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Quote of the Click
The priori dogma that all cultures are equal ignores the palin fact that cultures do not present a static tableau of differences, but rather a dynamic process of competition...Competition means winners and losers - not merely a static display of 'multi-cultural diversity.'
Thomas Sowell, 1994

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Moral Muslims don't want a memorial to the terrorists on the Flight 93 crash site

April 22nd, 2009 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition

Orgazmo video

Thanks to Khalim Massoud, president of Muslims against Sharia–Islamic Reform Movement, for his press release Nancy Drew download in support of Tom Burnett Sr.’s efforts to stop the Park Service from planting a giant Mecca-oriented crescent atop his son’s grave.

Islamic Reform Movement is clear eyed on the problem:

We all know who the enemy is. It’s Islamic radicals who are guided by the ideology of Islamic supremacy. Just as Nazis were guided by the ideology of Aryan supremacy. The only difference is that Gihadis consider it their religious duty to impose Islam all over the world and many of them yearn to die (and kill) for Allah. They use lines from the Koran such as “kill them [infidels] wherever you find them” or “slay the idolaters wherever you find them” as their guiding principles.

Islam needs to be reformed so that it rejects supremacism and violent conquest, but trying reform Islam is a difficult and dangerous business:

Islamic radicals murder more Muslims than Christians, Jews, Hindus and everybody else combined. Gihadis may hate you for being infidels. But they really hate us for not following their demented dogma.

In this struggle for the soul of Islam, the last thing that moral Muslims want is any kind of victory for the supremacists, never mind a mind-boggling symbolic victory over the heroes of Flight 93:

What possible reason could be there for including anything Islamic or anything even resembling an Islamic symbol into Flight 93 Memorial? Inclusion of Islamic symbols memorializes murderers who brought down the plane and is tantamount to spitting in the faces of victims and their families. United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked in 2001. Let’s not allow hijacking of Flight 93 Memorial in 2008.

Muslims know all about facing Mecca for prayer

One of the difficulties in getting people to understand the significance of the Mecca-orientation of the Crescent of Embrace is that it all seems so esoteric, and if it is esoteric, how important can it be?

Witness Allahpundit, who as Michelle Malkin’s pointman on this issue ought to be one of our strongest allies. Instead, he dismisses

all concern about Islamic symbolism (effectively dismissing Michelle’s original concern about the giant crescent, which remains completely intact

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in the “broken circle” redesign), on the grounds that: “if you need a protractor to properly express your outrage, you’ve probably gone too far.”

We don’t need a protractor to express our outrage. We need a protractor to explain what architect Paul Murdoch did. He built the world’s largest mihrab: the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built. The planned memorial will be the world’s largest mosque by a factor of a hundred. The gigantic Sacred Mosque in Mecca would fit four times over inside Murdoch’s 3000 foot wide crescent, which is just the centerpiece of Murdoch’s mosque.

Orientation on Mecca is THE central symbol of Islam, together with the crescent shape. Unlike Allahpundit, Khalim knows these things:

The shape of the “broken circle” resembles a crescent moon. So does the shape of the tower. Crescent moon is the most recognizable Islamic symbol. When we pray, we face Mecca and Mosques are traditionally built to face Mecca. The case could be made that the proposed design is aligned in North-Easterly direction, which corresponds with Qiblah, a direction to Mecca. Conventional wisdom would dictate that since Mecca is located to the South-East of Somerset, Qiblah cannot possibly have a North-Easterly direction. This assumption would be correct if you’re using a flat map. However, if you take a globe, place pins on locations of Somerset and Mecca, and connect those pins with a string, you’ll see that the string at the base of the Somerset pin points North-East. This symbolism may not be noticeable to a non-Muslim, and it is also possible, but likely improbable that the designer is ignorant of its significance. The proposed design would be perfect for EgyptAir 990 memorial. But for United 93 memorial, it is simply unacceptable.

Allahpundit is just being careless, but the willful blindness of the Park Service is foundational

The Memorial Project is committed to the idea that Islam was also hijacked on 9/11. To them, blaming Islam would be as bad as blaming the hijacked passengers and crew. Thus the possibility of hostile Islamic intent cannot be contemplated, no matter how high the “coincidences” pile.

According to Flight 93 Advisory Commission member Tim Baird, the Memorial Project participants all know that the Crescent of Embrace does in fact point almost exactly at Mecca (despite the Memorial Project’s many public denials

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). They just assume it has to be a coincidence, just as they assume it is a coincidence that the Sacred Ground Plaza sits almost exactly in the position of the star on an Islamic crescent-and-star flag.

(Both of these almost-exact Islamic symbol shapes also contain exact Islamic symbol shapes. Remove the symbolically broken-off parts of the giant crescent and what is symbolically left standing in the wake of 9/11 is a giant Islamic-shaped crescent pointing EXACTLY at Mecca. In the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag is a separate upper section of Memorial Wall, centered on the centerline of the giant crescent, that will be inscribed with the 9/11 date.)

Backers of the crescent design chose it specifically as a symbol of healing and outreach, implicitly to the Islamic world. Having been so generous to Islam, they just can’t believe that a hidden al Qaeda sympathizer could be so ungenerous as to take advantage of their outreach by sneaking a memorial to the terrorists past their noses. They just can’t believe that anyone could actually want to hijack Flight 93!

