? How can the educated people of Pennsylvania, the math teachers, the college students, the politicians, let such a fraud stand, when every one of you knows that Muslims face Mecca for prayer?

If Pennsylvanians continue to be willfully blind to easily verifiable evidence of an enemy plot in your own back yard, history will not be kind to you.

Alec Rawls
Palo Alto CA
August 12, 2008

Morality requires trust in truth
Imagine if one of the passengers on Flight 93 was told that if they did not retake the airplane, they would be killed when the terrorists flew the airplane into a building. If the passenger was Joanne Hanley, she would say: “Stop threatening me!”

Any excuse to avoid the truth, no matter how nonsensical or even suicidal. A photo-negative of the fighting spirit of Flight 93.

Asked by Pilate to account for himself, Jesus answered: “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.” (Jn. 18:37.) Jesus wasn’t a witness for the truth only sometimes, or only about matters of salvation. He proceeded from the factual truth of every situation that crossed his path, and called upon the rest of us to similarly trust in truth.

Secular moral reason demands the same thing. Anyone who thinks that it can somehow be right or in their interest to avoid or suppress the truth will through that avoidance of the truth become divorced from reality, with the inevitable effect that their ideas about what is right or in their interest can only be wrong. This is the irrationality of the Memorial Project. They proceed on the assumption that the crescent design is innocent, while self-consciously covering up evidence that it is not.

This malfeasance puts the rest of our society to the test. All of the people who we pay to check and report the facts: government, academia and the media, are all desperately trying to suppress the truth. That leaves it up to the rest of us to witness and communicate the truth about Murdoch’s plot. (Some basic facts, and how to verify them for yourself, posted here.)

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

1389 Blog – Antijihadist Tech
A Defending Crusader The X Files trailer
A Fine Line Between Stupid and Clever
A Liberal’s Worst Nightmare
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All American Blogger
Almost Midnight in the West
And Rightly So
Anne Arundel Maryland Politics
apocryphal EVIDENCE !
ARRA News Service
Atlas Shrugs
Battle Dress U
Because I’m Right
Best Destiny
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Big Sibling
Boston Maggie
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Cao’s Blog
Chaotic Synaptic Activity
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Christmas Ghost
Clay Ritter
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General Rachel’s weblog
GM’s Corner
Haid Dasalami
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G-Force movies

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The Truth of Islam Pleasure Factory ipod
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United Conservatives
War of 2 Worlds
We Have Some Planes
Yes, but can I dance to it?

This Beautiful City trailer

Category: Political | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Memorial Project Superintendent lies about receiving threats

Ok, Doggies…Your Turn!

August 5th, 2008 by xformed

It began thusly with the folks who brought you a loud and proud “OORAH!”,

then the the surface bound “bus drivers” How About You film for the aforementioned.
Next: the Zoomies

And…finally, now the ground component has it’s place in the structure.

My testimonial? I can only speak for the Navy site, but I have been contacted by and contacted shipmates from many decades gone by. I have been blessed with other “shipmates” in a larger sense, who willingly shared their stories of history with me when I went searching for others involved in operations I blogged about.

The TWS staff has put a great tool together, designed for military type social networking. Bring a few buddies to the table and they make it worth your while, but if you’re not in to the “refer a freind” life style, then $20/yr isn’t pretty reasonable in my book.

Hey, Army types…give it a shot…you never know who you might find after all there years.

Note regarding the flap when all of a sudden the USAF got their site and some boneheaded Major declared it an OPSEC nightmare: THe US Military didn’t come to have the wonderful public confidence ratings because the members are a bunch of dunces…For those who can’t figure it out: Use your head and remember the documents you signed when you got your security clearances…’nuff said.

Christmas Caper ipod

Misterio Galíndez, El rip

Category: Public Service | Comments Off on Ok, Doggies…Your Turn!

65 Years Ago

August 2nd, 2008 by xformed

The story begins a few years earlier, but you trot down to the Recruiting Office and sign in, then take the physical. It seems you have been “a very, very sickly little boy” and your father has managed to hide that, in fact, it even stays hidden form many more years. So you get a 4-F designation, even before WWII for America has even begun? What do you do?

“I am rapidly reaching a point where every one of my peers will be in uniform, and I do not intend to be the only one among them wearing coward’s tweeds” you write to your friend. With some “help” and connections, you land a commission in the US Navy and a billet in the Office of Naval Intelligence, which you are well suited for. You still have, by the medical records, suffered trough jaundice, colitis and back problems (a result of too many steroids). However, along the way, you have gone into the demanding sports and not let such trivial things slow you down.

