An Anniversary for Capt Don Sharer, USN

January 20th, 2007 by xformed

January 20th, 1981… some Americans were freed, just in case you forgot about the day 444 days of captivity disgraced our nation, when the President refused to respond to the attack on the soil of America.

Now he’s acting like he’s some kind of hero from first facilitating the ascendancy to power, then backing down from them right away.

A Navy Aviator, then a Commander in rank, was sent to Iran, as the storm was brewing…to “advise” our allies in the Iranian Air Force, to whom we had sold the F-14 Tomcat to. It seems his job was to inspect each of their aircraft and make sure the capability to employ the AIM-54 Phoenix as disabled. He did that, and then was the guest of Amadinerjacket and company for over a year.

I knew this man when he was the Chief of Staff for Commander, Cruiser-Destroyer Group TWO (CCDG2) in 1988-89, by then the rank of Captain.

Thank you, Capt Sharer for your service so many years ago.

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 20th, 2007 at 10:24 pm and is filed under Geo-Political, History, Military, Military History, Navy, Political. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 responses about “An Anniversary for Capt Don Sharer, USN”

  1. Joan said:

    Don A. Sharer is my stepfather and I sent him this post, he had never seen it. I thought it was important for him to know how much he is appreciated. He is an awesome man and I am blessed everyday that he is a member of our family. Thank you for remembering this phenomenal man!


  2. Don Sharer said:

    Thank you for your kind thoughts.

  3. Denis Shenaut said:

    Don is a wonderful man. Often sat with him, a few years ago, in Mansfield TX drinking a couple of drafts. I am blessed to have met him.

  4. James Kemp said:

    I also served with Captain Sharer at CCDG-2 which included our deployment onboard USS AMERICA to the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. He was an outstanding officer and great Chief of Staff. Thank you Captain for your outstanding leadership and service.

  5. Robert Rown said:

    I served at NAS Dallas as a young Airman when Capt. Sharer was C.O. I remember him speaking about his time as a hostage during a GMT session and how he did specific things to “resist” his captors. I am proud to say I served under him.

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