Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

AW1 Tim joins the fray

January 9th, 2010 by xformed

I picked up a link on Lex’s blog.  It looked odd, since the retired P-3 aircrewman resisted for so long….lo and behold! There was a real blog!

He’s well read, excellent on military history, in particular, Civil War history.

Welcome to the fray, AW1, for when you find this post.:)

Category: Blogging, Military, Navy, Public Service, Scout Sniping | Comments Off on AW1 Tim joins the fray

2009 VALOur-IT: Out of the starting blocks!

October 26th, 2009 by xformed

This post will remain at the top of the posts through 11/11/2009, when the drive ends. Look below for new posts.

It begins today, the drive to make a difference for those who have suffered in defense of the nation, and defense of others around the world.

From a practical need for a blogger and a blog reader sprang a project that has now aided over 4000 wounded warriors in getting some normalcy into their lives. The project blog is here.

Even a few bucks adds up. Times are lean, but consider the “leaness” for those who will never recover what they have lost in the service.

Thanks for helping out.

If you have no preference for a service team to donate to, please drop your funds under the Navy, but know they still go into the same pot at the end of the day.

Category: Air Force, Army, Blogging, Charities, Jointness, Leadership, Marines, Military, Navy, Public Service, Supporting the Troops, Valour-IT | Comments Off on 2009 VALOur-IT: Out of the starting blocks!

Can you help this year with VALOur-IT?

October 23rd, 2009 by xformed

Do you have a website or blog?

If so, you can “join” a team (Team Navy is a great choice!) that fits your own association, or that of a family or friend.

At the end of the day and drive, all the funds go towards the same cause, VALOur-IT from Soldier’s Angels, helping those wounded warriors by prviding laptops with voice activated software, Nintendo Wiis for therapy and GPS units for those suffering short term memory loss issues from TBI.

If you don’t have a blog/site, please consider passing the word around and condisring donating yourself. Every little bit helps!

The drive begins 10/26 (MONDAY!) and runs through Veteran’s Day (11/11) this year.

Category: Air Force, Army, Blogging, Charities, Coast Guard, Marines, Military, Navy, Public Service, Supporting the Troops, Technology, Valour-IT | Comments Off on Can you help this year with VALOur-IT?

VALOur-IT 2009: It’s That Time Again!

October 6th, 2009 by xformed

This is year 4 for the Veteran’s Day fund drive to raise money for the Soldier’s Angels Voice Activated Laptops for Our Injured Troops (VALOur-IT) project.

This project came about as a result of one then Army CAPT, now Major, a blogger, being hit by an IED and ending up in Walter Reed, and being asked by a rep from Soldier’s Angels if they could get him anything. “A laptop, so I can keep blogging.” Well, from one used laptop from eBay, the addition of Dragon Naturally Speaking from a gracious and anonymous donation, then the suggestion from one of his readers about wider applicability, came the program that has helped thousands of wounded warriors with sight or hand mobility issues.

In fact, if you’ll be at BlogExpo in Las Vegas (10/13-15), you can most likely meet Chuck Z, “patient 0!” BTW, he could use a little help getting there: See this post of his.

Beginning last year, VALOur-IT began providing GPS units (helps those with short term memory issues as a result of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI from IEDs), and Nintendo Wiis (gets them to do physical therapy like things, because they love to play games)

This year, the drive will run from 10/26 to 11/11.

We’re looking for bloggers and websites to promote the drive, and those who wold be so kind to exploit their email lists to help the cause. Effort? Punch our some emails with links to the donate site, and make some posts. Whip up the crowd, ask for a few $. Not hard, but worthwhile.

My allegiance is to Team Navy, but know these things:

голова болит секс

The project’s blog is here, if you’d like to dig in and see what the program has been and is doing now.

Thanks in advance. Please spread the word and leave a comment if you’d like to participate this year. I’ll get you to the Team Navy leader…:) Well, maybe to the other service team leaders, if I must. голова болит секс

Category: Air Force, Army, Blogging, Charities, Coast Guard, Jointness, Marines, Military, Navy, Supporting the Troops, Technology, Valour-IT | 1 Comment »

Breakfast and History?

August 29th, 2009 by xformed

How better to begin a day, than to be invited to a long standing group os mostly Naval Aviators, and some Marines, who span military history from 1942 to the mid-90s (I was the youngest one…and moved that goal post)?

Via business networking and meeting and doing business with told me to show up for breakfast. I didn’t get al the names right, I’m sure, but a Navy Cross winner, a retired Admiral who wnet “downtown.” The man with the most CUTLASS traps every. A P-3 pilot who was one of my CO’s roommates at USNA, and…we had met at the change of command, and figured out he and I had crossed paths in Dec 76 @ Comm School in Newport. And that’s not all the history I sat in the middle of, but, I was the lone “Shoe,” and non-USNA. They still welcomed me in and told me to come back…They do this every two weeks.

More later. Much more I’m sure….maybe an interview from a Cutlass pilot….

Category: "Sea Stories", Blogging, Marines, Military, Military History, Navy | Comments Off on Breakfast and History?

“Commander, US Fleet Forces, Arriving!”

