Archive for the 'Humor' Category

More Stuff for Retiring Sailors

August 28th, 2006 by xformed

Some time back, I found suitable, affordable substitute vehicles to keep the feeling alive for retired sailors.

In this post, there was jet boots (to go with a wing suit) for Capt Neptunus Lex. All he would need was a hot air ballon to get the altitude, and then he’s off to the sound of twin jet engines pushing about the sky.

Chapomatic has a few years to go yet, before he’s on the public dole, but since used nuclear subs require too many friends to take out for a sea cruise (not to mention where will you get the fuel), but he can get one of these for a lot less. Subsunk is already off the books and operating independantly, so, even tho it may be late to get it wrapped for his retirment, I’m sure he’d not turn it down.

Now, an appropriate gift for (I’m assuming he’s a gator sailor) Commander Salamander: The “Quad Ski:”

Quad Ski

Gibbs Technology Quad Ski

Being a two person vehicle, it may constrain your social interaction, and if that’s the case, then I invite your further attention to the “Humdinga:”


Gibbs Technology Humdinga

Now, this would be more suitable for someone like Froggy, so he and his well musculed friends could take a run for an afternoon jaunt (or….a moonless night run). Any Marine would most likely feel comfortable in this, if they had ever survived a ride to the beach in an LVT. I’m sure the M2 is an option, and the Class III license you’d have to obtain on your own.

If Uncle Jimbo or Black Five get the urge to revisit their old special ops days, they might want to pitch in with one of the professional mariners or soldiers of the sea, just to keep the union bosses off their backs…

Category: Army, Humor, Marines, Military, Navy, Technology | Comments Off on More Stuff for Retiring Sailors

Better Check Your Final Requests for Possible Changes

August 24th, 2006 by xformed

Police crack down on strippers at funerals.

Just letting you know to get your affairs in order….

Category: Humor | Comments Off on Better Check Your Final Requests for Possible Changes

It’s Against the Law to Mask Your Face in Public?

August 9th, 2006 by xformed

Man Arrested for T-Shirt over faceSo a guy had a t-shirt wrapped around his face:

Someone who police described as a “concerned citizen” told officers that a “possibly armed” masked man was walking down 10th Street.

Officers found Richardson with a brown T-shirt wound around his head and face, leaving only his eyes uncovered, “like a ninja mask,” police reports said.

He was unarmed, police said.

Great….wasn’t it just in the last few years the ACLU people made sure a Muslim woman wasn’t punished for her burqa face mask in Florida?

Who missed this in 2003?

The Florida statute that criminalizes mask-wearing dates to 1951, enacted with a bill outlawing the burning of crosses in an effort to prevent Ku Klux Klan symbols, according to a Tampa Morning Tribune article from April of that year. Other states have similar laws.

Nope, no profiling here, associating a style of dress with behavior….move along…and by the way, take off that long, black overcoat, would ya?

The law exists because of the close association between mask-wearing and troublemaking, he said.

Will they start arresting all muslim woman who are strick adherents to their beliefs, or will they only pick up and jail non-muslims with t-shirts on their head on the side of the street.

The article begins setting the stage to make sure no one if offended with this lead in:

Watch out, costume partygoers, stage actors and pranksters: Wearing a mask in public is a crime.

No mention of women being ultra-modest, but…maybe it’s just me.

However…there is a “loophole” (go figure!):

There is one day of the year when this rule is quietly dropped from police manuals, McKinnon said: Halloween.

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Good and Evil Use of PhotoShop Software

August 7th, 2006 by xformed

Welcome LGF Lizards!….

While you’re here, feel free to browse my attempts at writing and please visit some of the excellent MilBlogs listed to the right!


Evil use of Photoshop:

Photoshopped Beruit Photo - from LGF

First noticed on LIttle Green Footballs August 5th. It has sent ripples across the world, with Reuters trying to back-pedal from the photog that seems to have a penchant for “modifying the truth” via digital software. Not a good thing at all, and there are plenty of people, more plugged in and more capable thatn I to comment. Stroll over to LGF (the main page via the link under the picture) and you’ll get a few more than a few eyefulls of the discussion, among many other blogs/news reports.

Good use of Photoshop:

< Microsoft Zune Blue Screen

If you’re a submariner, then this would also be considered a good use of photo editing software:

Torpedo Surfer

Then again, you can appreciate if you’re from the VP-, HS-, HSL-, VS- or surface community, too. Just a Mk 46 would be a smaller “ride.”