This refusal to acknowledge evidence of hostile Islamic intent stabs at the heart of what Islamic reformers like Khalim are trying to accomplish.

How to distinguish a moral Muslim from an Islamic supremacist

Being knowledgeable about Islam, moral Muslims recognize (as bin Laden’s followers do) that Osama bin Laden is a perfectly orthodox Wahabbist, using traditional means of violence and deception to pursue the traditional Islamic objective of world domination. The difference is that moral Muslims reject the totalitarian methods and objectives of established Islam. Moral Muslims recognize that traditional Islamic orthodoxy needs to be reformed.

Textually, the opportunities for reform are very propitious. The Koran contains both sweeping calls to violence (9.05, 9.29) , and sweeping calls for tolerance (2.256, 109). To turn these diverse commands into a religion of violent conquest, every major school of Islamic interpretation, both Sunni and Shiite, considers the peaceful verses of the Koran to be expunged via the doctrine of “abrogation.” Where different verses can be seen to contradict each other, the doctrine of abrogation holds the earlier verses to be abrogated and replaced by the later verses.

The peaceful verses are all early verses, so as far as traditional Islam is concerned, they don’t even exist, except as a device for deceiving infidels into believing that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

This doctrine of abrogation flies in the face of the Koran’s own insistence that it contains no contradictions (4.82), and that nothing

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is abrogated (2.106). Textually, traditional Islam does not have a leg to stand on, but anyone who points it out is subject to the traditional Sharia death penalty for blasphemy. Alternatively, in a Wahabbist specialty called “taking takfir,” such heretical interpretations constitute apostasy, another death penalty crime in every major school of Islamic interpretation.

The Koran repeats dozens of times over that those who forget the words of Moses will burn in Hell forever (e.g. 2.75, 3.187, 5.13, 13.25, 15.90, 16.63). This is repeated so many times because it is Muhammad’s accusation against the Jews: that they twist the “allegorical parts” of the Torah (3.07). But the LEAST allegorical part of the Torah is the Ten Commandments. Thus according to the Koran, the 6th Commandment–Thou shalt not murder–is binding on Muslims.

Murder is any killing that is not in defense against either a violent attack or a conspiracy to violent attack, and there is no clearer case of murder than the traditional Islamic death penalty for apostates, who only want to go their own way. The same goes for blasphemy. To kill someone for challenging doctrine is MURDER. If the Koran really is the word of God, then every traditional Muslim in the entire world who supports established Sharia law is “wood for the fire.”

Whether Islamic reformers are out to save the lives of those who would be murdered, or out to save the souls of the murderers, they are engaged in a great contest with perhaps the greatest evil the world has ever known: a RELIGION of evil. All they need to do to win is expose the truth: that traditional Islam is in systematic violation of the Koran’s own most fundamental commandments, yet to expose this truth they must break through the teeth of traditional Islam’s strength: its totalitarian repression of dissent. In short, all they have to do is bring truth to the most psychologically brutalized people in the history of the planet.

What could be worse, in a battle like this, than to see the land of liberty–the great haven from which truth can be spoken–build a gigantic terrorist-memorial mosque on the Flight 93 crash site?

No helping hand from the land of the free The Valley of Gwangi film

If this willful blindness prevails, it will be a clear signal that in the battle to wrest Islam from the grasp of evil, America will not help. By following the morally blind idea that goodwill to Islam means having a see-no-evil attitude toward Islam, America is refusing to witness what moral Muslims are trying to expose: that the worst evils–condemned to the fire many times over by the Koran itself–thrive at the heart of Islamic institutions.

That evil heart is what throbs, a half-mile across, in the crescent memorial to Flight 93, and the refusal of our own Park Service, fully alert to all the facts, to witness this evil is the worst possible betrayal, not just of America, but of the good people in the Islamic world as well. A see-no-evil attitude towards Islam is NOT goodwill. It emboldens the worst in Islam at the expense of the best. To help the good against the bad, we have to distinguish the good from the bad.

The good are those who are trying to reform Islam. The bad are those who pretend that traditional Islam orthodoxy is already peaceful, and deny that reform is necessary.

Muslims against Sharia has a facebook group

, if anyone wants to join. Check out the Islamic Reform Movement website here.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

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Operation DVD – DVDs for the Troops!

April 20th, 2009 by xformed

Operation DVD Logo

What is Operation DVD? Apocalypto ipod

The Station Agent psp

Operation DVD is an appeal to patriotic Americans to donate their new and used DVDs which are then shipped to our fighting men and women overseas.

Entertainment is a concept that is difficult at best for our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even baseball games are no longer possible because of snipers, land mines, bombs and terrorist activities. There are no passes to go to town and the most common remark is: “How boring it is.”

Operation DVD continues the tradition started by the great Bob Hope to Provide Entertainment for our Troops.

Operation DVD started in Palm Springs, CA with a call from a minister explaining that a Supply Sergeant, home on leave, was asking church members for DVDs.

Over 30,000 specially designed “Collection Boxes” for donated new and used DVDs have already been located nationwide at schools, large chains, retail stores, restaurant chains, NASCAR races, churches, car dealers and the list goes on.

The real supporters of Operation DVD are mostly kids — 14,000 Young Marines, Boy and Girl Scouts, children preparing for their Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, individual students wanting to start local drives at their schools, Honor Societies, 4-H Clubs, etc.

