Are You Looking for the Real Story About What Really Happened in New Orleans?

May 23rd, 2006 by xformed

The MSM seems stuck on a diet of fear, which has the ability to cause readers to pay more attention, and therefore more attention is also paid to the advertizing. Once those things are connected, then the MSM can show the potential advertizers just how much more they can make, so they should pay for more/larger ads….

New Orleans. A Cat 5 storm headed in. People stranded and then isolated. Cries that the government didn’t protect them, feed them, or even care about them as bands of criminals roved about, doing what they do with impunity. I know, you know all that, because CNN/seeBS/NBC, etc told you all about the horrors.

Then, strangely enough, the stories of the bands of criminals is debunked, and reported, but in muted stories from the MSM.

So, if you’re interested in how much more wrong the media was, in their reporting of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina coming to the Gulf Coast, get a cup of coffe, find a comfortable chair and get ready to see the record set straight.

Lou Dolinar lays it out over at Real Clear Politics in the post Katrina: What the Media Missed.”

Maybe it’s more aptly titled: “Katrina: What They Wouldn’t Report for Fear of Losing Their Grip on Your Aversion to Fear.”

I hope you have taken (or will take) the time to read that the greatest rescue in history was affected by members of the regualrly belittled federal government, as well as hard working people locally, particularly the first responders. They deserve acknowledgement, yet I suspect that won’t happen in the open press, for someone might raise the question: “Why didn’t you tell us this before?”

H/T: Castle Argghhh!

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