Archive for the 'Scout Sniping' Category

Severe Hurricanes Resulting From Lightning Storms?

July 3rd, 2007 by xformed

Research indicates the severity of lightning in Africa may directly foretell the severity of hurricanes….

Of course, the research is being done in Israel and doesn’t blame the Atlantic storms on Global Warming®….

Aside from the snarking value, this has real possibilities of alerting the Atlantic region further in advance of really nasty blows headed our way.

H/T: Post-Postmodernist Blog

Category: Public Service, Science, Scout Sniping | 1 Comment »

Bad News, Good News, and Better News

July 2nd, 2007 by xformed

Bad? Lebanese Hez’b’allah special ops in Iraq, at the direction if the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, specifically to kill/capture American soldiers.

Good? A very direct link of Iranian involvement in combat operations against us (bad medicine to swallow for hose who just want to “talk” to Iran).

Better? Michael Ware of CNN is doing this report!

[liveleak a8e_1183346438]

Category: Geo-Political, Military, Military History, Political, Scout Sniping | 1 Comment »

Operation DVD – Send Your DVDs to the Troops

June 30th, 2007 by xformed

I just caught wind of this yesterday on the radio:

Operation DVD, a program of AMVETS.

Used or new, the plan is to get them to the sandbox, so there’s something for the troops to pick through during their down time. Children’s videos dropped off will be sent to families stateside.

Some background, about one person making a difference:

“Op DVD Kid” Provides Entertainment for Troops
Above is a picture of Zach Cohen, a seventh grader at Charles Boehm Middle School in Yardley, Pennsylvania.

Zach got involved with AMVETS, Operation DVD while searching the internet to find a suitable “mitzvah project” in preparation for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah. When he stumbled upon the Operation DVD website, he knew he had found his match.

As someone who loves to hang out and watch movies with his friends, this effort proved to combine the leisure activities he loved most, with something he thought was very important – supporting our Troops.

“The soldiers do so much for us and for our country, and I want them to get to enjoy whatever free time they have. I can hang out with my friends and watch a movie or listen to music whenever I want, but our soldiers aren’t so lucky. Not only are they fighting in a very dangerous place, but when they have some time off, they don’t have much to do. Hopefully, AMVETS, Operation DVD will make their free time more enjoyable and will make them realize that we really care about them and appreciate what they do”, Zach explains.

“The best part about this effort is that people don’t have to dip into their pockets to help. After you watch a movie once or twice, are you really going to keep watching it? That movie can be enjoyed over and over again by many soldiers, if you just donate it to AMVETS, Operation DVD.”

“The best places to organize collections are anywhere where there is a lot of repeat traffic – such as places of worship, office buildings, health clubs, libraries, etc. Schools have made a huge impact on this effort and more and more are getting involved everyday.”

Zach has already collected over 2,000 DVDs for our Troops (even his local Honor Society has become involved). He is now in the process of working with other school districts and his Congressman.

A big round of applause for Zach Cohen!!!!!

You can donate cash via the site, or drop them off.


Specially designed “Collection Boxes” for donated new and used DVDs will be located across the nation at large chains, retail stores, churches and car dealers.

The “Collection Boxes” are 26” high and “vinyl-wrapped” on the four vertical sides with a description of AMVETS, Operation DVD and logos of major sponsors.

Each “Collection Boxes” is designed in such a way that DVDs can be inserted — but not removed. Each box will hold over 250 donated DVDs for our troops.

Pre-paid shipping labels are attached to each “Collection Boxes” for transportation to sorting centers where “Children Titles” will be separated to be sent to the families (stateside) of soldiers serving overseas.

Smaller rural areas (with no large chains) will be served by local AMVET posts. Material is supplied on the AMVETS, Operation DVD website for local Press Releases and Media coverage.

I bet you have a few DVDs you know they’d like and you haven’t watched in a while…help them out…it’s lonely when you’re far from home…

Category: Charities, Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on Operation DVD – Send Your DVDs to the Troops

Sometimes Life Just Sux to Be Mike Nifong

June 15th, 2007 by xformed

When the chickens come home to roost.

Consider carefully all that you decide…a good life lesson for everyone.

In the meantime, it appears as justice will get to be served in this case.

Category: Political, Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on Sometimes Life Just Sux to Be Mike Nifong

BOB at the FOB on A Soldier’s Mind

June 12th, 2007 by xformed

Chasing links via VA Joe, I found A Soldier’s Mind, and…on the sidebar of that blog, a series of cartoons named “BOB on the FOB” by SGT Albert J. Merrifield.

