“Let’s Say Thanks” Website by Xerox- Tell the Troops!
September 20th, 2006 by xformed

Xerox has a website up where you can select a greeting card and then send your mesage to our troops (click on the image above to get to the site)!
Why is Xerox doing this? from the FAQ:
Q: Why is Xerox sponsoring this program?
A: Social responsibility has been ingrained in the Xerox culture since our earliest days as a company. The Let’s Say Thanks program provides one more outlet for the company to deliver value to the community and support the men and women stationed overseas.
Thanks, Xerox and the employees who make this happen!
Here’s the link to what the troops say about this program.
Along the way, the site highlights the support of Give 2 the Troops and the work the two programs do together.
So, there are two more ways to help out. Anyone can spare a few words to brighten a day, even if the bank account is looking a little slim right now….
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