Valour-IT: Monthly Reminder
March 11th, 2007 by xformed
V(oice) A(ctivated) L(aptops for) OUR-I(njured) T(roops), in case you need a briefing…
The program continues, providing assistance to those wounded and unalbe to use a keyboard, permanently, or while undergoing rehab. Laptops with voice activated software provides a link, that many of us take for granted, withour ease of access to the internet and a keyboard.
If you have a few spare doallrs, might you consider a donation now, and periodically in the future for this great cause?
Oh, and my ad for the project: 100% of the donations go directly to the cost of hardware and software. Not a lick of “overhead” or “administrative” cost burden this endeavor, for the rest is “all-volunteer,” just like our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and coast guards.
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