It is only now that major corporations (Lockheed Martin, General Mills, ESPN, Johnson Space Center, Nuclear Generating Plants across the country, etc.) are coming forward to encourage their employees to donate new and used DVDs for the Troops.

Once filled, the “Collection Boxes” are sent to one of thirteen (13) “Sorting/Deployment” centers across the nation — Temecula, Los Angeles and Newbury Park, California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina (2), Texas and Washington State. “Children Titles” are separated and sent to Servicemen’s families (Stateside) through the Family Readiness Group(s) of the National Guard.

“DVDs are definitely the #1 form of entertainment over here.” – SSG David Vance

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Category: Political | Comments Off on Operation DVD – DVDs for the Troops!

Obama Administration "Speak" Translator

April 2nd, 2009 by xformed


Speed 2: Cruise Control movie download


Armageddon ipod

I found this on Jumping in Pools Blog

Before Sunrise rip

WALL·E divx

Grizzly Park move , who credits it to the Big Hollywood Blog.

In the Army Now move

Add to it and pass it around!


In order for us morons on the right to understand the newspeak of the Obama administration I offer this glossary of terms before and after being “Obamized.” Feel free to add to my list while you are still able.

Old Bush/Cheney/Halliburton Hate Speech – Obama Speak

Terrorist – Misunderstood Islamic Freedom Fighter

Terrorist Act – Man Caused Disaster

Wealth Redistribution Scam – Global Warming

Global Warming – Climate Change

Freedom Tower – Chinese World Business Headquarters

Enemy Combatant – Victim of Bush Chaney War Crimes

Illegal Immigrant – Migrant/Democrat Voter

Global War on Terror – Overseas Contingency Operation

Axis of Evil – Islamic Republic of Iran

Socialism – Government Friendly Capitalism

Welfare – Tax Rebate

Businessman – Greed Monger

Entrepreneur – Government Revenue Enhancer

Middle Class – Rich

Republican -Taxpayer

Conservative – Klansman

Abortion – Reproductive Rights

Unfettered Abortion – Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Windfall Profits Tax – Cap and Trade

Volunteer – Americorps Political Activist

On Time Mortgage Payer – Chump

Marxist/Socialist Liberalism – Historic Presidency

Dollar – Global Currency

Reeducation Camp – Job Training

Health Care – Socialized Medicine

Wall Street – U.S. Department of Economic Control

Rehashed Clinton Administration – Change You Can Believe In

Conservative Supreme Court Justice – Homophobe

Private Property – Future Government Acquisition

Bipartisanship – Do It Our Way

Contract Provision – Government Oversight

Seek input from across the aisle – We won, sit down and shut up

Private Enterprise – Future Federal Employment Project

Unemployment – Idleness Compensation Program

National Security Issue – Law Enforcement Problem

Defend and Protect the Constitution – If It Fits My Agenda”

I have one more (Jumping in Pools):

General Motors – Government Owner Green Motor companies (plural for the upcoming takeover of Chevy)

Mine (Chaotic Synaptic Activity):

Department of Defense Budget – Supplemental welfare programs funding

Ballistic Missile Defense System/F-22 Raptor/DDG-1000 – DoD Waste, Fraud and Abuse Showcase Programs

Update 4/2/2009:

Charlie Daniels adds his own list, after dissing The One’s concept!Mrs. Ratcliffe’s Revolution psp

Category: Public Service | Comments Off on Obama Administration "Speak" Translator

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Press refuses again to check and report the facts, this time in BART shooting

April 1st, 2009 by xformed

The crescent memorial to Flight 93 would have been stopped long ago if the media was willing to check and report simple facts like the Mecca-orientation of the giant crescent. The same thing happens whenever the facts of a case are not congenial to our left-wing elites.

Another extreme example is now taking place in Oakland California, where inflammatory reports of police criminality in the New Year’s Day shooting of Oscar Grant are held up by the Oakland street mob as justication for last week’s murder of four police officers. Even after this massacre of Oakland police, the press still refuses to publish dramatic exculpatory evidence in the Oscar Grant case.

Video proof that Oscar Grant swung his own arm up onto his own back AFTER he was shot by BART officer Johannes Mehserle

Oscar Grant was lying face down on the ground when he was shot in the back by BART officer Johannes Mehserle, who seems to have thought he was firing his newly issued Taser. (Fellow officer Tony Pirone told investigators buy Exit Wounds that Mehserle said he was going to Tase Grant, then warned him to get clear just before firing.)

If Mehserle did experience Taser confusion then he is not guilty of ANY crime. This is what the DA asserted in an earlier California case of Taser confusion:

Wyatt explained that without the intent of criminal negligence, criminal charges against Noriega could not be sustained.

“The required aggravation … did not occur in this case,” he said.

Criminal negligence is based on foreseeable consequences. If Mehserle thought he was firing his Taser, he can only be liable for the foreseeable consequences of firing his Taser, not his gun. The shooting at that point is just an accident, and the only person who is responsible for creating the dangerous situation in which that accident occurred is Oscar Grant, with his reckless and criminal decision to fight with the police for 30 seconds.

Alameda District Attorney Tom Orloff set aside the Noriega precedent on the grounds that:

… both of Grant’s hands were behind his back, a position hands are commonly placed in by police officers in order to handcuff individuals, when the shot was fired into his body.

Orloff somehow decided that the fact that Grant’s hands seemed to be in a compliance position made the shooting “an intentional act” that calls for a charge of murder.

