Letter to America via Jack Army

July 10th, 2007 by xformed

Jack Army, in the sandbox, posts (in two parts), a letter he received. He did ask one of his Iraqi counterparts to write what he thought. The letter talks to us. Worth the read. I doubt you’ll ever see this grace the media of anything even remotely related to the MSM:

I asked an Iraqi I know to write a letter to Americans. I told him he should write whatever he wants. Specifically, I said, “if you could say anything you wanted to the American people, what would it be?” He wrote a letter and was very passionate when giving it to me. I could tell that he had agonized over this letter, what he wanted to say and how best to say it. He speaks English well but has a little difficulty writing it. I wanted to give you his words without any help from my, but I did edit slightly only to make a few confusing sentences a little more understandable. Because he wrote such a long letter, I broke it into two parts. Below is part one. My Iraqi friend is eager for feedback. I promised him that I would share any comments about his letter with him. So, feel free to address your comments to him. Unfortunately, for security reasons, I cannot tell you much about this fine man, but I can tell you that I admire him for what he does and his dedication to Iraq.

This is what he wrote:

To my brothers and sisters all over the world,

Hi, I am in individual Iraqi, I can only express my own ideas about what is going on in this whole situation and I am very sure that the majority of Iraqis have the same idea.

Part I and part II, in their entirety, at Jack Army’s blog.

Read it there, before you don’t know you never saw it in the “news.”

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 10th, 2007 at 3:13 pm and is filed under Army, Geo-Political, History, Leadership, Military, Military History, Political, Public Service. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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