Archive for the 'Supporting the Troops' Category

Entropy and Irony – Part II

May 23rd, 2007 by xformed

Fess up, someone. Who forgot to invite William Arkin of the Los Angeles Times?

That’s what it’s all about. Step forward and apologize…then everything will be alright. In the meantime, some commentary and opinion editorializing:

While bemoaning the job security competition milbloggers in his article “If Only War Reporting Were More Like Sports Reporting”, William Arkin makes a blatant falsehood a pivot point for his discussion:

I’ve been wanting to write about the 2nd Annual MilBlog conference (I wasn’t invited),…

I suspect he may not have been graced with a gold foil engraved, leather invitation, secured with a silk ribbon, but then again, I didn’t get one either.

On top of that, he’s way behind the power curve in trying to say something that makes me believe he all of a sudden had equated the conduct of baseball to the conduct of war. I blogged about it some time ago, on several occasions, and I still like my analysis much better.

Soldier’s Dad has already chimed in and was the first to reply to Mr. Arkin at the WAPO site.

I left my version, too..something to do with how the registration was open for almost 6 weeks and at the bargain price of $40. I further went on to say his mis-stating of facts was exactly what makes people distrust them and his article further hurt the “cause.”

I’ve often thought if we could cover the military like sports, with transparency and intimate knowledge and a play-by-play that was both affectionate and unsparingly critical, we’d have a healthier debate. Interest and knowledge on the part of the typical American in foreign affairs and national security would actually increase.

This would go over much better is most people in the US actually had military experience, but even more importantly, an education that thought them how to critically think about such issues. Then, yes, we could have that rewarding debate Mr. Arkin desires.

But alas, it is the military, and whether it is the death of Pat Tillman or a war plan, the impulse of the institution is strategic defense. Secrecy, of course, is always justified on OPSEC grounds.

I’m guessing Mr. Arkin has not spent anytime being the potential target of an enemy, be they German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Soviet, Vietnamese, or many nationalities of Islamic jihadis. If so, he would not make such a flippant remark.

Using absolute words can absolutely get you into trouble now, or later, or maybe for a long time, like the rest of your life, when you make sweeping statements. People hang onto absolutes, because they are rare….or should be, but we cry “all” or “nothing” way too much anymore, just to get the gaze shifted to whoever wants attention.

And side note: Yep…OPSEC is the thing we do because stuff is secret.

Anyhow, it’s ironic, isn’t it, that a writer/editorialist can’t move his body around the country in order to even be a fly on the wall, let alone possible meet some MilBloggers in person and sit and chat. Think about it: There we were, in one place, at an appointed time slot on two sequential days. Good thing we haven’t had any attacks in country since 9/11….but, a wide range of bloggers filled the room and that’s only an annual event right now. Perfect timing for anyone who wants to save a lot of funding to get a lot of interviews. I’m sure his Editor would have sprung for the airfare and hotel bill, just on the hopes of a lot of out of context remarks they could quote later on.

And then, he makes it “our” fault for not letting him come to a conference that was open to everyone who wanted to sign up, up to 200 people.

H/T: Milblogs via Mrs Greyhawk

Category: Blogging, Entropy and Irony, Military, Political, Stream of Consciousness, Supporting the Troops | 2 Comments »

Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor – History Channel Documentary 5/19/2007

May 19th, 2007 by xformed

Heads up from Flag Gazer via email:

Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor
This Saturday, May 19, 2007, at 6:00/7:00 p.m., Act of Honor about the hero Sgt. Rafael Peralta.

The History Channel’s summary:

On November 15, 2004, Sgt. Rafael Peralta died while fighting to secure a key insurgent stronghold in Iraq. Peralta and fellow Marines were ambushed by guerillas who then lobbed a grenade at them. Already seriously wounded, Peralta shielded his companions by covering the explosive device with his body, saving their lives and sacrificing his own. Watch Peralta’s extraordinary journey from Tijuana, Mexico to San Diego to the streets of Iraq. Included are interviews with his widowed mother and three siblings in San Diego. I urge you to watch and learn about a true hero, a Marine, an American.

For more information see my posts which include many comments by
Sgt. Rafael Peralta’s family and friends:
Sgt. Rafael Peralta – New Photos
HERO: Sgt. Rafael Peralta
[This is a reprint of my most recent blog post: Sgt. Rafael Peralta:
Act of Honor
*This email is a one time ever mailing to all of my Gmail contacts. If you don’t know me, don’t worry, you will never receive another
message from me. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
Don Danz

Category: History, Leadership, Marines, Military, Military History, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on Sgt. Rafael Peralta: Act of Honor – History Channel Documentary 5/19/2007

America Supports Getting a Look

May 13th, 2007 by xformed

Found this on the front page of the NY Times yesterday.