July 25th, 2009 by xformed

Admiral John C Harvey, Jr, USN just took over US Fleet Forces 7/24/2009 and launched his blog.

Top level forward thinkers, engaging the world and his sailors. BZ, Admiral and welcome to the blogosphere and all that comes with it.

Category: Blogging, Leadership, Maritime Matters, Military, Navy | Comments Off on “Commander, US Fleet Forces, Arriving!”

And the Survey Says…

April 29th, 2009 by xformed

< (Click the pic for the details)

It’s been a bit of a haul, and it’s definitely been the result of a large community helping to send traffic my way.

Fitting the hit came from Edinburgh, Scotland, and from the really, really large website, gCaptain’s blog Touch the Top of the World psp Highlander . Got my “SWO sweater” from there, thanks to the HC-6 Helo Det OIC buying some Royal Navy ones, made from real wool, from the RN guys at the base in Roysyth, while on the trip to the North Atlantic for Silver Jubilee.

The price was a huge $14…and only a few of us too the OIC up on it, and when he got stateside a few weeks later, and sold them to his squadron mates for $50.

Stil have the non-USN SWO Sweater in the closet. Never had the velcro patch for the nametag, but, I had mine before the USN decided the SWOs could have something special, which they then took away and made them Navy wide. I wore it many a cold night on the bridge watches, and in CICs on several ships as well, since the equipment had to stay chilled in there…to heck with human comfort! And then there was the time the MCPON decided we had to wear your collar tips out because an SA complained to him about how the tips in irritated his neck….

So, here I am at at least a significant milestone for to show for doing this across three blogging platforms and over 1200 posts.

I’m grateful for all the incoming links and thankful for all the wonderful people I’ve come to know in real life and virtually.

Meet Bill move

Category: Blogging | Comments Off on And the Survey Says…

Eagle1 Moves Up!

June 23rd, 2008 by xformed

Eagle Speak seems to have moved about when some of us (or maybe just me) weren’t looking.

Update your blogrolls…or…if there’s no need to update, then add his blog to your blogroll!

Great Navy, naval history, pirates and stuff over his way, if you haven’t found him yet.One Hour Photo video

Category: Blogging | Comments Off on Eagle1 Moves Up!

New “Work” and Posting

February 24th, 2008 by xformed

Beginning a new adventure tomorrow AM. Not sure how much posting will get done for at least a few days, while I get the “sea legs” in the new environs.

But…for those who read this: If you’re not registered at Little Green Footballs, I’d recommend you get over there and do so (Charles opens and closes the function to sign up periodically). Why? The “Spin Off Link” function that has shown up in the last few weeks. To any post, registered users can add a spin off link to the list. Doesn’t have to relate, but it can.

The “value added?” When you see a great MilBlog or troop support story, or the real gouge from the front on a website, you can slap it up there for the world to peruse. I try to grab some “best of” from my rounds and get them billing there. LGF is way past Capt Lex’s million hits, to the exposure is most excellent.  Come on, lets push the great stories out there!

More later. If the “regularly scheduled” posts are missing, come back later. Work hours will be late AM to mid evening…

Bonus tip: Drew Carey has his own libertarian leaning web site. Check out his “Living Large” videos, where they go out to find the shrinking “middle class” the news keeps reading the obits for.

Category: Blogging, Public Service | Comments Off on New “Work” and Posting

Except for Taking Pot Shots at High Flying Objects

February 16th, 2008 by xformed

It seems there way too much going on at a much higher level, as we, collectively, suffer from the early onset of Presidential politics.Thanks to the new feature that Charles installed at Little Green Footballs called the “Link Viewer,” I have been collecting links to, hopefully, sort in a logic order and then make some points.Personally, I used to see the “news” a day or two ahead of the MSM at LGF. Kinda fun, actually, seeing the MSM getting scooped by thousands of “intelligence collection agents” (all working for free, mind you). Now, with the volume of links there, I find some very interesting reading, yet it seems even the LGF “cycle” is not as speedy as I once thought. On the other hand, the pages are crowded with great tidbits, and larger stories from all points of the globe.

My collection effort began with a section: “The Coming Tsunami.” Relates to the sweeping tide of Islamist culture, driven hard into use using explosive techniques. I have subfolders for “Head in the sand” and “Destroy the ability to fight.” The latter mentioned is getting lots of interest, as those who we pay to represent us are on holiday, leaving their in baskets full of the people’s business, and it’s not because they are overworked, but more invested in making politic points for their own gain..all the while, spending my and your money. I have also included a “Push back” folder, which, thankfully, is showing some activity.

When will it all come together? Not sure. But, like others who have been involved in having to look at piles of hard copy inputs, then make a reasonable assessment of it all, while being paid, I’m finding it is still something I’m drawn to do.

Now, for my friends in Congress, who would allow trial lawyers to earn more multi millions, if not billions, while exposing the very foundations of our economy and therefore society to destruction while out shaking hands and kissing the very babies they care not if they are killed at the mall, here is my completely unconflicted message to you:

Bonus found via the referenced Link Viewer): “The Liberal Mind” by Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. He says they are just like angry little children. Gee, who woulda thunk it?

Category: Blogging, Geo-Political, Political | Comments Off on Except for Taking Pot Shots at High Flying Objects

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