You have dated some world class women, and get connected with a Europe beauty, who’s family has a few “connections” not on the right side of the prevailing sentiments. You get told you intel gig is at risk. Do you dump the dame, and keep the office job? Nope. You take the option. There’s a slight change since taking the commission: There’s now a shooting war on…

Along comes a man, looking for men like you, sailors of yachts, smart, dependable. He wears a light blue ribbon around his neck, when in a full dress uniform, he’s been in the hardest, dirtiest fighting, left behind with his crew to manage to be “self sufficient” or die and he becomes a monumental road block to the enemy, before he finds his way south to Australia, with the rescue of a general and president to his credit, all without a SIMA, tender, TYCOM or NAVSEA to hold his hand. He’s manning up the PT Boat fleet and he needs men who want a challenge. You take it.

Side note: You may have family connections (Dad sends a telegram for a lunch date), but LCDR Bulkeley is a man who only does things the right way. Lunch with Joe Kennedy Sr lasted from 1 to 8PM, with John Bulkeley agreeing to interview Jack the next time he was at Northwestern, and would accept him if he measured up. From “Sea Wolf: The Daring Exploits of Navy Legend John D. Bulkeley” by William Breuer: A Cat In The Brain dvd

Twenty-five-year-old Jack Kennedy passed muster with flying colors. In his interview, the handsome young man appeared fearless and eager, and had sailed his own sloop in Cape Cod since he was 15 years old. These assets would make him and ideal PT-boat- skipper.

The two men would next meet at JFK’s inauguration in 1961. And then once more, team up to fight the enemy, this time at a small island base named Guantanamo Bay.

Back to the tale of this day long ago:

You do so well in training you get a gig as an instructor, before shipping out to the Solomon Islands. When you arrive, they give you the hanger queen: PT-109. It needs work and you don’t have a crew yet. You put on your shorts and grab some tools and go to work. It’s hot, it’s humid and you’re an officer, but you crew arrives to find you, not wearing a shirt or rank insignia and you have a scrapper or paint brush in your hand. They arrive, you keep working along side them.

Eventually, you take your boat to sea to patrol Blackett Strait. No RADAR, just seaman’s eye and judgment are your main sensors that moonless night. You had 10 seconds warning to take evasive maneuvers. Not enough time to clear the stem of steel headed your way.

Much of the tale of the events that transpired from Aug 2 to Aug 9th, 1943 have been captured for the record. What I found striking in the article in this month’s America in WWII magazine about John Kennedy is John had always been a man plagued with medical issues, but he was a man who, for whatever reason, had been taught to “cowboy up” and “get ‘er done,” in today’s parlance. The accepted story is his back problems of later public life were a result of being rammed by a Japanese destroyer going 40 kts. Not true, he had already been suffering for years, and it seems out in theater, only his XO knew.

So, as the story goes, JFK decided the crew that served him worthy of being saved, even if he perished at night, alone, in the ocean currents, hoping to flag down a patrolling PT boat miles from shore. In retrospect, the ship sinking survivor stories of WWII are replete with the terror of the shark attacks, snatching men to their death from below. John Kennedy went out two nights alone after the first arrival ashore.

The bottom line? He took care of his men, and specifically the badly wounded. He did not avert his gaze, he did not declare some one beyond hope, fitting to be left behind to die alone in the sea. He swam them to safety, not once, but twice.

Bad back, bought of severe abdominal distress, under normal conditions, he did not waver, he did not fail, he did not give up, he did not surrender, and he did not forget those who could do a job. But, it all started with a man not taking the lead in getting into the military, but being shamed into it by those around him joining up. The end result? A great leader emerged, to take on the Soviet Threat and to take the US and the world to the moon.

The editor’s column asks for a post card vote to say if the Navy Marine Corps Medal JFK was awarded should be upgraded to a Navy Cross. After reading this story, once more, but in light of a man graded not fit for active service, but who did all that anyone else was required anyhow, I think my vote is “Yes.”

You can mail you vote to:

America in WWII – JFK
PO BOX 4175
Harrisburg, PA 1711-0175

Write “Navy Cross for JFK – Yes” or “No”

Related: Last year’s PT-109 post Madhouse trailer , which includes a link to Robert Ballard’s location of the wreckage of PT-109.