It sounds like there will be inquiries into how solicitation for donations by DoD officials.

Category: Military, Supporting the Troops | Comments Off on America Supports Getting a Look

ValOUR-IT Monthly Reminder

May 11th, 2007 by xformed

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ValOUR-IT. We just love those acronyms, and this one is a standout for me.

V(oice) A(ctivated) L(aptops) for OUR – I(njured) T(roops). Born of a disaster, raised up as a success. As of 5/5/2007, in 20 months, 1000 laptops have been handed to our wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

The “quality” of the product has gone from a used, purchased on eBay unit, with money from Soldier’s Angels, with a blog reader chipping in the funds for a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking, to brand new Dell laptops, complete with wireless capability and a copy of Naturally Speaking funded by DoD funds from a program to aid disbaled service members. Along the way, it’s been the leanest and meanest charity I have know. 100% of the donations are “put to work.” Alongside that path of progress are some incredible people, with big hearts and small and large checking accounts.

While the main fund drives for this program happen in the two weeks leading up to November 11th, there is a need to keep the fund flowing year round. If you have a few spare $$$, there is someone who could use it to change the outlook and real opportunities of their future. Donations easily accepted here.

Category: Air Force, Army, Charities, Coast Guard, Marines, Military, Navy, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | Comments Off on ValOUR-IT Monthly Reminder

A Must See Slide Show – When A Soldier Comes Home

May 10th, 2007 by xformed

Found the link to a post at Strategy Page @ Captain B’s One Marine’s View blog.

I suspect it was done by CPT Allison Crane, RN, MS, a mental health nurse observer-trainer from the 7302nd Medical Training Support Battalion, and is titled “When a Soldier Comes Home From War”.

Fine work, expresses much, and the best 2-3 minutes (but you can spend many more) looking at the 21 slides that comprise this excellent reminder of a combat soldier’s return to “the World,” but about life in general, too.

Here’s a few of the slides:

They all are worth looking at. Do yourself a favor, go and check it out and see small pictorial of how our service members live in the current combat zone.

Category: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, History, Jointness, Marines, Military, Military History, Navy, Supporting the Troops | 2 Comments »

Help 4th RECON (USMC)

May 9th, 2007 by xformed

Holly emailed me this request for the organization she started when she was still in high school and a DEPer. She had taken on the morale support, via care packages to a Marine RECON platoon deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Sort of like our FbL, but younger. Anyhow, if you can lend a hand with CARE packages, here’s some really targeted gouge!

Hello Everyone:

I realize that it has been an extremely long time since I updated any of you. Yesterday, I updated the Help 4th Recon website and today I have addresses.

In April, I had the privilege of meeting four Marines of the 4th Recon. One of these young Marines had lost both legs to the IED that killed Jerimiah. Meeting these Marines put things back in perspective for me. It has been two years last month and it seems that even now, I can get lost in the activities of school, work, and my personal life and forget the importance of this.

My request is that each of you help me to support the Marines and Soldiers listed below. Care packages would be fantastic, but if you can’t do that, something as simple as a letter or a card would mean the world to them. I am so excited about getting the efforts of Help 4th Recon back in action, as I know how much it means to them. Your continued support is the only way we can do this.

Thank you, in advance, for your help. You will find a list of names and addresses below, along with a brief explanation of who these people are and when I know them I’ve included likes and dislikes.

Semper Fi,

PS If you wouldn’t mind, please let me know who you are sending what to so that I can try to cover the rest, so that no one gets left out. Thanks!

Marines in Iraq
Members of the 4th Recon who are currently deployed include:

SSGT Richard Smith
Sgt Robert Harlan (“Bobby”)
Sgt Ryan Matjeka
Sgt Andrew Roig
Sgt Matthew Brake
Sgt Daniel Peters

They can all be contacted through this address, but make sure you put one name at the top:
4th Recon 1st PLT
Unit 43666
FPO AP 96426-3666
This Marine is the husband of my friend Emily, who has strong ties to the 4th Recon. Emily has him taken care of through carepackages (though they would still be welcomed, I’m sure) but Scott could really use moral support.

Cpl. Powell, James Scott
Unit 73960
FPO AE 09509-3960
Soldiers in Iraq
I met Hal two years ago at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). Hal was joining the Missouri National Guard. Since that time, he has spent a total of 15 days NOT on Active Duty. He, too, could use encouragement of any form. He particularly likes the Easy Mac macaroni and cheese and the alfredo ones. Any kind of cheese that is non-perishable to send such as Velveeta, he would also love. Pringles are another favorite of Hal.

