Archive for the 'Technology' Category

Windows 7? Yep,it's running

January 13th, 2009 by xformed


Managed to grab my copies of both the 32 and 64 bit betas of Windows 7. Decided to put the 64-bit on the extra HD in the secondary system, which is a healthy machine in its own right.

Went on smooth as silk and left me with a dual boot option on startup of the machine.

Avira Anti-Virus (free, btw) went right on, as did Adaware 2008 (the free version, too). Looking for a free and capable firewall. Comodo looks like it went on, but the last message on the install says “Rollback Complete” and that sounds like it backed itself off at the end. Can’t find it on the programs list…so no go right now.

The screen is nice. Translucent edges on the windows frames and the desktop picture is very sharp.

More later as I play.

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VALOur-IT 2008: New and Improved!

November 11th, 2008 by xformed

It’s time again, readers to take on the challenge of “change” our wounded service members can be transformed by. We’ll never to be able to make them “good as new,” but we sure can help fund technology to make live more livable and, when they hit the civilian workforce, successful. Yes, we can!’s time once again to BEAT ARMY!Dates: It’s on. 11/11/200 – 11/27/2008.Goal: $250K. Team Navy’s bogey: Ever penny you can scrape up….or $50K, which ever is biggest.

Good News: The US Coast Guard, after two years of begging have their own team!

Bad news (for the Coasties): Be careful what you wish for, when you ask to be “equal.” 🙂

Don’t know about VALOur-IT? A program of the most excellent Soldier’s Angels. Details of the specific program to provide technology, in the form of laptops with voice activated software to those with disabilities in the areas of sight or mobility are here.

New and improved, it is! Now, in addition to laptops, items to help provide physical therapy (Nnitendo Wiis do great), aiding in over coming Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) effects and memory loss (GPS systems for those working to be on their own) are being purchased and put in the hands of those who have come back from combat.

You can go an donate here The Little Kidnappers move

If you’re a blogger/website owner and want to join up, at the bottom of the donation page, you can add your name to a service team and get the word out, links are at the bottom of the donation page.

Team Navy is being led by Gahlran of the awesome blog Information Dissemination. Sleuth video Relentless Enemies dvdrip

Moondance Alexander ipod If you’ve not found this excellent professional naval/maritime blog, you’re missing out. Bookmark him for your reading pleasure. He also has some good basic info about the program in his opening post on the drive

download Baseline Killer


Oh, the picture above is MEGEN. We want her back!

Category: Technology | Comments Off on VALOur-IT 2008: New and Improved!

Some Have BBQs, Some Have Fireworks, One Has a Cluster…

July 4th, 2008 by xformed


…of balloons to keep him entertained. Actually, he’ll be taking to the air on the 5th, but it makes for a good notification story for today. Hallowed Ground video

Threat of Exposure rip

Larry Couch,

The Longest Yard film What Just Happened dvdrip the cluster ballooning lawn chair guy will try to make a 300 mile journey, riding high in his lawn chair above Oregaon and Idaho.

You can track his progress live on his website

Two for the Road film

, locating him with his on chair GPS unit.

Category: Technology | 1 Comment »

I Know Who To Send My Crashed Drive To…

May 7th, 2008 by xformed

Amazing…simply amazing.

Gotta hand out a BZ to OnTrack Data Recovery for managing to get 99% of the data off the Colombia’s hard drive.

BZ to the drive manufacturer, too. Freefall through 39 miles (the as the rock drops stright down measurement, btw) of atmosphere, with and IV (initial velocity) of 12,500 mph…and bring back the info. Tough stuff.

Update 5/8/2008: Just pointed out by a friend, but…it’s about the HD that fell from heaven…

buy Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

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History's Mysteries…One More Headed to the Dustbin

April 16th, 2008 by xformed

What caused the RMS Titanic to sink so quickly?

The gCaptain Blog found something veeerrrryyyy interesting.

Note to those who think they know the “facts” of history today would be well served to know that they can’t possibly know all there is to know on the day things happened…

So, you curious mariners, engineers, and just plain curious people…go read how some archives led us to answering the question!

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Technology Tuesday

April 15th, 2008 by xformed

Graphene. A relatively new discovery, of a material we’ve had in our pencils all these years…cool ideas are in the works!

Category: Technology, Technology Tuesday | Comments Off on Technology Tuesday

Oh, So Cool!

April 11th, 2008 by xformed

Do you find yourself a little short on travel funds, gas prices being what they are?

Check this out!

Click on one of those little green dots and get an interactive 360 degree picture of somewhere.

This one is breathtaking!

buy The Magic of Ordinary Days


Category: Technology | Comments Off on Oh, So Cool!

Eagle1 Has a Solution

April 10th, 2008 by xformed

And it’s a good one, too. Hitman

Kiss the Bride

I wonder if there are slow poke tug drivers out there with your turn indicators on all the time…good thing there aren’t a lot of driving lanes already marked.Screamers: The Hunting ipod

Category: Technology | Comments Off on Eagle1 Has a Solution

Holy Snikes!

April 5th, 2008 by xformed

Parallel universes? Nope. Parallel Internet. Tinker Bell move

Cloud Tugboat Mickey divx Computing will drive it:

From The Sunday Times
April 6, 2008
Coming soon: superfast internet
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

THE internet could soon be made obsolete. The scientists who pioneered it have now built a lightning-fast replacement capable of downloading entire feature films within seconds.
At speeds about 10,000 times faster than a typical broadband connection, “the grid” will be able to send the entire Rolling Stones back catalogue from Britain to Japan in less than two seconds.

The latest spin-off from Cern, the particle physics centre that created the web, the grid could also provide the kind of power needed to transmit holographic images; allow instant online gaming with hundreds of thousands of players; and offer high-definition video telephony for the price of a local call.

I wanna be a beta tester…

Category: Technology | 1 Comment »

Technology Tuesday

March 18th, 2008 by xformed

or…maybe better titled “Fallout of Technology Tuesday.”

From Engadget:

Compulsive e-mailing, texting could be classified as bona fide illness

Posted Mar 17th 2008 8:11PM by Darren Murph
Filed under: Cellphones, Handhelds
Considering the plethora of facilities that have opened just in the past few years to deal solely with individuals that have become undoubtedly addicted to video games, the internet and all things Hello Kitty (we jest, we jest), we’re not surprised one iota to hear that uncontrollably texting / e-mailing could soon become “classified as an official brain illness.”

Watch your usage….before your freinds and family show up for an “intervention.”

Category: Public Service, Technology, Technology Tuesday | 1 Comment »

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