Category: Military | 1 Comment »

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: 9/11 date to be placed as star on crescent and star flag

July 26th, 2008 by xformed

Blogburst logo, August 2nd

Dough Boys movies

Not all of us can make it to Pennsylvania next week to help Tom Burnett Sr. stop the re-hijacking of Flight 93, but if anyone needs another reason to try…

The crescent memorial to Flight 93 will have the 9/11 date inscribed on a separate section of Memorial Wall that is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent, in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag.

Check it out. As can be seen on our blogburst logo, there will be a copse of trees that sits roughly between the tips of the giant crescent (roughly in the position of the star on a crescent and star flag). That is the Sacred Ground Plaza, which sits just above the crash site. Inside the Sacred Ground Plaza is a two part Memorial Wall that follows the flight path down to the point of impact:


Elevation view of Memorial Wall. (Click picture for larger image. Source document here.)

The lower section of Memorial Wall (on the left) contains forty “translucent marble” blocks, inscribed with the names of the 40 murdered heroes (including Tom Burnett Jr.)

Next there is a gap marked “trail,” then the separate upper section of Memorial Wall has three more translucent blocks, inscribed with the 9/11 date. (There is one more translucent block on the flight path: the huge glass block that dedicates the entire site. It sits at the upper crescent tip, at the end of the Entry Portal Walkway. That bring the glass block count to 44, equaling the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists.)

The path that divides the wall into two parts can be seen on the Crescent of Embrace site plan:


Purple: the path that divides the Memorial Wall into separate upper and lower sections. Aqua: the separate upper section of Memorial Wall, inscribed with the 9/11 date. Red arrow: the centerline of the giant crescent (points to Mecca).

Just by looking, you can see that the upper section of section of Memorial Wall is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent, placing it in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag. (Click picture for larger image.)

The date goes to the star on the Islamic flag. The date goes to the terrorists.

Just one of many Islamic and terrorist memorializing features in the planned memorial, and all of it remains completely intact in the Circle of Embrace redesign, which only disguises the giant crescent with a few irrelevant trees.

August 2nd

The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror rip

At about 1PM (when the Memorial Project meeting lets out) Mr. Burnett and Alec Rawls will host a press conference and a rally outside the Somerset County Courthouse (where the meeting will be held).

Saturday evening we will have dinner someplace that can be flexible about our numbers (probably a big buffet style restaurant). Sunday morning we will visit the crash site. (Alec is making arrangements with the Park Service now, in case we get a large turn out.)

The only reason to try to make it to the meeting itself (10AM-1PM) is if you want to sign up to speak during the public comment period at the end. Otherwise the meetings are pretty dreary.

The larger purpose is to make a statement to the national news outfits that Mr. Burnett’s presence will likely bring. (Fox news gave Mr. Burnett some nice coverage a couple of months ago.) A substantial rally would help that cause, hard as that will be to achieve out in the hinterlands of Pennsylvania.

Somerset is a long way to go to make a statement, but the crash site is well worth visiting in its own right. If you’ve been thinking of making the trip, the weekend of August 2nd would be the time. It is a chance not just to pay a visit, but to in some small way honor the heroes of Flight 93 by following their footsteps and tackling our own hijacker.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.
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A Fine Line Between Stupid and Clever
A Liberal’s Worst Nightmare
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Almost Midnight in the West
And Rightly So
Anne Arundel Maryland Politics

Nuts movie

apocryphal EVIDENCE !
ARRA News Service
Atlas Shrugs
Battle Dress U
Because I’m Right
Best Destiny
Big Dog’s Weblog The Edge ipod
Big Sibling
Boston Maggie

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Cao’s Blog
Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Chester Street
Christmas Ghost
Clay’s Rants and Musings
Common Sense Junction
Concrete Bob
Creeping Sharia
DC Protest Warrior
Democrat = Socialist
Dr. Bulldog and Ronin
Error Theory
EW1’s Intercept Log
Faultline USA
Flanders Fields
Flopping Aces
Four Pointer
Francase Place
Freedom’s Enemies
From My Position On the Way!
Ft. Hard Knox
Garbanzo Toons
General Rachel’s weblog
GM’s Corner
Haid Dasalami
Hoosier Army Mom
Ironic Surrealism II
Ivy League Conservatives
Jack Lewis
Jihad Press
Jim-Rose – the Libertarian Popinjay
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Naval Aviation History: July 23-24, 1968

July 23rd, 2008 by xformed

40 years ago, the USS CORAL SEA (CV-43) “hosted” the carrier trials of the F-111B.

F-111B on CV-43 - July 1968

I found this bit of history covered in more detail at the USS CORAL SEA’s website. The Return of a Man Called Horse movie download

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) about the navalized version of the Air Force’s F-111A.

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