DC Area Readers: Brad Peniston Talk 3/21/2007
March 19th, 2007 by xformed
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The U.S. Navy Memorial has invited me to talk about <a href=”http://www.amazon.com/No-Higher-Honor-Roberts-Persian/dp/1591146615/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-7710835-5954261?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174321459&sr=8-1″>”No Higher Honor:
Saving the USS Samuel B. Roberts in the Persian Gulf”</a> (Naval Institute Press, 2006) at noon on Wednesday, March 21. The talk is open to the public, and I warmly invite you to come. The memorial is located at 701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004 (Map and
directions; web site: http://www.lonesailor.org).“No Higher Honor” tells the story of the USS Samuel B. Roberts, a small warship dispatched to the Persian Gulf in 1988. Its crew shepherded oil tankers through the chaos of the Iran-Iraq War — until disaster struck. On 14 April, an Iranian mine ripped open the Roberts’ engineroom, ignited fires on four decks, and plunged the ship into darkness. With seawater rising around their boots, the crew fought fire and flooding into the night. Four days later, the U.S.
retaliated, sinking a half-dozen Iranian warships and boats in the biggest surface battle since World War II.The book has received good reviews; the current issue of Military Officer magazine calls it “one of the most inspiring books about modern naval history.” Now in its second printing, the book has also inspired a History Channel documentary that is slated to air this fall.
Hope to see you on Wednesday.
Brad Peniston
“No Higher Honor: Saving the USS Samuel B. Roberts in the Persian Gulf”
available in bookstores or via http://www.nohigherhonor.com.
Sounds like a great lunch time activity to me…how about it, Steeljaw Scribe, Smash and Pinch?
Posted after action reports will be appreciated!
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