And I Thought This Issue Would Provide Lots Of Posting Material

June 29th, 2007 by xformed

The “Fairness Doctrine” is toast…thankfully. Representative Mike Pence (R-IN) put this forward.

I was beginning to wonder, after the rumbles following the 2006 elections, and the ones in the last few days, that Congress would make a push to require not only Talk Radio, but the Internet (meaning us bloggers) to be wrapped in litigation, at the worst, or just paying for a service, that half of the cost from your pocket would have to be set up as a forum for “opposing views.”

Thankfully, someone had the brains (many of them) to see that once re-imposed, had the potential to limit all debate/free speech…not just that of Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, Bill Bennett, etc…Daniel Ruth, an editorialist for the Tampa Tribune, has a Saturday morning talk show and I have opposing views to about everything he says, so it would have hit his local show in the same manner it would have stiff led the big entities.

Several monumental things happened yesterday. Have to mark it in the calender.

Update, not moments after this post was posted: Mike Pence was on Bill Bennett’s show when I got in the car. It seems this effort took one hour of debate, but it is only attached to the year’s funding for FCC, not letting them cut it off under current appropriations. Mike has introduced the Broadcasters Freedom Act, which is the fix to make it where Congress would be responsible for any speech control issues, not the FCC. Keep your eye on the ball.

Also, as far as the votes for this amendment, Mike said the Dem leadership voted soundly against this effort, indicating that if they gain control of the White House and retain control of Congress, the “Fairness Act” could come roaring back with a vengeance.

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