This makes little sense. We already know that Mehserle intended to pull the trigger. His claim is that he thought he was pulling the trigger on his Taser, a point which is unaffected by the position of Grant’s hands. Nevertheless, this is the weak reed upon which Orloff decided to hang murder charges, and it turns out to be verifiably false. Grant’s hands were NOT both on his back when the shot was fired, as can be seen when the video is slowed down.

Here is an animation of the fatal second:
Fatal second
37;05 – 37;29 of KTVU’s highlighted cell phone video Charlotte’s Web dvdrip Double Indemnity ipod of the shooting, slowed to 1/2 second a frame. Red circle (added) shows the first appearance of officer Mehserle’s muzzle flash.

At the start of the animation (after the black frame), Officer Pirone (kneeling on Grant’s shoulder and neck) has just gotten control of Grant’s right hand, pulling it up behind Grant’s back. As the action starts, Pirone lets go and draws back (presumably in response to Mehserle’s Taser warning). Look at the spot where Pirone’s arm pulls back behind his own body. From about this same spot in the image, Grant’s left arm then appears, as Grant starts to swing his own arm up towards his own back. One frame after Grant’s left arm first appears (1/15th of a second later), Mehserle’s muzzle-flash first appears (red circle). Then Grant finishes swinging his own arm up onto his own back.

Here is a frame grab of the fatal instant (37;17):

When Mehserle’s muzzle flash first appears (red circle) Grant has just started to swing his own left arm (circled in blue) around behind his own back (presumably in a belated attempt to avoid getting Tased).

Grant’s left hand was NEVER under either officer’s control, after they both fought for 30 seconds to get control of it, with Mehserle telling Pirone from the beginning that he thought Grant was “going for his waistband”. Thus Mehserle was certainly justified in trying to Tase Grant, and the clear evidence that he WAS trying to Tase Grant makes this almost certainly an accidental shooting, in which case Mehserle is innocent of ANY crime.

Alec Rawls (the author of these blobgurst posts) has been trying for six weeks to get Bay Area print and television news to let the public know about about this video proof that Orloff’s stated grounds for charging officer Mehserle with murder is FALSE. This isn’t just news. It vitiates the state’s own accusations of criminal behavior, now being used to justify acts of war against the Oakland Police, yet despite repeated outreach to most of the reporters who have been covering this story, the local press still won’t report it.

The press also refuses to fact-check Pirone’s claim that the video shows Grant kneeing him multiple times in the groin

Oakland is also inflamed by another portion of the Oscar Grant video, about a minute and a half before the shooting, where Officer Pirone knocks Grant to the ground with a forearm to his head. KTVU interviewed two law professors who both interpreted the blow as an unprovoked criminal assault. Professor Peter Keane, of UC Hastings was the most emphatic:

That officer is committing a crime. … There’s no question in my mind that that’s vivid powerful evidence that he committed a vicious physical assault, unprovoked, upon a citizen, for absolutely no reason.

UC Boalt Professor Franklin Zimring added an important qualification, but unless the public learns that the qualification does in fact apply, the effect is the same:

Unless there’s something more that we don’t see, then the degree of force that was use, and the way it was used, are not justified.

Officer Pirone’s lawyer Bill Rapoport told the press that a frame by frame analysis of the video shows that Pirone was responding to multiple knees to the groin by Grant, but again, our biased media is refusing to fact-check and reported on the accuracy of this easy to verify claim. All they have to do is slow down the video and take a look. Immediately before Pirone strikes Grant, Grant can be seen driving his knees up above 90° into Pirone’s groin. Here is a frame grab of one of the knees:

Little Big League film

Grant knees Pirone in the groin
9;05 from KTVU’s raw cell phone video. Surrounding frames show the denim “7” shape in this frame to be Oscar Grant’s right knee, coming up above 90° as Grant tries to knee Pirone in the groin. Full segment here:

The accusations of criminal assault by Pirone are FALSE. He was defending himself against a criminal assault, as anyone can verify just by looking.

KTVU actually slowed the video down for professors Keane and Zimring, but obviously not enough. All KTVU has to do to verify the accuracy of Pirone’s claims is open up their laptop again and slow the video down a bit more, but they have yet to report this video proof that Pirone was defending himself against a vicious assault by Oscar Grant.

If prosecutors claimed that frame by frame analysis showed some previously undetected evidence of police criminality, the frame by frame video would be prime time news for a week. Since it proves Pirone’s innocence, the press is not interested. Even with the murder of four policemen being justified as retaliation for the alleged criminal behavior of Mehserle and Pirone, the entire bay area media remains silent.

So let’s us break the story. The innocence of Pirone and the almost certain innocence of Mehserle are major unreported news. Shout it at the top of your blogs!

If we can break this story, not only might we save some lives in blue, but we can direct the resulting attention to other explosive facts that the media refuses to examine and report, like the terrorist memorial mosque The Falcon and the Snowman movie now being built on the Flight 93 crash site.

The Mecca-orientation of the giant crescent makes it a mihrab

Dnevnoy dozor movie , the central feature around which every mosque is built. They call it a broken circle now, but the unbroken part of the circle, what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11, remains exactly as it was in the original Crescent of Embrace design. It is still a giant Islamic shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

Matilda dvdrip

Category: Public Service | Comments Off on Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Press refuses again to check and report the facts, this time in BART shooting

Maj David Howell needs our help to help

March 23rd, 2009 by xformed

Ambassadors in muddy boots. This is what they do. There are many stories like this, where Americans have reached out to serve a need for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Please consider helping out in this case.

