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No man that does not see visions will ever realize any high hope or undertake any high enterprise.
Woodrow Wilson

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Memorial Project officials insist that it was the passengers and crew, not the terrorists, who broke the peace on 9/11

February 12th, 2009 by xformed

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The official explanation for the Crescent of Embrace design is that the path of Flight 93 breaks the circle, turning it into the giant crescent. They call it the Circle of Embrace now, but the Memorial Project’s own website acknowledges that the circle is still broken:

In summary, the memorial is shaped in a circular fashion, and the circle is symbolically “broken” or missing trees in two places, depicting the flight path of the plane, and the crash site…

The fact that the Circle of Embrace is really a broken circle means two things. First, it means that the giant crescent is still there. Architect Paul Murdoch always described the Crescent of Embrace as a broken circle. Our circle of peace was broken on 9/11, with the unbroken part of the circle, what was symbolically left standing in the wake of 9/11, being the giant Islamic shaped crescent.

Adding an extra arc of trees that explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle leaves the unbroken part unchanged. What is symbolically left standing on the Flight 93 crash site is still a giant Islamic-shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

This prompts the question of WHO is being depicted as breaking the circle of peace on 9/11. Of course it can only be the terrorists. Who else can be charged with breaking the peace? The murdered passengers and crew?

Once you realize that it can only be the terrorists who are being depicted as turning the circle into a crescent, it is obvious that this is actually a memorial to the terrorists (if that wasn’t obvious enough already from the Crescent name and the crescent and star flag configuration).

The Memorial Project finally answers our question: insists that it was the passengers and crew who broke the circle

Last spring a couple hundred emailers (thanks!) demanded to know “Who broke the circle?” The Memorial Project issued a boiler-plate response that never got around to answering the question. At the Memorial Project meeting last summer, however, Alec Rawls was able to pigeon-hole Memorial Project Manager Jeff Reinbold and Deputy Superintendent Keith Newlin.

“You can’t just say it was ‘the flight path’ that broke the circle” Rawls admonished. “This is a story of human action. So who did it? In your depiction, who is breaking the circle?”“The passengers and crew,” said Reinbold.

“But the circle is a symbol of peace,” Rawls continued. “Who broke the peace? It was the TERRORISTS who broke the peace on 9/11.”

Reinbold countered that that the circle is also a Druid symbol, and a Christian symbol.

“But it is still a symbol of peace,” said Rawls, especially as the Memorial Project is using it, with the circle being broken on 9/11, “so who breaks it?”

“It was the passengers and crew,” Newlin repeated, elaborating that: “They are the one’s who brought the plane down.”

“You don’t think it was the terrorists who broke the peace?” Rawls asked.

“They TRIED to break the peace,” said Newlin, “but they failed.”

“Really?” asked Rawls: “They failed to break the peace? What about the 40 murdered heroes?” But Reinbold and Newlin were done talking.

Trying to give credit to the passengers and crew for the outcome of Flight 93 is a perfectly creditable motive on the part of Reinbold and Newlin. They aren’t actually trying to blame the passengers and crew for 9/11. What is shameful is their absolute determination not to admit what they perfectly well understand: that it was the terrorists that broke the peace on 9/11.

If they admit this, then they have to acknowledge that Murdoch’s design can only be a memorial to the terrorists, who are depicted as breaking our peaceful circle and turning it into a giant Islamic-shaped crescent. The depth of Reinbold’s and Newlin’s determination not to admit that it was the terrorists who broke the peace is a measure of how clearly they understand the terrorist-memorializing implications.

They KNOW that this is a memorial to the terrorists, and are twisting themselves into knots to try to cover it up.

Not just a memorial to the terrorists, but victory for the terrorists

If the crescent/broken-circle design is built, it will turn Flight 93 into a victory for the 9/11 terrorists. They will actually have succeeded (with the help of architect Paul Murdoch) in planting a giant Mecca-direction indicator (the central feature of a mosque) on the Flight 93 crash site.

This is how Islam claims territory: by building mosques. Saudi Arabia spent over a seventy-five billion dollars in the last forty years funding mosques and madrassas to spread its murder-cult brand of Islam around the globe. That’s where our present conflict with the Islamic world comes from: Saudi Arabia spreading the violent orthodoxy of Wahabbi Islam around the world.

