The Power of An Army of Davids

August 10th, 2006 by xformed

I want to get this post of thanks started. Laughing Wolf, a guest poster at Black Five had put up a short post on how much money he wasn’t spending at Hilton corporate properties, as fall out of how the DC Hilton mis-treated the owners of Fran O’Briens.

I commented that it would be great if someone would create a website where those protesting the action to close down a restaurant that served meals to our wounded veterans would show graphically the mounting lost revenues. The mind of any human loves graphics….I like computers, but I’m not up to the integration of data to a website, so I figured posting the thought might get someone’s attention.

In just short of one hour and 56 minutes, MSchienle popsted he had registered the domain of Perish Hilton and just happened to make a living taking data, formatting it and posting in in web based formats. I followed the link to the website Custom Visuals, LLC and I’d say this poster is up to the task.

For your readers, if you’re upset about the decision to shut down Fran O’Briens in DC, and you travel, shunning putting money in Hilton’s cash register, check out this method of making your feelings known. I have no idea on how this will come off, but…keep checking to see when the site comes up and any directions for submitting receipts for adding to the accumulating data.

BZ to MSchienle for supporting our troops!

For a short history lesson, Fuzzybear Lioness broke the story earlier this year about Hilton, just two months before the end of the lease for the restaurant in the basement of the DC Hilton, that they had decided not to renew. John of Castle Argggh! picked the story up (he has a much bigger readership) and the rest is history. It certainly was a main point of discussion at the MilBloggers Conference in April, 2006, as we met there Friday night before the conference to support Fran O’Brians.

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