Thanks to Little Green Footballs for the Open Thread!

Category: Humor, Political | Comments Off on Good and Evil Use of PhotoShop Software

Beware the Dogs of War Security

August 3rd, 2006 by xformed

Just a link to make you reconsider letting Barney the doberman near your beanie baby collection that’s highly valued….or anything else of value….:)

Category: Humor | Comments Off on Beware the Dogs of War Security

Caption Contest, Anyone?

August 2nd, 2006 by xformed

Arrived in email today. Comments?

Muslim Family Photo Session

From Station Commando:
“It was hard work for Habib to get all those ninjas to stand still long enough for a pic. Shortly after this photo was taken there was a sudden puff of smoke and Habib was found with numerous throwing star wounds and a stray set of nunchucks was found lying at his feet.”

Category: Humor | 1 Comment »

Some Humor to Lighten the Mood

August 1st, 2006 by xformed

Pearls Before Swine Strip of 7/30/2006:

Pearls Before Swine Strip 7/30/06

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Is Logic Passé?

July 18th, 2006 by xformed

While reviewing the new offerings at Borders, there was one there that caught my eye:


The Revenge of Gaia: Earth’s Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity by James Lovelock.

Wow…I guess the living organism concept (oh, yes promoted by this author in his earlier writings) makes one think Mother Earth is really pissed at all of us, swarming like ticks on a dog, and is going to give us a good whopping to make sure we know how mad she is.

Igneous and sedimentary rock formations can now think…

And this in what one reviewer says:

“In his latest book James Lovelock reviews the history of his theory of Gaia and describes the terrible difficulties Gaia will undergo if the Earth continues to heat up. Can Gaia continue to manage the planet with Man, a loose cannon on the deck, releasing carbon dioxide at the rate we do?” – John F. Brinkman from Toronto, Canada

Dunno, I guess we should all see if the Jim Jones Kool-Aid recipe is still available and begin the systematic removal of the most dangerous critter from the planet.

It baffles me that someone who can make complete sentences can ignore such simple truths at the existence of big, and really, really hot floating nuclear power plants in the universe, not to mention the laws of thermodynamics that show that temperatures change from time to time, for those reasons and not because I drove my car to work today.

Category: History, Humor | 1 Comment »

Inconvenient Truths & Global Warming

June 21st, 2006 by xformed

Dear Former Vice President Gore:

My I present to you some pictures of natuarlly occuring phenomena that produce lots more problems in regard to the scariest thing ever in your mind:

The Sun

Meet Mr. Sun. He lives in the sky and his insides are very, very hot. In fact, so hot, it blows all the way to Earth with the Solar Wind. The Solar Wind then rubs against our atmosphere and some of the really, really hot energy stays here, making it hotter.


Meet another friend of mine. I learned about Mr. Volcano in elementary school science classes. Mr. Volcano spews lots of hot air and ash into the sky, like you without the ash…

Take heart, though, Mr. Gore, it seems scientists have come up with a way to keep mankind from adding to the problem of greenhouse gases. Maybe you should eat some of these.

Update 06-23-2006: Massive Underwater Volcano Discovered! My hope is the US Congress can pass a law to prevent the eruption before it happens, but I’m not hopeful they can get it on the agenda before the next elections….

Update 07/19/2006: 25 reasons to ignore the rantings of a crazed politician (note: not a scientist) looking for a comeback. H/T: Outlaw Mike

Cross posted at:
Right Wing Nation

Don Suber

Category: Humor, Political | Comments Off on Inconvenient Truths & Global Warming

July 2006 Computer Shopper Cover Changed!

June 17th, 2006 by xformed

Flash News!

The upcoming Computer Shopper cover needed an update before it hits the store and newstand shelves:

July 2006 Computer Shopper Cover Updated

It makes you wonder if it’s worth getting a bombproof laptop if you’re going keep the notes on all your peeps there, doesn’t it?

Note: Sometimes life is too funny. I didn’t make up the entire cover (as you can tell, I don’t have Photoshop – but if you do, feel free to do justice to the laptop screen) – it came in the mail a few days ago, as I’m a subscriber. It’s not in the stores yet, nor on the website…but…check one of those two places in the next few days….

Cross posted at:
The Crazy Rants of Samatha Burns

Linkfest Haven
Stuck on Stupid
Point Five
TMH’s Bacon Bits
The Blue State Conservatives

Black Five

General Quarters

Mudville Gazette

Category: Air Force, Geo-Political, Humor, Military, Political | 1 Comment »

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