WordPress Upgrades and Themes and Stuff

March 6th, 2007 by xformed

I know it’s been quiet here, but I managed to get the 2.1.2 upgrade to WordPress in. I’m not so cavalier with my blog data as I sometimes am with other stuff I do, but I really step through is carefully, fearing a massive tear in the database time contiunium will lose valuable info. Well, that assumes this is valuable stuff….

I’ve been toying with a new widgetized theme on another parallel blog to tweak it into submission. I’m learning the CSS stuff bu hunt and peck/trial and error. Some moments I have success, some I do not. I enjoyed the ability of Regulus to swap header pictures easily from the presentation controls, and I’m trying to recreate that capability by grafting it into the new theme, a three column style. I’ve been head down in that for three evening after work and getting close….

In the meantime, for you Seadogs out there, check out Together We Served. So far, after being invited to sign up, I have already been in contact with 4 old shipmates, and a few people who I must have crossed pates with. Anyhow, possibly a better system to re-connect with the people you went to sea with, and maybe find some others you need to catch up with.

Work is picking up, as the days get lighter longer. Wednesdays will still be a standard feature for sea stories. I invite (currently) non-bloggers, who may have a story to share to send them along and I’ll be happy to post them for the historical value of it all.

Coming this week: “JC” Weigman on how to get things done….

Oh, and the current tech item of consideration: Neurok iZ3D LCD monitor.

Neurok iZ3d 22

1680×1050, 5ms response time, iand two DVI inputs, it uses two LCDs, sandwiched with two feeds off your video card, and then all you do is wear polarized glasses (no wires/batteries)….is $819 (if you order by 3/15/2007) a good deal? Flight simmers say any 3D system makes the flying, especially formation flying, far more lifelike and easy to do….

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 6th, 2007 at 8:44 am and is filed under Blogging, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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