The 1% Solution

April 16th, 2007 by xformed

Just a few thoughts in the aftermath of the VA Tech shootings this morning:

  • The phone call could have been different. Thankfully, it was “I’m fine.”
  • The press wants to know how we can prevent this from happening AGAIN. So would the rest of us, but I’m not about to go to a police state society
  • Someone is gonna have to answer some hard questions about why the warning email too about 2 hours to be sent out
  • Someone else will have harder questions to answer as to why a shooting could occur (even if just random shots at the wall) in a dorm and it took so long for the law enforcement to show up
  • Some will ask: Could a law abiding citizen properly authorized to carry a concealed weapon have diminished the carnage?
  • Some will ask: Why is anyone allowed to have weapons?

We remain a reactionary society. Regardless of the questioning voices, we will most likely not be able to prevent every single scenario to come down the pike. Some will demand it, but they are not living in a real world, nor would they actually accept the response to their demands to make all people safe from all things at all times….

This entry was posted on Monday, April 16th, 2007 at 5:00 pm and is filed under Blogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 response about “The 1% Solution”

  1. Sine Nomine said:

    Train all citizens, in the event of an attack. Throw something at the

    count of 3 & then charge the attacker!!

    Sine Nomine

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