Time Out for Mechanics…

August 4th, 2007 by xformed

“Made ion America” with cheap and poor quality parts fabricated in China.

I’m going to stand in the sun and practice mechanical skills with regards toi feul and cooling systems on a Dodge that is my transportation.

This is number three major issue to arise during ownership, the result of poor product standards. Details later…

So, a question for anyone interested in chipping in two cents (and you don’t even need PayPal!), ponder this:

The routine Monday posts are titled “Monday Maritime Matters.” Would it be too fadish to rename it to “Monday Naval Contemplations?”

Just a thought.

Input, as simple as “Yes/No” accepted. More lengthy thoughts appreciated as well.

Next thought: I don’t have some magical WordPress plugin to rotate my header graphics, but I can whip out topical pictures pretty quickly. Not that this is a well travelled blog, but if you have a picture of merit, with some connection to mostly nautical things, and would not mond having a SWO pin and some brand name lettering overlaid on it, I’d be happy to put it on the hosting server for regular use. Some topical stuff for holidays, special occasions, or maybe earthscapes/astronomy stuff, too. Format is 730 px wide x 200 px tall…can go up to 900 px wide, too, if it frames better. let me know if you’d like to participate.

Be back in a few (hours)!

This entry was posted on Saturday, August 4th, 2007 at 9:19 am and is filed under Blogging, Stream of Consciousness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 responses about “Time Out for Mechanics…”

  1. Steeljaw Scribe said:

    Thanks for the heads-up re. Info Dissem. Had seen that a while ago and forgot to add it to the roll 🙂

    Re. Monday Maritime Matters — as stands it does have a certain alliterative lilt and wraps well around the matter. Maritime of course giving you a bit wider field of play than Naval… I’d vote to keep as is.

    – SJS

  2. Deborah Aylward said:

    This opinion echoes that of SJS. However, may I suggest that if you would like to have a change, for whatever the reason, then one suggestion might be:

    “Monday’s Maritime Musings”

    However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the title as it now stands. Thank you.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

  3. Rosemary said:

    Um…I went to look at your profile over at Milblogging. I think I may have just a wee little bit more on mine! lol.

    How are you doing? I have been wondering where Chaotic Synaptic Activity disappeared to. Are you the same one that had some people who could register and post? If so, hi! If not, nevermind. lol.

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