Soldier David Howell seeks medical care for burned Iraqi child
by Beata Mostafavi | Flint Journal

Monday March 23, 2009, 8:16 AM

Iraqi 12-year-old Mohammed and Maj. David Howell, a physician’s assistant from a Flint-based National Guard battalion.

Le avventure di Pinocchio film

American Gangster movies
FLINT, Michigan —

Trailer Park Boys: The Movie movie

In a two-room, dirt-floor dwelling shared by a family of seven in Iraq, 12-year-old Mohammed awaits word that he can come to America.

In Michigan, Maj. David Howell, a physician’s assistant from a Flint-based National Guard battalion, works to bring the badly burned Iraqi boy here for surgeries that could give him a new future in his home country.

“He asked me, in his own words, if I could help save him,” said Howell, 55, of Grand Ledge, who met Mohammed in November on his second tour of Iraq.

Mohammed received his visa a week ago but is still getting funneled through government channels for his planned visit, which could be weeks away.

Meanwhile, a team of surgeons is studying Mohammed’s photographs, going over each burn, each blister and scar, planning for a series of plastic and reconstructive surgeries.

To add some more background to this saga, read this part of the story:

Howell also learned that Mohammed’s father had worked as an interpreter for the U.S. Marines — and it cost him his life.

Insurgents tracked the family down, murdering Mohammed’s father and uncle, leaving him, his mother and five siblings without a father or income.

“You have this Iraqi boy injured as an infant and a family that has really suffered because the husband came to the assistance of the U.S. military,” said Howell, a father of three who has established the nonprofit Martyr Medical Fund for Children

to raise money for the cause. “His father was doing the right thing and lost his life because of it.

You can donate online here.

Category: Public Service | 1 Comment »

I Like It…

March 17th, 2009 by xformed

Boogeyman 2 rip

A Good Man Is Hard to Find full movie

Terms of Endearment ipod

Category: Military | 1 Comment »

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Senator Specter’s payoff for betraying his party – betrayal of his state

March 11th, 2009 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition

We now know one of the payoffs that Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter received for being one of three Republican Senators who allowed President Obama’s trillion-dollar Spendulus bill to become law. WPXI in Pittsburgh reports that Specter has a 5.5 million dollar earmark for the crescent-shaped Flight 93 memorial in the omnibus spending bill just passed by the Senate.

Much as the people of Pennsylvania want to see a fitting memorial built, they yanked support for the crescent design in August 2007 after Tom Burnett Sr., father of Flight 93 hero Tom Jr., started warning the country that the memorial design is STILL packed to the gills with Islamic symbolism. Since that time the Memorial Project has hardly raised a dime, and a September 2007 interview with State Senator Jane Orie, who sponsors the Hearts of Steel memorial fund, makes clear that concerns about Islamic symbolism predominate. Here is her exchange with Pittsburgh talk-radio host Fred Honsberger:

Orie: “No matter who it is, and no matter where I went today for 9/11 events, everybody brought up this crescent. Whether it is intentional or not, it is disturbing to people.” release

Honsberger: “So everyone is bringing it up to you.”

Orie: “Absolutely.”

Orie is talking here about the so-called “redesign.” The people of Pennsylvania know that the giant crescent, which the redesign was supposed to remove, is still there. The Park Service calls it “Circle of Embrace” now, but the circle is still broken, and the unbroken part of the circle——what is symbolically left standing in the wake of 9/11——remains exactly as it was in the original Crescent of Embrace (pictured above). Architect Paul Murdoch’s design is still a giant Islamic-shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

Pennsylvanians have voted with their pocketbooks to reject this memorial to the terrorists, but Arlen Specter is determined to cram it down their throats anyway, the same way he helped Obama cram a trillion dollars of socialist pork down America’s throat.

Specter knows better than any other politician not just that the giant Islamic-shaped crescent is still there, but that it points to Mecca

Our group was actually very hopeful back in 2007 that Senator Specter might put and end to the memorial debacle. After Mr. Burnett’s public appeal, Specter’s office wanted a briefing on the Islamic symbolism that we have found in the crescent design. One of our most knowledgeable people then spent 45 minutes with Stan Caldwell, Executive Director of Senator Specter’s Pittsburgh office, explaining in detail the Islamic and terrorist memorializing symbolism.

Caldwell had no trouble understanding our graphical proof that the giant crescent points almost exactly at Mecca:

A person standing between the tips of the Crescent of Embrace and facing into the center of the crescent (red arrow) will be facing within two degrees of the Muslim prayer direction (qibla), which is calculated as the great circle direction to Mecca. (Green qibla graphic produced by the Mecca-direction calculator at Another calculator is available at

Caldwell also had no trouble understanding that the giant crescent is still there. All the redesign did was place an extra arc of trees out behind the mouth of the crescent, an arc of trees that according to the Park Service’s own website explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle:

Crescent-BrokenCircle animation, 400px
Animation starts with the bare naked Crescent of Embrace. The re-colored Circle of Embrace site plan is superimposed on top, then everything but the changes are removed. The only change is extra arc of trees (flashing) that explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle. Every particle of the original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact.

