Comments on Comments of Congressman Murtha

November 17th, 2005 by

This is what I’d call a “target rich environment.” I’m sure there are plenty of other bloggers out there who wil l have opinions on Congressman John Murtha’s demand to pull the US out of the Iraq War and to do it right now. Greyhawk of Mudville Gazettev has a rather cogent post up already, which speaks to the numbers of wounded quoted by Congressman Murtha, and how it implies over 15,000 of our troops have been horribly injured. It’s presented that way, more than likely intentionally, in order to bias public opinion.

I’m not one for wearing like a sailor, like I used to, but I think I will just refer to these types of people, who are obviously in the “game” only to further themselves, as: “Power Whores.” Quite simply, they will do anything to be in power. I’d think there is some pressure on Rep. Murtha in his district to really step up and show how much he hates the war, or risk losing his seat in the House. His speech today certainly showed us what he’s made of. He wants the seat.

Here’s another take on Rep. Murtha’s comments: Michael Savage said we must listen to Rep. Murtha, because he was a decorated combat veteran. I disagree that that is the going in position to accept him as a credible voice. I honor his service, which included time in Vietnam, but I’d like to see that he has some other experience from his 37 years in the Marines that would validate his understanding of grand strategy issues.

I scanned his webpage for information on his educational background, specifically looking for his attendance at any of the service war colleges. The closest connection I could find is he has an HONORARY degree (read: a piece of paper that implies no substantive understanding whatsoever) from the Army War College. Pardon my lack of bowing and scraping, but, big deal!

He served 37 years in the Marines, and began at the bottom of the enlisted ranks, and retired from the reserves as a colonel. Impressive. Most of his time was spent in the reserves (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but that hardly provided you with opportunities to be reguarly involved with situations that expand you understanding of strategic warfare. His own college degree was in economics, and he studied political science at Pitt.

My contention is he does not have any real standing to be able to be talking strategic moves. I would listen to him on tactics at the Company level, for he lived that in a combat zone.

About 40 years ago, the returning service men were spit on in many places. I’d like to think now, in only a fancify way, that the troops would love the chace to spit on you. Read this letter from a Sgt in the storied 101st Airborne Division, Army, telling it like he and his platoon feel about all of this. I’m ceratin that young man would like to be there to spit.

The difference is that military membet is that they have too much class to spit on congressmen. The “indoctrination” intro the service teaches you how to be a respectful of someone’s position, by virtue of their rank. Due to that, I suspect you will never see a service member doing anything less than showing these people respect.

Congressman Murtha, your comments are of value in that you have access to voicing your opinion, the same as I do, but I do not believe you have other than anecdotal understanding of the larger strategic picture that is being played out now in the war on terror.

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