SPC Williams, Hal
LSA Anaconda
APO, AE 09391
Soldiers in Afghanistan
Ryan aka “Scooter” is my distant cousin. He was recently extended and I’m sure could use any support you can offer. (He hates peanut butter and grape flavored anything.) Oatmeal and Honey Bun snack cakes. He likes horse, hunting, and fishing magazines. Canned pasta like ravioli and spaghetti is always a favorite.

Wheat, Christopher R.
TF Catamount B Co. 2-87 IN
APO AE 09354

On any packages to Ryan, rather than listing your return address, you should put this address as the return address (security reasons):

TF Catamount
10520 Riva Ridge Loop
Fort Drum, NY 13602
I have known David since I was about 12. David is from a small town in Missouri and could use carepackages or letters of encouragement. David likes peanut butter cheese crackers, does NOT like candy except for Jolly Ranchers. However, if you send him candy that would still be great so he can give it to the Iraqi children. He does like salty snacks like chips and sunflower seeds. Again, canned pasta like ravioli and spaghetti is always a favorite. Likes beef jerky, but not spicy or hot (just regular). NO Crystal Lite of Koolaid, but individual packages of tea and lemonade. David really appreciates small devotionals that he can pack with him. (My mom sends him the Daily Bread and his mom sends him another that we can’t remember what at this point. 🙂 David likes hunting and car magazines. I think we have him hooked up on the hunting magazines for awhile, but he still hasn’t gotten any car magazines.

SPC Bradley, David
C Co. 2-35 INF 2nd Plt
25th Infantry Div
3rd IDCT 2-35 INL
FOB Warrior
APO AE 09338
David’s friend Bunce could use anything. The only packages he has received since his deployment has been from my mom and David’s mom. He could really use encouragement. We do not have a first name or anything, so please send it to David with a note telling him it is for Bunce. Again, ANYTHING you can offer to Bunce would be outstanding!

Support Our Troops!

Looks like a pretty through OPORDER to me…get to it!

Category: Charities, Marines, Military, Public Service, Scout Sniping, Supporting the Troops | 2 Comments »

Ropeyarn Sunday “Sea Stories” and Open Trackbacks

May 9th, 2007 by xformed

Open trackbacks…how could you possibly resist?

Anyhow…today is just a visual “report:”

This is the ValOUR-IT Trophy for the November 2006 fund raising drive:

Here’s the team blogroll that made it happen:

Project VALOUR-IT Navy Team

A Gangers Home
A Lady’s Ruminations
American Geek
Bobo Blogger
Boudicca’s Voice
Bow Ramp
Captain’s Quarters
CDR Salamander
Christ matters
Crossing the Rubicon
Deus Et Patria
Diggers Realm
Fewl Net
Gazing at the Flag
Grouchy Old Cripple in Atlanta
Hillary Needs A Vacation
Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
Lord of Kobol
Memory Leak
Morning Coffee
Mountain Philosopher
Mr Completely
Mudville Gazette
Navy Wife
Neptunus Lex
Power Line
Random Thoughts of Another Military Member
Rants and Raves
Rhymes With Right
RRock Beast
Search Light Crusade
Slightly Rough
Steele Jaw Scribe
Stix Blog
Super Hero Historians
The Stupid Shall Be Punished
World of Marvin

Category: Charities, History, Military, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | 7 Comments »

Band of Bloggers – Part VI

May 9th, 2007 by xformed

Sorry about the lack of posting, but spent time with family and driving back from the DC area.

I was presented with the newly designated trophy for the annual ValOUR-IT Fund Drive, in recognition of the Navy’s sprint to the “finish line.” Not enough words can be said to express my thanks to all who made it happen, for it was certainly not done by me.

I will take a few photos tomorrow (CPT Chuck Ziegenfuss signed it) and post them here, along with the list of bloggers we had take part in the effort. Look for it n the next day or two.

To keep amused, here’s what I found out people do for fun with duct tape from listening to the radio all day today:

And the winners (competition is still on going) get a $6000 cash scholarship….

Category: Charities, History, Humor, Military, Public Service, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | Comments Off on Band of Bloggers – Part VI

Band of Bloggers – Part V

May 6th, 2007 by xformed

This is how the conference began. Is this cool, or what?

Category: Blogging, Military, Speeches, Supporting the Troops | 1 Comment »

Band of Bloggers – Part IV

May 5th, 2007 by xformed

Back from lunch and presentations. The best part was CPT Chuck Zeigenfuss (ValOUR-IT “patient zero”) tell the story of waking up in the hospital in Germany and then the road to the first laptop used to help someone get back into life. It was a wonderful testimony to the work of Soldier’s Angels and the people who made ValOUR-IT go.

History worth remembering. Too bad lunch wasn’t videoed…:(

Category: Blogging, Charities, Military, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | 1 Comment »

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