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Here’s something to be thankful for

November 25th, 2004 by

Not only am I thankful for the people who have given their live, but in reading this, I am also thankful that there are service members who will push it to the limits to care for those who have given their lives.

The linked article is from a USAF Reserve pilot who brought home some Marines. You will most likely be saddened and encouraged, at the same time, while reading this article.

In reference to my post on being “by the book,” this Air Force officer is to be commended for knowing the book existed and cracking it open, in order to render honors to the dead.

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Thanksgiving, oh, and opinions.

November 24th, 2004 by

It’s been a busy time setting up to get away for a few days. I have not been here for a few days, and won’t be for a few more.

I thought it would calm down after the election, but it’s getting exciting again. I’m once again becoming a little irritated reading people’s opinions. It’s not that we shouldn’t have ours, but it sure would be nice if we could manage to know what we don’t know and not open our mouths, or click our mice, when we are under (or un) educated to make a coherent decision on how we should naswer a “survey.”

This topic has been rattling around in the pile of chaotic thoughts and hasn’t made it to the top of the heap. As a quick wondow into my one day forthcoming thoughts: I never saw a survey/opinion poll that asked the persons on the street whether the doctors did President Clinton’s bypass surgery correctly. “We” have asked about every question imaginable about President Bush and every decision made by any one in the entire government. There’s rich soil in this topic to plow…

In the meantime, I’m headed north a few states to spend tomorrow with family.

For all of you who can read this, I know you know you are thankful that 1) you are enabled through an education, 2) you have been blessed by enough finacnial resources to have access to a computer and the Internet and 3) that many have gone before us, in every place in our lives to allow us to be here. Have a wonderful holiday and make a special effort to get in touch with those in your family that are a not in your regular contact cycle.

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By the Book? Yes, I am….

November 18th, 2004 by AW1 Tim

Yes, I’ll admit it. I’m a “by the book” kind of guy. After many years of being around organizations big and small, I believe I’ve finally figured out why I have chosen to read “the book.”

Usually, when someone accused me of being “by the book” (let’s make the BTB from here on out), it was because they thought it was a bad thing. I challenge you to think of it this way: I was just lazy. When someone in the military remarks that someone is BTB, it’s most often spoken in such tones that you cannot possibly miss the negative connotation it carries with it.

Books in business or governmental settings are horribly dry reading. Full of blah, blah, blah and…. What people found out about how to do it the easy way through their mistakes. In the military arena, it is often said the books are written in blood. I’d be willing to bet the NAVSHIPSTECHMAN on the proper preparation of a steel surface for priming and painting had little or no blood on its pages, but the tactical doctrine to fight against anti-ship cruise missile attack had the blood of the crews of the USS STARK (FFG-31) and the HMS SHEFFIELD on them.

So, if you have the ability to keep your eyes open and you get rewarded with explanations of why things are done the way they are done. This can provide you with reduced levels of tension, cure migraines and generally make you have a kinder and gentler disposition, now that you “know” why they did it like that. In addition to this basic information, you will be able to see when it is appropriate to lobby for a change. Maybe the old way was tied to manual methods that have become superseded by automation, yet no one has updated the procedures.

There is, how ever, a dichotomy inherent in all of this: On one hand people dislike it when someone tells them to do it like the book, but they certainly don’t hesitate to tell you they are doing it “this way” because “that’s how we do it.”

I came to look at the study of documents on policy and procedure as a method to also determine what were the circumstances under which these procedures were to he carried out (the “normal” cases) and, by derivation, when you rightfully needed to come up with your own plan. It’s one thing to think you’re out of the box, it’s another to know you most certainly are. When you find yourself out of the box, your hard earned BTB information provides you with a foundation of knowledge to work with, while you rapidly work to get the chaos under control., rather than standing dumbfounded.

See how it’s all about lazy? I’d rather let someone else make the mistakes, and therefore, I lessen the opportunity to repeat them, thinking that my stupidity is something original.

Another angle to take on the BTB philosophy is that of the fiscal one. If you do things the way someone figured them out already, you should be able to be more efficient. Now, unless you have a “make the work expand to fit the remaining time” type of boss, then you have the option of bagging out sooner, an opportunity to get in some afternoon golf.

The other side of the financial stuff here is if you read the book, and see the “procedure” is just plain wasteful, and you choose not to take the time to fix it, then you are not being very responsible with the dollars of whoever is putting money in your hand on payday.

So, there’s my chaotic thoughts on being “by the book.”