Click the pic for the big, readable version

There’s more….I’m sure I don’t even get all the humor, but they sure seem funny enough to me.Update 6/13/2007: More of SGT Merrifield’s cartoons.
Update 6/14/2007: I foundstumbled upon the source. It’s the old blind squirrel routine…

Category: Army, Humor, Military, Scout Sniping | 2 Comments »

And Just Another History Site for You – U.S. Centennial of Flight

May 26th, 2007 by xformed

Do you need to fact check, or are you just curious as to what happened today in aviation history?

Lilienthal’s “Jumping Off” place from the front – Credits – Gary Bradshaw; To Fly Is Everything

May 26th in aviation history:

* In 1923… Lieutenant H. G. Crocker lands at Gordon, Ontario, to complete a non-stop transcontinental south/north flight from Houston, Texas, of 11 hours, 55 minutes. (AYY)
* In 1942… The Northrop XP-61 Black Widow night fighter prototype flies for the first time. (AYY) [Such a a cool aircraft!]
* In 1970… The prototype Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic airliner reaches a speed of 1,335mph, becoming the first commercial transport in the world to exceed Mach 2. (AYY)
* In 1972… Cessna Aircraft Corporation announces completion of the company’s 100,000th aircraft, becoming the first company in the world to achieve such a production figure. (OTM) [I’ve been a traveler in 172s, 180s, 182s, 205s, 206s, 210s, 214s….and on only a few occasions did I land with the plane]

U.S. Centennial of Flight has a searchable timeline part of the site to give you a hand.There is a section for educators that links to events month by month, that may be a good place to generate some ideas for blogging history.

Category: History, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Technology | Comments Off on And Just Another History Site for You – U.S. Centennial of Flight

Help Send a Real Man to Blog Expo

May 25th, 2007 by xformed

CPT Chuck Z is trying to raise the funds to go to the biggest conference there is: Blog Expo.

He, accompanied by Matt and Jimbo from Black Five, will be able to stand up for us MilBloggers, but more importantly, Chuck, as the ValOUR-IT “patient 0,” will get the opportunity to tell his story to a bigger audience and thereby get more funds moving in that direction.Got a few non-tax deductible bucks to chip in? Do it here.

It sure couldn’t hurt, dropping three manly men in the middle of the Kos Kids to get more “support the troops” fever going on….

Category: Army, Blogging, Charities, Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Technology, Valour-IT | Comments Off on Help Send a Real Man to Blog Expo

Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor – History Channel Documentary 5/19/2007

May 19th, 2007 by xformed

Heads up from Flag Gazer via email:

Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor
This Saturday, May 19, 2007, at 6:00/7:00 p.m., Act of Honor about the hero Sgt. Rafael Peralta.

The History Channel’s summary:

On November 15, 2004, Sgt. Rafael Peralta died while fighting to secure a key insurgent stronghold in Iraq. Peralta and fellow Marines were ambushed by guerillas who then lobbed a grenade at them. Already seriously wounded, Peralta shielded his companions by covering the explosive device with his body, saving their lives and sacrificing his own. Watch Peralta’s extraordinary journey from Tijuana, Mexico to San Diego to the streets of Iraq. Included are interviews with his widowed mother and three siblings in San Diego. I urge you to watch and learn about a true hero, a Marine, an American.

For more information see my posts which include many comments by
Sgt. Rafael Peralta’s family and friends:
Sgt. Rafael Peralta – New Photos
HERO: Sgt. Rafael Peralta
[This is a reprint of my most recent blog post: Sgt. Rafael Peralta:
Act of Honor
*This email is a one time ever mailing to all of my Gmail contacts. If you don’t know me, don’t worry, you will never receive another
message from me. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
Don Danz

Category: History, Leadership, Marines, Military, Military History, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor – History Channel Documentary 5/19/2007

Attention All Wannabe Authors!

May 18th, 2007 by xformed

So you’ve been blogging for a while and a little voice in your head keeps telling you you should write a book, but you’re not sure how to do it.

Click on the book cover to get your copy!
What if someone wrote a book on how to write a book? Someone has! After muscling her way through her first book, Jessi Williams decided to document the process, so other might be able to go down that path to publishing theirs, learning from her experience!So, now it’s time and the last excuse of “I don’t know how” is eliminated because “How to Write Your First Book” will walk you through the process.

Click the link, get the book and get to compiling your work into a book!

Tracked back @: Yankee Sailor

Category: Blogging, Book Reports, Public Service, Scout Sniping | 1 Comment »

For All You Jealous Bubbleheads

May 16th, 2007 by xformed

For the longest time now, the SWO (‘”‘Shoe”) community had a backchannel place to vent or trade barbs at Sailor Bob.

Sailor Bob, being the gracious guy he is, helped the depth challenged and now there is Rigged for Dive to provide the same spirit of camaraderie and silence (the the rest of us) for the Slient Serviceâ„¢.

Spread the word….but for you sub bloggers, don’t write it in there and not share with us….

Category: Military, Navy, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on For All You Jealous Bubbleheads

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