Operation DVD – DVDs for the Troops!

April 20th, 2009 by xformed

Operation DVD Logo

What is Operation DVD? Apocalypto ipod

The Station Agent psp

Operation DVD is an appeal to patriotic Americans to donate their new and used DVDs which are then shipped to our fighting men and women overseas.

Entertainment is a concept that is difficult at best for our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even baseball games are no longer possible because of snipers, land mines, bombs and terrorist activities. There are no passes to go to town and the most common remark is: “How boring it is.”

Operation DVD continues the tradition started by the great Bob Hope to Provide Entertainment for our Troops.

Operation DVD started in Palm Springs, CA with a call from a minister explaining that a Supply Sergeant, home on leave, was asking church members for DVDs.

Over 30,000 specially designed “Collection Boxes” for donated new and used DVDs have already been located nationwide at schools, large chains, retail stores, restaurant chains, NASCAR races, churches, car dealers and the list goes on.

The real supporters of Operation DVD are mostly kids — 14,000 Young Marines, Boy and Girl Scouts, children preparing for their Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, individual students wanting to start local drives at their schools, Honor Societies, 4-H Clubs, etc.

It is only now that major corporations (Lockheed Martin, General Mills, ESPN, Johnson Space Center, Nuclear Generating Plants across the country, etc.) are coming forward to encourage their employees to donate new and used DVDs for the Troops.

Once filled, the “Collection Boxes” are sent to one of thirteen (13) “Sorting/Deployment” centers across the nation — Temecula, Los Angeles and Newbury Park, California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina (2), Texas and Washington State. “Children Titles” are separated and sent to Servicemen’s families (Stateside) through the Family Readiness Group(s) of the National Guard.

“DVDs are definitely the #1 form of entertainment over here.” – SSG David Vance

Please visit www.OperationDVD.net or call 310-995-3792License to Wed video

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