Our man also explained the significance of the Mecca orientation: that it turns the giant Islamic-shaped crescent into a mihrab (the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built). The planned memorial is actually the world’s largest mosque, and Arlen Specter’s office is fully aware of it.

Do Specter and Caldwell have some explanation? The press will never ask, but we can:

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Blood: The Last Vampire film

Another Washington Post cover-up

Dan Eggen reports how Families of Flight 93 (an adjunct to the Memorial Project, representing only those families who are backing the crescent design) have been in Washington seeking federal money. He includes no mention of WHY the private fundraising effort has failed. But State Senator Orie’s discussion of her fundraising difficulties is not hard to find. Any reporter doing a story on the memorial’s fundraising problems would presumably start here:
Google search for fundraising+problems+Flight+93+memorial

Death at a Funeral movie

The whole first page of search results is our blogburst post about Orie. (“Fundraising difficulties” yields the same result.)

Either Dan Eggen is completely incompetent, or the Post is taking sides, refusing to report the facts that don’t support the terrorist memorializing side.

Perhaps ombudsman Andrew Alexander should weigh in on this. The Post has NEVER reported on Mr. Burnett’s long battle to stop the Park Service from planting a giant Islamic-shaped crescent atop his son’s grave. Mr. Burnett left a long comment on Dan Eggen’s article which Eggen simply ignored, along with private offers to talk.

So which is it Mr. Alexander? Is the Post incompetently ignorant of a controversy that has raged for years, or is it intentionally suppressing the facts about the giant Mecca-oriented crescent?

To join our blogbursts, just send your blog’s url.

Category: Political | 1 Comment »

Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Mother of Flight 93 hero calls for “a full and transparent review” of the crescent-shaped memorial

February 27th, 2009 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition

For two years, Tom Burnett Sr. has been speaking out against the crescent-shaped memorial to Flight 93. This week Beverly Burnett (mother of Flight 93 hero Tom Burnett Jr.) stepped into the public eye to support her husband, and to make her own appeal for a full investigation:

Today, I am adding my voice for a full and transparent review of the National Park Service and Flight 93 design selection process that produced Crescent of Embrace. Does it have Islamic symbols or doesn’t it? Let’s settle this once and for all.Why do you think Tom Sr. opposed this design? It is pretty simple; Tom Sr. saw the Islamic symbols and knew those symbols did not belong at the crash site of Flight 93.

Tom Burnett Sr. traveled to Pennsylvania last August to attend the Task Force Meeting to voice his opposition to the memorial design. A Family Board member as well as a commissioner accused Tom Sr. being “just like the Islamic terrorists” that killed our son.

Why didn’t someone speak up and defend Tom Sr.’s right to voice his opinion?

Thanks to The Somerset Daily American for publishing Mrs. Burnett’s complete statement, which she also entered into the record of the most recent Memorial Project meeting. Read the whole thing.

Two other mentions of the memorial controversy in the local PA press this week

In a letter to the editor, a local woman echoed Mrs. Burnett’s sentiment in favor of preserving the site as it is, instead of demolishing the highly regarded Temporary Memorial and radically transforming the landscape, as the Memorial Project intends.

At present the Temporary Memorial looks down over the “field of honor.” Because this temporary memorial is located roughly in the center of the planned half-mile wide crescent, it will be eliminated. Visitors who stand at the location of the Temporary Memorial will no longer look out over the original landscape, but will instead see the crash-site framed between the pincer tips of the giant Islamic-shaped crescent.

They call the crescent a broken circle now, but the unbroken part of the circle, what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11 (originally called the Crescent of Embrace) remains completely unchanged Saints and Soldiers rip .

Nice words from a local columnist, but no fact-checking

In the area’s second local paper, The Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, columnist Ralph Couey offers a very nice tribute to the heroes of Flight 93 in which he mentions Mr. Burnett’s opposition to the planned memorial. Unfortunately, Mr. Couey goes on to describes Mr. Burnett’s opposition as “hopeless intransigence,” and expresses his optimism that it can be gotten past.

Given that newspapers are supposed to get to the truth, one would hope that those who gain the privilege of this public platform would bother to check the facts. If Mr. Burnett is correct in his warnings about Islamic symbolism, then finding a way to get past these objections is like finding a way to sneak a hijacker past gate security. It is a bad thing, not a good thing.

The petition that Mr. Burnett sponsored along with our blogburst group lists four damning facts about the approved design that can all be verified in a matter of minutes. Can Mr. Couey check just one: that a person standing between the tips of the giant crescent and facing into the center of the crescent will be facing within 2° of Mecca?

The Muslim prayer direction in this animation (qibla) is from the Mecca-direction calculator at (If you have trouble getting their calculator to work–your Java has to be configured correctly–there is another Mecca direction calculator at

This Mecca-orientation makes the giant crescent a mihrab, the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built. Does Mr. Couey really want to see the world’s largest mosque planted on the Flight 93 crash site? It is fine to speak highly of the heroes of Flight 93, but it would be a lot more meaningful if he would honor the Burnett’s urgent appeal for fact-checking by stepping over to a globe and checking this one simple factual claim.

Mr. Couey is not the only one who wants the crescent controversy to go away without caring to know the truth. Sorry, but that is insufficient. Planting a giant Mecca-oriented crescent on the crash-site will dishonor the heroes of Flight 93, and it fails to follow their example. They didn’t just have good intentions. They got the job done, and we have to get the job done too. We can’t be asleep at the wheel while an al Qaeda sympathizing architect hijacks our memorial.