Now we are poised to build the world’s largest mosque for them, a terrorist memorial mosque, dedicated to the Saudi terrorists who mass-murdered our own countrymen on 9/11, and the Memorial Project KNOWS it. They have to be exposed and stopped.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.
If you want to fund an ad buy, contact Alec Rawls. Petition here.

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Category: Political | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Memorial Project officials insist that it was the passengers and crew, not the terrorists, who broke the peace on 9/11

Iranian War Plans: Maybe They are Clear.

February 6th, 2009 by xformed

Gather the puzzle pieces. Consider the history of the last few decades between the US and Iran, and Iran vs the World. Think about the periods of saber rattling and periods of silence since 1979, yet all with the consistent “Death to America!” tone. I was in the Med the night the Shah was overthrown, standing in Radio, just “reading the skeds” (you could do that back then, see every broadcast message, before the days of NAVMACS). Saw one not even addressed to us, but we were the underway oiler, and it affected us. I ripped it off the teletype and ran to grab Ops before heading to see the CO. Years later, I sailed escorting tankers through the Strait of Hormuz, after having been stationed in the North Arabian Sea as the ready battle group, just in case. But this news is now. Are we getting a glimpse of a long term strategy coming together, all the parts falling in place?

One ship was headed from Iran to Gaza

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, what about the one being held in Greece, headed to Iran, with components to manufacture surface-to-surface missiles?

Little Boy Blue download And, by the way, why is Iran (with Russia’s help) moving quickly to use nuclear power for domestic electricity production, when they have sufficient oil reserves for themselves? Hold that thought, I believe, while focusing on the oil transport issue, stumbled across a major puzzle piece of a war plan here.

And don’t forget the push to develop a “domestically produced” nuclear weapon…

Satan's Bed rip How will the President react, in the face of the Iranian leadership that shows it has no apologies for it’s efforts to strategically change the face of international relations? How will the UN react? Not to mention, Iran has laid out this threat before, with no significant response from the rest of the world.

One reaction already we can count on: Obama ‘demands’ a 10% military budget cut.

This is a major game changer, as is the recent launch of a satellite by Iran (demonstration of the ability to employ tactical/strategic ballistic missiles).

In the case of the Susanna, the delivery of parts to make missiles in the category of the Exocet/Silkworm/Harpoon will allow the Iranians to do what it has been attempting to for many decades: Control the flow of seaborne traffic in an international strait.

The UN Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), which the US never signed, objecting to the provisions to share in the mining of sea bed minerals with all countries, is still followed for issues such as the free transit of commerce and warships of straits less that 24 NM wide, and respecting the distance of territorial waters as being 12NM from the coasts of countries.

The Strait of Hormuz is one such strait, bordered by Oman to the south and Iran to the north. Strategically, in my former profession, we called this a “choke point.” The sea traffic must, by geography, be funneled in such a manner as to make it vulnerable to attack from land bases. If this is to be the choice of the offensive on the World’s oil based economy, then Iran is smart is importing more parts for missiles. They will have to have a credible, survivable (via protection, or mass quantity) arsenal keep the world rocked back on it’s heels. Shooting up a few tankers is a nasty disruption, but a recoverable condition, if the World masses the forces and eliminates a small inventory of weapons ashore.

Add to the issue that between 20 to 40% of the World’s crude oil transits this strait.

At the same time President Obama is re-imposing bans on offshore drilling (while Cuba and China line up to take out resources), and the Department of the Interior closes 77 land parcels in Utah (Oh, yes, they went for John McCain in 2008) to exploration and drilling for oil resources, Iran is stepping up its military capabilities. Net result, if they are allowed to continue with this buildup? Economics 101: The price of a barrel of oil will rise, sharply, merely at the threat of the ability to destroy, or bottle up shipping in the Strait of Hormuz. Or, the other reaction, as a result of, or to preempt, International Relations 101: The military as a tool of diplomacy will be brought to bear on the situation.

This is an issue, where decisions of domestic policy, in this case regarding energy and the use of natrual resources can directly interplay with our foreign policy.

In this case, where I project the Iranians will employ international blackmail, they are, unlike the current terrorist movement, a sovereign nation with borders, a capital and established, recognized leadership, which puts us back into a regime of the Laws of Warfare, which is where our understanding is best, far better than how to combat a stateless movement with almost impossible to understand goals and demands. As some background, this desire of the Iranians to “manage” the price of oil is nothing new. Beginning in 1984, they employed military tactics in in the “Tanker War”. As recently as this past year, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has harassed US Navy ships in the Strait. If you recall, during the early and middle parts of 2008, oil prices rose to well over $120/bbl, with this issue being in the forefront of the economic markets.

