Ropeyarn Sunday “Sea Stories” and Open Trackbacks
The customer base is overactive this week, which is a good thing, but, cuts into blogging time.
Besides the superior trackbacks you readers might send, I refer you to a post I wrote after finding a comment on another blog. The title: “How to Bury a Hero” by (then) HM3 James Pell.
In the spirit of the movie “300,” some reminder from a modern day Spartan on how to lay your comrade to rest.
James, last I could track him down, made HM2 (Petty Officer Second Class Corpsman), but his email address wasn’t working. About 6 months ago, a friend of Marine LCpl Antoine Smith sent me an email after finding the post linked above, asking how to get a hold of James, so she could thank him. I sent out a few queries and was able to get a lead for her.
It’s all about connections and relationships, when you peel all else away.
Categories: "Sea Stories", Blogging, History, Marines, Military, Navy, Open Trackbacks, Supporting the Troops