Feeling Like the End is Near?

August 31st, 2006 by xformed

Click on over here and add your reason why we’re doomed.

Update 9/01/2006:

Rosemary’s comment got me thinking. Today I scanned the site a bit and read the reasoning behind the genesis of this site:

Welcome to the 10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed website. This site was started by six friends who, sitting around the dinner table one Saturday night, came to the conclusion that civilization was doomed. We felt this way not because of the inevitable dimming of our sun, or an errant asteroid, but rather because of the idiocy of our times. Frankly, we are tired of the fake optimism, superficiality, non-talented celebrities, doped-up athletes, dishonest and illiterate politicians, corporate thieves, wife-beaters and evangelical terrorists rampant in the world today and we decided that one way of making ourselves feel better would be to list them for all the world to see and to add upon.

This is a list that is started by the people, aggregated by the people and an offering to all people everywhere that want to take solace in a list that proves that we are not being fooled. Rather, we are on to all the bullshit out there and want to make it clear to anyone that adds to this list that you, too, can take comfort in like-minded individuals that have come together to express the 10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed. Perhaps if we are heard, some of the doom can be deterred.

Thank you for contributing to this list.
— The Vezzanello 6

What I read between the lines is hopelessness at one level, and wishing things were different. Neither moves things ahead. Better is when you see a problem, know the right thing to do, roll up your sleeves, realize the expending of your resources, be they time, talent, or cash, are more appropriately used to make mankind better, than to hold on to them like they were just there for you and you alone. I told my story before, when the retired generals were complaining.

Rosemary (one of my very first ever readers when I began blogging, BTW): Thanks for jump starting my brain.

So…now I think I’ll spend some time figuring out how to list 10,000 things that show the best of mankind, and the hope for the future, you know, the things we all know happen, but the MSM won’t report, because it’s “good news.”

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 31st, 2006 at 4:08 pm and is filed under Political. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 response about “Feeling Like the End is Near?”

  1. Rosemary said:

    Sorry I couldn’t play. I don’t believe we are doomed. As a matter of fact, I have a few plans up my sleeve, just in case anyone wants to look. lol. But then again, they’re not as invisible as the Democrats ‘plan’. 😉

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