A conflict with Iran, of a military nature, for us, or other nations is actually being encouraged by the decisions. or non-decisions, by President Obama. If we enter the conflict, we will be in the very position President Obama told the world we were wrong for doing: Dictating. He will necessarily have to tell Iran what they will or will not do. On the other hand, I wonder if he “listened” to the snub he received from the Iranian leadership, after news of a letter to open relations was in the works?

If President Obama declines to get his hands dirty, explaining away his lack of “America First” capabilities by telling us it would be wrong to direct how an nation, a single nation, takes control of a large part of the World’s energy economy, will the populace accept this “leadership,” while our cars sit idle in the driveways and industry grinds to a halt and power companies serve up brown and black outs, in winter and soummer high demand months? Will he demands “rationing” while not even entering a war to secure resources, or wll he relent and turn inwards, tossing the “Global Warming” crowd under the bus, while letting us us what resources we have under our feet and near our shores?

Back to “peaceful” nuclear power. If Iran accumulates/develops the ability to employ a massive offensive surface-to-surface missile capability in the Strait of Hormuz and effectively shuts off up to 40% of the crude oil market, and, in preparation, has built a set of nuclear reactors for energy, they will hold a significant trump card, when we attack. We will, by our domestic policy decisions, be left crippled for energy use, which will affect our ability to effectively employ military power. If they have also built protected launch sites and forward observation capabilities (necessary to effectively strike the correct targets over the horizon), it will be a war of attrition, with us using up a now finite amount of energy. That will possibly bring us to another brink of nuclear warfare, as the ICBMs sit ready to launch, their potential energy already committed.

It seems at least one of the two major players in this game understand the need for “energy independence,” and not the one who thinks Congress can take over the design of domestically produced cars.

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By the way, our “allies” are getting nervous, and looking for some, any approach by our leadership. Will “he” listen or refuse to be dictated to?

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale move The magnitude of the tests, even in his third week in office are reaching gigantic proportions. He had better be up to it, or the Stimulus will not be necessary…we’ll just be cut up and “sold” off to the highest bidding nation, like a corporation gone bankrupt.

Battle Beyond the Stars

Category: Navy | 1 Comment »

Love Your Glock? You Should: Read This

February 4th, 2009 by xformed

DUDE! Chasing links and found this: Glock 21 Torture Test


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Geez! He has plenty of pics of “prepping the weapon in mud, dirt, baby powder, water, ice, etc…then fired 500 rounds without cleaning it. Before and after pics. Ran over by a car, dropped from a Cessna (Yes, while flying)! You gotta chase the link!

As Barney would say LEGENDARY! performance…

And when you finish that read, check out The Ten Manliest Weapons List.

Category: Technology | 1 Comment »

Keeping Promises: Direct Talks with Iran and the Long Term Affects

January 28th, 2009 by xformed

Well, here we are in Week Two of the Change Presidency, and it’s changing the World alright. Count on it: If President Obama said it in the race to the White House, it will be done or pushed hard.

Guess what? He really will hold direct talks with a nation that declared war on us in 1979.

Just a few days ago, he told the Arab news interviewer that America has too often dictated to other nations. Now, maybe in some warped emotion of “fairness,” President Obama wants to let other nations get their fair share of dictating to the rest of the World. Look at it like “reparations of a diplomatic type.” You know, Iran is all about telling us how we will do things with/for them (basically dictating to the President that he will do as he said and change), while President Obama will set on “pre-conditions.”

I’m really wondering, just who got elected to the most powerful position in the World.

Note: If you read down in the post at Lawhawk, you’ll note the other promise of President Obama mentioned: Getting rid of Missile Defense Systems. Now, just why do you think the Russians have decided to offer to not put offensive weapons in place

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to counter the missile defense systems President Bush was working to place in Eastern Europe, to protect that region from ballistic missiles fired from Iran? Note: Iran has contracted to buy Russian made S-300 anti-aircraft systems, and Russia has been assisting Iran in developing “peaceful” nuclear plants.

Why would Russia back off after all the threats issued to President Bush? My conjecture: It gives President Obama “top cover” to slash the missile defense work out of the entire budget, saying the threat has evaporated. Practically: That leaves us, as well as Allies (which he says he wants to work with on world issues – I guess the MSM asked who he considered allies, and who he considered enemies, right?) out in the cold, while the Russians develop new generations of ballistic missiles and as Iran works towards longer ranged tactical ballistic weapons, and heads towards strategic ones. And Iran has called for the eliminatation Israel from the face of the planet. Words, just words, I guess.

