19 Years Ago – Life at Sea – Part VII

September 24th, 2008 by xformed

We spent most all day at anchor, the mood still quiet. The news on the TVs still just more of the same – lots of wreckage, and then more.

Side note: About this time, they tended to show a shot taken from a news helo flying the length of Folly Island. There was house after beach house only marked by the foundation and piles of construction material rubble. Except one house. It had a fewe missing shingles, but was otherwise unaffected by any visible damage. It turns out, later on, the secret was revealed: When the house was built, the owner had every material “upsized” one increment. 1/2 in plywood was 3/4 in, 2x4s were replaced with 2x6s in the plans. Moral of the story: If the construction code was for 120MPH (I think that was the then current standard, then one size up of everything would stand over 150MPH storms.

Anyhow, during the day, the ships that had sortied from Charleston began to return, going to the anchorages as assigned by SOPA (senior Officer Present Afloat) – Most likely COMCRUDESGRU TWO. It became apparent the port was going to be closed and we couldn’t just hang around a decimated port. We were directed, in groups to head to other ports, in our case, Mayport.

Once more, the getting underway checklist was broken out and the Ship prepared with little other than professional communications required, to get underway/ We would sail through the night to get there.

I know, this story reminds you of “Castaway,” but trust me, it was a time of numbness for many, much like for Tom Hanks character let on a deserted island for years.

A Knight’s Tale film

Dune release

Are You Scared? move

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