Oct 25th, XXXX
October 25th, 2008 by xformed
To me, this day is once of great significance. Early in my blogging, I responded to the voice saying “Find out what day Paul Carr died.” If you have been a long time reader here, you’ll see his name is displayed many times across the last 4 years and a month. The journey to discover the story of that man led me down a path to the day, independent of the year, and I have found several amazing military historical events tied to this day across several centuries.

was on the beach at Leyte Gulf, and may have been stranded from support and defeated in detail, had Taffy 3 not charged into battle, against incredible odds, with essentially no hope of survival. LCDR Evans was one such man, Stateside download download Lords of Dogtown Between Love & Goodbye film
and his legacy was, as with Paul Carr and Desmond Doss, dedication to the mission above self. My connection to Desmond Doss? While a third grader, son of a civil servant, we took a family walk through the nearby sugar cane field to be told the story of a brave man, while standing over the small granite monument to his courage on the Meada Escarpment on Okinawa. I also missed meeting Desmond Doss. He passed away March 23rd, 2006.
When did this conscious trip into history begin? October, 1988. Not exactly then, as I was completing turn over as XO from Tom Brown, but over the next 18 months, as I found information in the USS CARR’s (FFG-52) files and took the time to read the battle reports of a time 44 years earlier, I became engaged in the story.
I became more engaged in the larger picture 10 years ago today, as Dr Powers, at First Baptist Church in Norfolk, VA, talked of a man named Jonah, who paid to run from his destiny, both in cold hard cash and with his person for three days. I got it. My life has not been my own since that sermon.
October 25th is a significant day in history.
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