The Phone Call Could Have Been Different
April 20th, 2007 by xformed

But it wasn’t. In a microcosm, it is a lesson about history. In a bigger sense, a scenario to consider thoughtfully.
“Dad, he’s alright. Have you seen the news?”
“No, but that’s good to know.”
Later, same day:
“We’re [the four roommates] all fine. XXXX got stuck in the lock down for two hours, but he’s here now. Everyone we know is OK.”
“How was the service?”
“It was wonderful and so full we ended up in the football stadium and the entire place was on their feet and chanting at the end.”
“How’s he doing?”
“He’s doing OK. He skipped his class that morning, but his friend went. The class was in the building next to where the shootings were and they are sure they saw him [Cho] walking around in there before it happened.”
The history? Well, you aren’t able to analyze it instantly. With time comes more information, in this case, a chill up the spine moment is revealed, for my son’s sake and those of the students in the business classes one building from the horrible event.
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