New “Work” and Posting

February 24th, 2008 by xformed

Beginning a new adventure tomorrow AM. Not sure how much posting will get done for at least a few days, while I get the “sea legs” in the new environs.

But…for those who read this: If you’re not registered at Little Green Footballs, I’d recommend you get over there and do so (Charles opens and closes the function to sign up periodically). Why? The “Spin Off Link” function that has shown up in the last few weeks. To any post, registered users can add a spin off link to the list. Doesn’t have to relate, but it can.

The “value added?” When you see a great MilBlog or troop support story, or the real gouge from the front on a website, you can slap it up there for the world to peruse. I try to grab some “best of” from my rounds and get them billing there. LGF is way past Capt Lex’s million hits, to the exposure is most excellent.  Come on, lets push the great stories out there!

More later. If the “regularly scheduled” posts are missing, come back later. Work hours will be late AM to mid evening…

Bonus tip: Drew Carey has his own libertarian leaning web site. Check out his “Living Large” videos, where they go out to find the shrinking “middle class” the news keeps reading the obits for.

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