2006 Veteran’s Day Valour-IT Fund Drive – Part II

October 30th, 2006 by xformed

Part I, the kick off, is here!

We’re off! Thanks to those who have joined the fray on Day 1.

I’m going to create a universal email list of the Navy bloggers and email it out, along with Secret/No Other Service hints to get the funds flowing.

In case you didn’t see on the program blog, as of today, the 650th (WOW!) laptop for Valour-IT was delivered! That’s a lot of roll up your sleeves, engage your brain and open your wallet support from many people to make that happen.

Math, for those who are busy pounding the virtual pavement for $$$: To attain the goal of $45K in 13 days, we need to pull in $3461.54/day.

Between all of our friends, families, friends who have kids who made you buy Girl Scout cookies, band candy bars, or Boy Scout Jamboree tickets, this is a perfect time to pay them a visit, or at least ring them up on the phone/email.

At the moment, the laptops are in the medical facility libraries, but….with luck, one day they will be in the hands of the people who need them for the rest of their lives.

Think up how to get in contact with local radio stations and see if they’ll post the info on the program on their websites and include it in some of their programming.

Email to follow. If you don’t see one in your inbox, email me and I’ll catch you up (providing you’re not a plant from one of the Army sites, looking for good ideas).

Begin by checking in with your closest contacts today/tonight. Plan for the broader reach soon.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 30th, 2006 at 5:44 pm and is filed under Charities, Military, Supporting the Troops, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 responses about “2006 Veteran’s Day Valour-IT Fund Drive – Part II”

  1. Thoughts by Seawitch said:

    Why Project VALOUR-IT?

    Why Project VALOUR-IT? Because it helps to give freedom back to those who lost it while defending my freedom.

  2. Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. said:

    Sink the Squids!

    Consider your young soldier of today. Wired. Connected. So used to using keyboards they can thumb-type faster than I can type in a regular way – and I’m pretty good, actually. Then take away a hand, or the use…

  3. Steeljaw Scribe said:

    By the by…check your email for return fire on John-of-oops’ Team Navy poster…

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