News Flash: “Middle Eastern” Men Wants Tour of Barrett Rifles Factory

February 15th, 2007 by xformed

So my buddy and I are doing our almost daily dump of life’s adventures, and I mention the recent issues of the “lost” Iranian .50 caliber sniper rifles….

And he says (he lives in very Northern Georgia, not far from, as he finds out, from the Barrett Rifles Factory in Murfeesboro, TN) there was a news story just very recently:

M107 Barrett />50 Caliber Sniper Rifle
Some “Middle Eastern Men” arrive at the Barrett Rifles factory, and ask for a tour of the facilities and would like to know about purchasing some quantities of weapons…..I jokingly quipped “so I guess the ‘quantities’ were not about 10?”The local and State of Tennessee law enforcement people got on this case, so….looks like the “Middle Eastern” men won’t be getting the tour, nor is Barrett Rifles selling them anything.It looks like this happened about the 26th of January, according to a post at Bear Creek Ledger. BCL linked to Nashville’s News Channel 5 site for the confirmation of the story. I can’t say this has made the rounds on the MilBlogs, and I’m a little surprised at that. It sounds like it was one man, in a pickup, with about $10K and he demanded access to the plant. Pretty “cheeky” as the Brits would say, if you ask me.Connecting the dots: CNN shows video of jihadi snipers killing our troops. The Information Warriors of the enemy see the response of the America public Congress and decide if some is good, more is better. In a “bang for the buck” analysis, the cost of a $12,900 rifle teamed up with a decent quality video camera, and and a semi-competent assistant to handle the recording…you can counter many billions of dollars spent by the US Government. So…when the media’b’Allah doesn’t think their reporting has anything to do with the effect on the war sentiment, all they have to know is (if they are American taxpayers) they are helping to fuel the budget outlays to counter the cheap publicity they willingly provide the enemy. Now, by demanding the dollars to stop in this endeavor is just handing the enemy a huge victory in addition to “paying it forward” for the defeat of our troops.Good on the employee at Barrett for reporting the case, bad for not stalling him long enough for the arrival of LE under the circumstances.Trackbacked at:

Third World County
Woman, Honor Thyself
The Pirate’s Cove
Stuck on Stupid
Right Truth

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 15th, 2007 at 9:59 am and is filed under Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 responses about “News Flash: “Middle Eastern” Men Wants Tour of Barrett Rifles Factory”

  1. Angel said:

    Now, by demanding the dollars to stop in this endeavor is just handing the enemy a huge victory in addition to ƒ_opaying it forwardƒ__ for the defeat of our troops….well said !..ty for the link and I will update my blogroll pronto..Please feel free to add me to yours if u wish. Peace. Semper Fi!..:)

  2. toni said:

    To be honest I was surprised this didn’t make more of splash too. I’ve checked to see if there have been any updates and have heard nothing. I have a group of retired LEO’s that I see at the end of each month at the range and thought I’d see if any of them heard anything new.

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