What? Is it just too outlandish to think that the enemy might try to hijack one of our memorials? The same way that it is just too outlandish to think that the enemy might dare to hijack our commercial airliners? Do these people even know what they are memorializing?

But they CAN wake up. All they have to do is actually check the facts. Then they will know. So please Mr. Couey, take the time to check a few facts, then write a second column, reporting your findings. Somebody out there in Somerset needs to start telling the truth. It might as well be you.

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Category: Political | 1 Comment »

Recalibration of My Concepts of War in the Modern World

February 17th, 2009 by xformed

In the summer of 1988, I walked across a stage and received an acknowledgment of 9 months of study at the College of Command and Staff of the Naval War College in Newport, RI. Basically simultaneously, I was awarded an MA in International Relations from Salve Regina. About a year later, the 9 months spent at the NWC allowed my time in the seminars and writing papers to become an MA in Strategic Studies.

I left that institution, having studying warfare from the Ancient Greeks to the 1986 Gulf of Sidra Freedom of Navigation “exercise,” with an embedded belief that major world wars were just not going to be fought anymore. It had become clear to me, with my filters of reason, that wars had been fought to acquire resources, so the complete destruction of your enemy’s real estate and revenue generating entities, public and private, was not an option, maybe other than doing some “dynamic modifications” to make the point that you could.

The premise I had formed was based on people being materialistic beings, and all wanting to covet the neighbors “stuff.”

I had not bothered to factor in a glaringly obvious piece of the puzzle, it being a part of history I had not paid much attention, until these last few years, and that was the massive years of the Holy Wars in the Middle East several centuries ago.

It has become apparent that world wars are still a very real possibility, but, to break my personal paradigm, they will not (are not as the case actually is right now) about acquiring the resources another nation possesses: It’s now about enslaving the minds, or, as demonstrated regularly, destroying them physically over the issue of what the religion wants.

Don’t follow me? Read this article, which discusses the Iranian employment of Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) weapons, their basis being within the construction of nuclear weapons, which are specifically engineered to employ radio signals, and not blast effect, to achieve their destructive effect. read the article not to understand how the weapon works, but what it does.

To make is short and to the point, when one of these weapons goes off, the energy finds runs of wiring, from hi tension power lines, to the microscopic ones inside your computer and cell phones, and the interior wiring of your home, and induces electrical current via inductance. Net result: Power surges. Think about how lightning causes surges and destroys your expensive plasma TV and stereo gear. Magnify that to every electrical system around about a quarter of the globe (depending on the altitude of the detonation). All ability to deliver electricity is gone, literally in an instant.

That’s what Iran is aiming to do. Now, back to my naive thought about the primary goal of aggression is that of greed. In this case, it’s ideologically driven, and it’s all about Islam being the only political system. Political system? No typographical error there. It is a political system, with a religious component. When viewed that way, we can see it for what it is: A system designed to control the populace at all levels, not just the faith portion of a society.

Our problem? We have considered Islam a religion, rarely ever attributing to it the political component, which, is actually the predominant portion of the system it is. Therefore, we act as thought the practice of the “religion” is a free right of anyone, and specifically protected under the 1st Amendment of The Constitution of the United States. When another nation is ruled, as a political entity under Islam, we give it room as a freedom of religion concept, disregarding the fact it is the government within those national borders.

What benefit does Iran have in employing EMP weapons against the entire western world? It certainly eliminates the advantage of advanced technology at many levels, from the use of satellites to gather and process intelligence, to the production of even standard infantry weapons for the individual soldier, and the ammunition to go with them. Where we have ceased to rely on quantity over quality for the last several conflicts, and have become quite successful militarily operating in that regime, all of a sudden, we would be reduced to a middle age army, equipped with spears and pitchforks, and mostly those on the shelf. No ability to quickly move smaller units around to effectively manage the crisis, the local militias would become all encompassing of any person in decent to good health. That will even become problematic, as the supply chain necessary with have been rendered completely ineffectual.

Consider this: The Russians are assisting Iran in development of their “peaceful” nuclear power generating capability. They are selling them anti-aircraft systems, too. from my time in service, I recall hearing that the Soviets discovered the EMP component of nuclear weapons before we in the west had understood that effect. This article, I found quickly on the net takes it back to 1960, when the Soviets were known to understand the phenomena. Who is it working with Iran? Who has been historically shamed as a country by the United States? Yes, the mighty Soviet Union, which is re-emerging, to some degree, under Putin. They have begun making deployments into our hemisphere by major naval and air units. They have manged to maneuver themselves into controlling our logistics train into Afghanistan. It’s all sending a message. They will not bow to us, and they will step up the challenges as they are able. In this case, I project they will return to a prior strategy of using proxy opponents, such as North Korea, North Vietnam and now, Venezuela and Iran to get back at us for forcing them to dismantle their empire.


Update 2/17/2009 PM:

My point with Iran/Islam goals:  With a single large EMP blast, or maybe one per coast, they could effectively reduce most of the nation to the 1700’s era in moments, and many, many millions of “infidels” will die at the hands of other infidels fighting over the last pre-packaged resources, and then many more from starvation, exposure and disease.  What’s left?  The infrastructure whill also be effectively destroyed.  While bulindgs and facilities may stand, the power grid will be damaged beyond the economic means of the current Third World economies, armed with EMP weapons, to restore it and use it to their advantage.  It will just become a waste land, and they can live in the MIddle East, free of anyone telling them democracy is a better way.  On the other hand, if it’s the new “bipartisan,” welfare dependant model going in place now, maybe they have a point, but at least the President never had anyone’s head cut off for disagreeing with him.


