MEGEN is no longer in a dark USPS box. MEGEN is far north, and has a busy schedule planned for this week, and arrangements have been made to be seen around some very memorable Navy related locations….
Plans are in the works for printable pictures of MEGEN, to be used to pose and be posed with, at the suggestion of Flag Gazer (who has a wonderful blog to memorialize those who have fallen).
Details to follow….as well as some OUTSTANDING! pictures next week – or sooner if it works out.
Nancy Pelosi chides Hugo Chavez for shutting down RCTV, while speaks of implementing the “Fairness yeah, right! Doctrine” to force conservative (read opposition) voices off the airwaves.
John Edwards and Barak Obama want universal health care. Stick with me here: Won’t that make us live longer? Excuse me, but I think this flies in the face of the humanity caused “Global Warming” syndrome currently sweeping the nation. If we are making it worse, why do they want to make sure we stay around to pollute the atmosphere that the animals have to also breath from?
Speaking of that: How about those who decide not to have offspring, as they see just another “polluting unit” (“PU” for short) being created and….as we all know, it’s a bad thing….
So now the President hops on the “Global Warming” band wagon. Either he’s trying to upstage those who set up the Kyoto Treaty, or he’s maybe looking for cross-over Democratic votes? I’m confused.
John McCain says we need to let the illegal immigrants have their way, or they might riot in our streets, but we have to stand up tall against the Islamic terrorists. I’m even more confused now.
Not only do we have to do as John McCain implies, we need these workers here because we are lacking Americans to do the work. Yes, about 40M some, many of which would have been of age by now.
Europe had to let lots of low cost, immigrant labor in for the same reason (but they never knew years ago they were helping the environment by not having little Europeans) and look what’s happening now. It doesn’t take even a homegrown experiment to see what’s coming in a few decades.
We decide to help install an anti-missile DEFENSE in eastern Europe, Russia gets upset. I guess the possibility of no longer being able to nuke your neighbors to the west has got a burr under their saddle…
A sitting President can lie to a Grand Jury while under oath and just be dis-barred and a White House staffer can make statements while not under oath during an investigation that aren’t true and he goes to jail for 2.5 years.
Something I am not confused about is that I am “extra-curricular politics.”
And…Chap and company tell us about more robust technology (blatantly lifted from a comment section on Cdr Salamander):Regarding “wheelbooks:”
I’ve been a staff weenie too long, but I remember the half hearted attempts (at spectacular cost!) the sub force made at updating tech. Problem was, paper’s a pretty good tech.
You don’t have to reboot a wheelbook.
If a wheelbook falls in the water, you can retrieve the data.
Wheelbooks are EMP hardened.
If a wheelbook gets a virus, you just wipe it off and smack the guy who coughed on it.
Wheelbooks are backwards compatible. Upgrades are simpler than drag and drop.
In the event of a loss of power, your wheelbook is still perfectly useable.
Wheelbooks don’t accidentally send pr0n to five hundred of your closest friends.
If it’s ten seconds to live fire and the wheelbook is jostled and lands on the deck…you just pick it up and keep going.
Wheelbooks do not require Wheelbook IT admins, nor endless rules about what background can be put on the wheelbook.
If you have a dirty picture in your wheelbook you’re not very likely to get thrown off the boat and sent to jail.
Personal choice in wheelbooks is not prohibited.
Someone else’s personal choice in wheelbook will not cause your wheelbook to lose all the writing on the pages.
I could go on, but you get the point…
Chap | Homepage | 06.04.07 – 1:55 am |
Further augmented by other reasoned individuals, these add ons:
Wheelbooks aren’t forbidden in SCFs
Wheelbooks won’t shut down on you in the middle of a meeting when the battery rolls over and dies
Steeljaw Scribe | Homepage | 06.04.07 – 4:18 am | #
Gravatar you don’t have to worry about a cracked screen or broken/lost stylus.
YN1(SS) | 06.04.07 – 7:08 am | #