Tell me, if our own President has made the decision to make sure he speficically and exactly fulfills his promises he made on the Campaign trail, and now in his Inauguration Speech, why would he dismiss that other world leaders/spokepeople wold not do the same, or will he pretend he is the only one who will be ture to his own words?

Is the connection all to clear here?

The major power players in the World, Russia, Iran, China and North Korea will see how this Administration handles this “test” and move forward accordingly. The stage has just been set for the rest of the world to govern our every act, from energy consumed (energy policy tied to international Kyoto type treaties) to the use of our military (with the UN dictating to us when and where – count on the military staying in place as a arm of the UN to send troops to issue rations to starving nations, at the US taxpayers expense, but never being given the Rules of Engagement to actually defend anyone, let alone the US, our citizens, or commerce abroad.

Point of education: Major military developments don’t come up to operational use with the snap of anyone’s fingers. They take years of analysis, development, testing and then fielding. Dropping the work on the missile defense will: Cut jobs for skilled American workers (oh, yes…that’s already been called for by the new Secretary of Labor), and all the supporting industries that are involved in the support and supplying functions.

It won’t be long before the World celebrates our new found “domesticability” for them to come around and ask us to “Sit!”, “Lay Down!”, “Stay!” or…the favorite, I’ll predict: “Play DEAD!”

And to toss another log on the fire, wasn’t it Candidate Obama who chastised the Bush Administration for going it alone and not working with our Allies? So, who does he think he is now? God’s gift to a world desiring to be peaceful at the wave of a hand?

Thank you, President Obama, for dooming present and future generations of Americans to serving the whims of dictators and tyrants around the world, while using their money to be subject to the abuse.

In the end of this course of action, President Obama will have turned his back on the countries we have been allied with and try to become allies with those who are our enemies. Net result: We will be alone, very alone in the geo-political world, with our necks bared to the wrath of those who hate anything “Western” and their knifes.

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Category: Political | 1 Comment »

Technology Tuesday: The Connected (Disconnected) You

January 27th, 2009 by xformed

Wow…just look how we can use digital means to know more about our surroundings:

I Am Here: One Man’s Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle from

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buy The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

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Wired Magazine.

Lots of capability of the iPhone to plug you into the world and society, but…read the last paragraph closely….

Category: Technology Tuesday | Comments Off on Technology Tuesday: The Connected (Disconnected) You

The First Test – Irainian Weapons Bound for Gaza

January 25th, 2009 by xformed

Vice-President Biden warned us a test for the President would come. I believe it is here and now. It will define the relationship President Obama forms with the most significant exporter of terror. It is a big deal, regardless of how small it appears.

Players: Iran, Israel, the US Navy, Hamas, Egypt, and the Gulf States. Toss in the pirates in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea area, if you like. It’s a very complicated matter, not for the faint at heart, or the international affairs inexperienced crowd (I count both the President and the Secretary in that group, and I don’t trust the judgment of Vice President Biden in such issues – he’s been wrong far too often)

Irainian Wepons Ship Under US Control.

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A “merchant” ship, chock full of weapons, ranging from small arms and explosives, to rockets and rocket launchers, in plain view, and in “secret” welded shut compartments, as detected by the USCG boarding teams that ride US ships in the Indian Ocean region to provide the specific skill of “Visit Boarding Search and Seizure” (VBSS), making sure all the maritime legal rules are met.

So, here we have it: We now are in control of the future of this vessel, which, as noted in the article sailed under one name, and later changed it (nothing to hide…). The Navy shadowed it, and now controls it. It has weaponry bound for the Hamas players, who are wantonly, and with evil intent, killing Israelis, mostly civilians, but happier, I’m sure to kill the IDF soldiers, too. We, as a Nation have always been allied with Israel, however, President Obama’s first ever phone call to a foreign leader was to President Abbas, of the Palestinians authority of Gaza.

Who;’s side will we be on? To let the ship proceed to it’s destination is to sentence more Israelis to death, with full knowledge of this fact. To hold it, means we need to take it to a neutral port and have the contraband offloaded. That triggers the second international issue, as noted in the article: Where?