President Obama has more than “tests” ahead, and soon. He will have real history changing choices to make as the leader of the nation. And decisions like this aren’t going to make us safer, it will just let the adversaries know, we’ll get rid of an ability to deter them. Not even the tried and true “mutually assured destruction” (which is almost negated by the base beliefs of Islam anyhow) will remain to maybe convince a few leaders to back down and make sane decisions.

To conclude:  I stand corrected, and I must say, I don’t like the outcome. World Wars will be fought, and not as we have seen them before, either.

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Stop the Murdoch (Flt 93) Memorial Blogburst: Memorial Project officials insist that it was the passengers and crew, not the terrorists, who broke the peace on Flight 93

February 17th, 2009 by xformed

Blogburst logo, petition

The official explanation for the Crescent of Embrace design is that the path of Flight 93 breaks the circle, turning it into the giant crescent. They call it the Circle of Embrace now, but the Memorial Project’s own website acknowledges that the circle is still broken:

In summary, the memorial is shaped in a circular fashion, and the circle is symbolically “broken” or missing trees in two places, depicting the flight path of the plane, and the crash site…

The fact that the Circle of Embrace is really a broken circle means two things. First, it means that the giant crescent is still there. Architect Paul Murdoch always described the Crescent of Embrace as a broken circle. Our circle of peace was broken on 9/11, with the unbroken part of the circle, what was symbolically left standing in the wake of 9/11, being the giant Islamic shaped crescent.

Adding an extra arc of trees that explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle leaves the unbroken part unchanged. What is symbolically left standing on the Flight 93 crash site is still a giant Islamic-shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

This prompts the question of WHO is being depicted as breaking the circle of peace on 9/11. Of course it can only be the terrorists. Who else can be charged with breaking the peace? The murdered passengers and crew?

Once you realize that it can only be the terrorists who are being depicted as turning the circle into a crescent, it is obvious that this is actually a memorial to the terrorists (if that wasn’t obvious enough already from the Crescent name and the crescent and star flag configuration).

The Memorial Project finally answers our question: insists that it was the passengers and crew who broke the circle

Last spring a couple hundred emailers (thanks!) demanded to know “Who broke the circle?” The Memorial Project issued a boiler-plate response that never got around to answering the question. At the Memorial Project meeting last summer, however, Alec Rawls was able to pigeon-hole Memorial Project Manager Jeff Reinbold and Deputy Superintendent Keith Newlin.

“You can’t just say it was ‘the flight path’ that broke the circle” Rawls admonished. “This is a story of human action. So who did it? In your depiction, who is breaking the circle?”“The passengers and crew,” said Reinbold.

“But the circle is a symbol of peace,” Rawls continued. “Who broke the peace? It was the TERRORISTS who broke the peace on 9/11.”

Reinbold countered that that the circle is also a Druid symbol, and a Christian symbol.

“But it is still a symbol of peace,” said Rawls, especially as the Memorial Project is using it, with the circle being broken on 9/11, “so who breaks it?”

“It was the passengers and crew,” Newlin repeated, elaborating that: “They are the one’s who brought the plane down.”

“You don’t think it was the terrorists who broke the peace?” Rawls asked.

“They TRIED to break the peace,” said Newlin, “but they failed.”

“Really?” asked Rawls: “They failed to break the peace? What about the 40 murdered heroes?” But Reinbold and Newlin were done talking.

Trying to give credit to the passengers and crew for the outcome of Flight 93 is a perfectly creditable motive on the part of Reinbold and Newlin. They aren’t actually trying to blame the passengers and crew for 9/11. What is shameful is their absolute determination not to admit what they perfectly well understand: that it was the terrorists that broke the peace on 9/11.

If they admit this, then they have to acknowledge that Murdoch’s design can only be a memorial to the terrorists, who are depicted as breaking our peaceful circle and turning it into a giant Islamic-shaped crescent. The depth of Reinbold’s and Newlin’s determination not to admit that it was the terrorists who broke the peace is a measure of how clearly they understand the terrorist-memorializing implications.

They KNOW that this is a memorial to the terrorists, and are twisting themselves into knots to try to cover it up.

Not just a memorial to the terrorists, but victory for the terrorists

If the crescent/broken-circle design is built, it will turn Flight 93 into a victory for the 9/11 terrorists. They will actually have succeeded (with the help of architect Paul Murdoch) in planting a giant Mecca-direction indicator (the central feature of a mosque) on the Flight 93 crash site.

This is how Islam claims territory: by building mosques. Saudi Arabia spent over a seventy-five billion dollars in the last forty years funding mosques and madrassas to spread its murder-cult brand of Islam around the globe. That’s where our present conflict with the Islamic world comes from: Saudi Arabia spreading the violent orthodoxy of Wahabbi Islam around the world.

Now we are poised to build the world’s largest mosque for them, a terrorist memorial mosque, dedicated to the Saudi terrorists who mass-murdered our own countrymen on 9/11, and the Memorial Project KNOWS it. They have to be exposed and stopped.

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If you want to fund an ad buy, contact Alec Rawls. Petition here.

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