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Yep, I’m still here…

November 17th, 2004 by

I am hoping to attract a readership, and I see there are some people who come around, and I know I haven’t posted stuff in a few days.

I’ll just say the last two nights were spent “comment-sparring” with Zippo over on Chap’s blog. I’m not sure if it will do anyone else any good, but it helps me vent a little frustration with those who somehow cannot face much (if any) truth. There are things you just have to grasp. I skydived for a long time. One of the T’s that showed up sometimes, which was a rip-off from the physicists said: “Gravity, it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law!”

In case you’r the least bit interested in a good piece Chap wrote on why the Left doesn’t get the military use thing, go here.

(PSST!: Read the comments, too and see what Zippo thinks!)

I’ve got a few posts ruminating around….please come back and see what “random thoughts I come up with….

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You have to smile sometime….

November 13th, 2004 by

Once again, I link you to the conservatively creative team of Frank and Scott, in their continuing effort to bring instructive OnStar recordings to you.

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Another letter with no agenda

November 13th, 2004 by

Through following links to places such as this, I have found some wonderfully detailed first person letters and emails. They aren’t written in order to further anyone, they are just a slice of life, written by those who are on the front lines, in peaceful and not so peaceful places.

The link here says at least two things: The writer is a person who can stop, put aside his inital reaction and focus on what it really happening. Secondly, it is a reminder that the world see us through the filter of such men and women who wear a uniform and come to their aid, and also, let us not forget to deal in that issue of justice.

What does this mean to us?

– We owe it to ourselves to send the very best, and make sure they are supported. Their actions leave a lasting impression on those who see them.

– We owe it to the world to send the military abroad for the right reasons. Some will consider they are now in Iraq for some wrapped idea we have become neo-colonialist, but the truth is our daily, long term security is intimately linked with the ability of others to live, knowing a basic respect for their humanity. In a conversation last night, someone told me President Bush remarked that after WWII, the thought of making a democracy of Japan was completely written off. Look at the result of sticking to a dream to make a peaceful nation, then come back and tell me us being in Iraq now is a bad thnig.

Also, consider this: Permission to use nuclear weapons has been given to Osama bin Laden. for those who would like to sit, safe in their home, believing it’s all about Haliburton filling the pockets of Dick Cheny, HELLO, McFly! You’re in a new world now. You can choose to pretend it won’t happen, or you can figure out how you can best secure the lives of many, now and in the future.

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News on the Stolen Election

November 11th, 2004 by

Frank J of IMAO has done a great service for us. Concerned about the possibility of a conspiracy to throw the Presidential election, he went straight to the top. Here’s the transcript of his conversation with the main VRWC office.

If you care about this country and where it’s headed, READ THIS POST!

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Veterans Day Reading

November 11th, 2004 by

Charles of Little Green Footballs just stuck a short post up, announcing today as Veterans’ Day. As of a few minutes ago, there were 489 comments.

The amazing cross section of stories and the back grounds of those contributing is nothing short of spectacular. Tribute is paid to many, names of those who have given us this freedom are mentioned, names that were, nor probably ever be the ones to make the page of a paper, other than the obits, are there. People who have served, people who knew people who have served, foreigners who saw what American did and do for them, and the list goes on.

Please allow yourself to be blessed by this collection of honor, saddness, humor, and just plain statements of facts.

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229 Years of Dedicated Heroism – The Marines!

November 10th, 2004 by

Happy Birthday, Marines, those on duty, those who have done their duty and those chomping at the bit for their slot at PI or MCRD to open up!

I have been struck by the number of Seagulls on Beachballs emblems on so many cars. Once in a while you see some Ranger/Airborne Tabs, sometimes a USAF, once in a while, Navy bumper stickers, but the Eagle and Anchor are all around. More often than not, when you have the opportunity to ask the driver when they were in, it was from several to many years ago, and in lots of cases, for one enlistment.

Find a car with that emblem and thank a Marine today!

You just have to love an institution that breeds a loyalty with humility, and a strength with purpose, that then has benefited this Nation and all who have come in contact with these remarkable few and proud people.

Thank you and you Marines have my respect!

CDR, USN (Ret)

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Need a laugh?

November 9th, 2004 by

We’re Not Sorry is a counter to some very strange people with some belief that they have the permission of the American public to make an apology for those of us who prefer life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness over “Religitics” (that’s my original word, but feel free to use it, unless it’s mirror, “Poligion” is more suitable (my word, too)), a return to the past, mass cults of personality (pass the Mohammed-Aid, please), and the general subsugation of any normal human interactions. These people are located at this site.

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