Had Your Blog “Scraped” Lately?

November 17th, 2007 by xformed

It seems there’s a new trouble in Blogging City, so says Lorelle VanPossen in her post “Spinning Spammers Steal Our Blog Content.” Thanks to the digital age of programs, this is an excepot from the article to explain this phenomena:

Master Copyright Expert, Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today, an adviser and contributor to the Blog Herald, investigated this and wrote in Protecting Your Content From the Spinning Spammers about this new trend in site scraping.

Jonathan calls them “Spinning Spammers”, and they are using Plugins and utilities for synonymized scraping of your blog. The process scrapes your blog feed and then “translates” your content using synonyms to replace recognizable words.

Your words may be out there already, replete with synonymous alternatives to your choices. If you get that deja vu feeling while surfing all over again, you may be correct!

Toss in my amazement that we have “experts” in plagarism to add to my surprise!

H/T: My WordPress Dashboard

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 17th, 2007 at 9:17 am and is filed under Blogging, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 responses about “Had Your Blog “Scraped” Lately?”

  1. Had Your Blog “Scraped” Lately? | Technology said:

    […] Read the rest of this great post here […]

  2. Jonathan Bailey said:

    Hey, I’m as shocked as anyone that I’m doing this. I am from a journalism and literary background. I’m even more shocked it’s my full time job now.

    I didn’t expect it, but after shutting down over 500 plagiarists, I kind of got drafted. But I do feel as if I”m doing some good in my role.

    Still, I have to admit it is a strange line of work.

    Let me know if I can help in any way!

  3. Rosemary said:

    Hmm. How does one disprove a plagerism expert? lol. Is there anyway to know if this has happened to us? I don’t mind my words being out there (as long as they have the same meaning), I just don’t want someone else’s name on it. Unless, of course, they put it in quotes and give me credit. Then, go for it! 😉

    Thank you for all the information you provide for me. I really do appreciate it. Thank you for all you have done for us while you are serving our country. I guarantee that there are more voices that support you that you do not here (media bias?) than you will ever know. We are very grateful.

    While the others may take down their donation links for the Project Valour IT, I leave mine up all year. They may have begged for more donations to beat us in this race, but slow and easy does it better. Leastwise, so I’m told. 😉

  4. xformed said:


    I take a day each month (I chose the 11th) to highlight, with a post) ValOUR-IT.

    Thanks for your regular reading and support!

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