VALOur-IT 2010 Campaign Final Numbers: BZ!
For those without a Naval background, “BZ” is signal flag code for “Well Done.”
It’s been over for a few days, but the final totals, minus some that will trickle in via the mail for the VALOur-IT was:
Amazing. The beginning goal was $60K. The Army sprinted out of the blocks and blew throught their $15K “fair share” and had to bump the goal to keep it easy to see. They pushed their meter to $25K, and then the Marines, outflaked them and everybody else…..The Jarheads powered through the muck and went north of $30K to an amazed audience. Of course a nod from Michelle Malkin didn’t hurt at all, now did it?
Thanks to one and all for spreading the word on this wonderful, life changing project, that puts wounded soldiers, sailors. airmen, Coast Guardsmen and Marines back into the world via technology.
See you next year, but, donations for this, and the many other projects of Soldier’s Angels are gracefully accepted all year long.
Categories: Air Force, Army, Charities, Coast Guard, Jointness, Leadership, Marines, Military, Military History, Navy, Public Service, Technology, Valour-IT