Like the confrontation with Libya in 1986, Europe, who was under threat of attack by Khadaffi, except for Italy, stopped all support for US forces involved in the Freedom of Navigation operations. Now, Egypt, a Muslim nation, who doesn’t want the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians to go on is still…part of the Muslims. To let their port be used makes them look like they are siding with the “Occupiers.” They will most likely decline a port facility. The Gulf Nations, are but a hop, skip and a short-range tactical missile (SCUD like weapons) from the originator of the shipment, Iran. Even if they disagree with Iran’s involvement, they are within the “weapons envelope” of that nation. Other countries? Aden, Yemen, Sudan? Basically lawless nations, in the best of cases, but in the worst, radicalized Muslim states.

So, for the new administration, via proxies and a maritime issue, President Obama can now see if he’s got the guts to step onto the World’s stage.

Options: “Talk to them.” Didn’t work for Jimmy Carter. Didn’t work, in the long run for Bill Clinton. Sanctions? At least delayed some of it for both Bushs. Strongly worded letters? Good luck. President Ahmadinejad could lose his head or be hanged from a construction crane or be stoned, as so ordered by the mullahs. Do you think a personal phone call from President Obama has any leverage?

I think the Iraian leadership is having a big party right now, pre-celebrating their success of shoving weapons meant to directly be used in a conflict against our ally and we will not have the courage to take the difficult, step to stop it.

I predict President Obama will, via the media, but not directly in public, say this behavior is unacceptable, then and we’ll count on the Iranians seeing a new page has been turned, so we’ll let this count a “Strike One.” The Navy will be ordered to pull the VBSS teams off and allow the ship to continue on it’s voyage.

He’ll call it “diplomacy.” I call it “gutless.”Hide and Seek

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Category: Political | 2 Comments »

Technology Tuesday – Bonus for iPod Users – Part II!

January 20th, 2009 by xformed

So, the return of (maybe) a normal blogging schedule!

Anyhow…speaking of the “law of unintended consequences,” some may feel as though their heads will explode, but on the other hand, some will see the device fit for music and pictures has another value with the creation of a new app, BulletFlight



iPods – now for reaching out and touching with full metal jacket!

Photo Credit: The Telegraph

More info here. Eight Below movie

Category: Technology Tuesday | 1 Comment »

Go Ahead, Throw Your Shoes at a World Leader…

January 19th, 2009 by xformed

Funny…he wouldn’t have this issue in the US, would he? download Independence Day

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Between natural, ingrained tolerance of expressing opposing views, to the ACLU, he’d have been on all the morning talk shoes and most likely be given a job at MSNBC, CNN, or nay other lefty MSM outlet.

Not so when you are outside of the “mean” (Thank you Michelle Obama) nation of the USA….

So, who’s paying for the Swiss lawyer?

Category: Political | 1 Comment »

A "Blogging General?"

January 18th, 2009 by xformed

After all the fits and starts and threats and non-guidance for Army personnel blogging, finally, a 2 star steps up to the plate. Half Past Dead release

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BZ, MG Oates, CG of Task Force Mountain:

“There are some concerns by some people, based on the nature of our hierarchical organization, who feel this is inappropriate — going around the chain of command,” Major General Michael Oates, the commander of the Army’s Task Force Mountain, tells Danger Room. “It is not in fact going around the chain of command; it allows us to connect to the chain of command in ways we have not been able to experience before.”

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Category: Army | 1 Comment »

Very, Very "Lexable…"

January 18th, 2009 by xformed

Hmmm…can fly over land or water, has a more affordable price tag (no gear option, I think was $113K), two seats, truck-able, too. What’s not for Neptunus Lex Romero trailer to like about it, or some of the rest of us, too, with a little hankering for fun in a VFR world on a “conservative” budget?

I bring you the Icon A5 Sport Plane!

Click for larger Image
You only need a “Sport Pilot” rating to fly this one

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and that’s much less expensive. Stuck with flying by eyeball and below 10KFt at a max of 120 kts! Oh, yeah…another “Lex” feature: Auto-fold wings!Saw the article n the new wired.Drawbacks? Well, an F-16 “driver” is part of the design team…which may be a plus for some others.

Get busy filling his tip jar, so we might vie for an opportunity to be a “guest” in the right seat..Just read about this in the Wired Magazine

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at the store, but it doesn’t show on the web site. Update 1/19/2009: Here’s the link to the Wired article.

Other update: “Auto-fold wings” powered by pilot and/passenger/ground crew/curious bystanders.Sideways hd

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